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Ousi is a cross-platform social network analysis software built with web technology. It is written in Java with Vaadin to provide the user interface in your browser. Of course you can run it on your local computer. Or you may run it on a cluster and manipulate it with your tablet. So it's both scalable and portable.

The word "ousi" means the fibers in the root of lotus in Chinese. It is often used as a metaphor of the affection between people. The root of lotus may break apart, whereas the affection keeps. So I'm using this word to remind us of the links between people. I hope SNA researchers will not forget why they initially entered this field. It's the people, not the network or anything else.

Currently, Ousi is not ready for production. However, testing it is quite simple. Make sure you have maven and nodejs installed. Clone this project, and run mvn jetty:run. That's all!




目前而言,藕丝还未达到适合发布的阶段。然而,如果你想测试一下,却是再简单不过的了。首先确保你安装了mavennodejs。克隆这个项目,然后在终端运行mvn jetty:run。这样就好了!