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This project is a part of Microverse in JavaScript and networking module, and it was utilized to create daily tasks, label them complete, and remove them from our task lists, it used webpack as a module bundler, and it is a minimalist web application.


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Todo list application

📗 Table of Contents

📖 TodoList application

This project is a part of Microverse in JavaScript and networking module, and it was utilized to create daily tasks, label them complete, and remove them from our task lists, it used webpack as a module bundler, and it is a minimalist web application.

🛠 Built With

HTML 5 , css3, javascript ES6, NPM and webpack.

Tech Stack

HTML 5 , css3, javascript ES6, NPM and webpack

Key Features

  • Display daily tasks
  • Create daily tasks
  • Edit daily tasks
  • Remove tasks
  • Store in local storage
  • Strike through complete tasks
  • Clear completed tasks
  • (back to top)

    🚀 Live Demo

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    💻 Getting Started

    to run on your localhost clone the project to local folder

    cd Todo_list npm i npm run server open your brower locate to localhost:3000


    git clone

    cd Todo_list

    (back to top)


    In order to run this project you only need:

    • latest web-browser
    • node.js and npm


    To install this project in your local machine use

    npm i npm run build


    To run the project, execute the following command:

    In visual studio code Go to dist folder then open index.html in live server.

    👥 Authors

    👤 zewdu erkyhun

    🔭 Future Features

    Improve into single page application with navigation

    🤝 Contributing

    Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

    Feel free to check the issues page.

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    ⭐️ Show your support

    If you like the project please give it star

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    🙏 Acknowledgments

    I would like to thank Microverse team

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    📝 License

    This project is MIT licensed.

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    This project is a part of Microverse in JavaScript and networking module, and it was utilized to create daily tasks, label them complete, and remove them from our task lists, it used webpack as a module bundler, and it is a minimalist web application.








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