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Name Type Description Notes
integration string Defines integration scenario of for this `EXPRESSPRESET` session. Selected scenario has an impact on operation URL within response, it is adjusted for selected integration scenario. Default: `PURE_NATIVE` [optional]
transaction_id string Identifier for this payment transaction given by the merchant. It is not validated for uniqueness by OPG, but may be checked for by some PSPs, thus recommended to be unique.
country string Country where the payment is originating. This influences the choice of the available payment networks. Value format is according to ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2), e.g. "DE", "FR", "US", "GB", etc.
division string Division name of this transaction. Merchant can configure multiple divisions via Merchant Configuration API or portal. But there is always one default division that will be used if this property is undefined. Different divisions can be configured with different setup, contracts, payment routes and network options. [optional]
callback \Optile\Model\Callback Callback information about merchants shop system. It is strongly advised to provide this data with every transaction. Note: for `EXPRESSPRESET` operation the `summaryUrl` is a mandatory parameter.
customer \Optile\Model\Customer Information about customer. Note: for `EXPRESSPRESET` operation this information is optional since the details about customer (payer) will be collected from PSP. [optional]
client_info \Optile\Model\ClientInfo [optional]
payment \Optile\Model\Payment
products \Optile\Model\Product[] Products (shopping cart) information. [optional]
style \Optile\Model\StandaloneStyle [optional]
provider_request \Optile\Model\ProviderParameters Provider request parameters to pass from front-end JavaScript library of dedicated provider to the back-end logic (adapter) during express checkout initialization. Note: this set of parameters is PSP specific, it may vary in content or can also be `null`. [optional]

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