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What is this?

This is just a simple rust program that I've started toying with. It uses the bevy game engine framework.

Currently, it only consists of a players dragon trying to survive against 3 NPC dragons. The player controls a Fire Dragon. The three NPC dragons are; a Rock Dragon, an Ice Dragon and a Water Dragon. The NPC dragons have less speed and shooting power than the players dragon - at least while I'm trying to work it all out. I've also given the characters dragon 100 health, while the NPCs only get 5 health each! Each shot takes off one health point for now.

It is still in very, very early proof-of-concept stage, so it's not like it will be super fun yet.

It should run on any platform that rust runs in - even in web-assembly. You can view a sample of the game running here;

Controls are still very much a work in progress.

  • If you have a keyboard, you can use W, A, S, and D, or the arrow keys, to move the dragon. And, the spacebar shoots. Note, shooting is both offensive and defensive, ie, fire-balls cancel out ice-balls etc. Oh, and you can hold shift as a brake, for when you want to crawl slowly.

  • If you have a mouse, you can use the main left button to shoot, while using the keyboard to move. Also, if you double click the mouse, you can use it to move, but then you cant shoot at the same time with the mouse until you stop moving.

  • If you have a touch-screen - the pale-blue circle thingy in the bottom left corner is a virtual-joystick to move your dragon. Shooting works just by touching anywhere else on the screen, outside the joystick area.

The shooting direction is also affected by your velocity, so if you have trouble with that, try not moving while shooting and it should more a lot more accurate.

Thats about all there is to it for now.

To Build and Run on Windows or *nix

cargo build

cargo run

This runs the game as a native application on your desktop.


Optionally, you can build the game for web-assembly, and run it in a web browser.

Pre-Requisites to Build for WebAssembly

If you havent already installed the wasm target for the rust compiler;

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown


cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli

Build for WebAssembly

The build_scripts/cargo.toml file has a bin target you can use, so you can just run this.

cargo run --manifest-path build_scripts/Cargo.toml --bin wasm_build

This bin target first runs the contents of the wasm_build.script file, as shown in the next code block. It then does some md5 hashing of the output to add some cache-busting to the index.html file.

At the moment, building this should work for windows, mac and linux.

You dont have to run the following code block manually, I'm just showing the content of the script that the wasm_build target will run automatically.

The content of the wasm_build.script file is;

cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
wasm-bindgen --out-name wasm_jastery --out-dir wasm/target --target web target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/jastery.wasm

The 'wasm' directory will now have all the compiled content, which you can serve over web. Any modern web client should be able to access the game this way.


If you use this software and it eats your cat, well, that is exactly what dragons are likely to do, so please dont blame me.

All of the artwork, source code and game content was developed by me - so I own the copyright. Not sure what type license it should go under yet, maybe something like MIT or Apache sort of thing.


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