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History / Ubuntu 16.04 Root on ZFS


  • Redirect all pages to new documentation resource Signed-off-by: George Melikov <>

    @gmelikov gmelikov committed May 21, 2020
  • Debian/Ubuntu: Update zfs-discuss links The old link was dead.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Feb 3, 2020
  • Debian/Ubuntu: Note that Internet is required The Root-on-ZFS HOWTOs require Internet access to download packages.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Jul 29, 2019
  • Ubuntu: Update installer links I've removed mentions of 64-bit when all images are 64-bit. I've changed "Live" to "Desktop" and "alternate" to "server" to match the image names. I have put the release names in parentheses and quotes. I updated the version in 16.04 to 16.04.5. I update 17.10 to old-releases.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Oct 7, 2018
  • Debian & Ubuntu: Fix the indentation on 64-bit Apparently we cannot use ** for a second-level indent.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Oct 7, 2018
  • Debian & Ubuntu: Harmonize the 64-bit text On all versions, this had a mistake, where "computer" was mentioned twice in a row. On Debian, 64-bit was "preferred"; compared to Ubuntu, this seemed to be a softening of it from a requirement (since it is in the System Requirements) section. It's also not really independent of the image; if you're going to use an amd64 Live CD, it is required. But the point of mentioning it is to discourage 32-bit. I have changed the wording to match the ZFS on Linux FAQ and to link to that entry.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Oct 7, 2018
  • Bring back old HOWTOs As discussed on the mailing list, the old HOWTOs can be useful for troubleshooting existing installs. This reverts commit c537bcf251f140e22166913e5dd6a0c0d407d9b2.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Apr 30, 2018
  • Ubuntu: Update for 18.04 release Now that 18.04 has been released, the instructions for it no longer need a disclaimer. As 18.04 is the latest release, we can drop 17.10. As 18.04 is the latest LTS, we can drop 16.04.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Apr 27, 2018
  • Ubuntu 16.04: Cleanup formatting on last commit This change cleans up the formatting from Jonathan Burns's patch to better match the overall style. I also added/updated the links.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Jan 3, 2018
  • added note for fix when grub doesnt detect zfs devs correctly

    @jbburns jbburns committed Jan 3, 2018
  • Ubuntu: Fix a symlink path ScottHaney reported in issue #6258 that GRUB had complaints about /dev/luks1, and using an absolute path for the symlink fixed that. I'm not entirely sure if this is necessary, but I don't see how the absolute path is any worse.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Aug 9, 2017
  • Drop the "partion 9" for root installs The original point of this partition had something to do with bootloaders on Sun systems (per Richard Elling). It is not necessary on Linux.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Aug 6, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Add instructions for mirroring GRUB

    @rlaager rlaager committed Jun 10, 2017
  • Debian/Ubuntu: Fix the troubleshooting link

    @rlaager rlaager committed Jun 10, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Fix creating sources.list In my fixes to improve nano support, I moved this step from inside the chroot to outside (before) the chroot. This means the path needs to start with /mnt.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Jun 10, 2017
  • Debian/Ubuntu: Eliminate an "ifconfig" I am trying to use "ip" consistently, since "ifconfig" is deprecated.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Jun 10, 2017
  • Debian/Ubuntu: Fix the partition clearing steps

    @rlaager rlaager committed Jun 10, 2017
  • Debian/Ubuntu: Improve the SSH instructions

    @rlaager rlaager committed Jun 10, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Drop mentions of @gmelikov I added this by accident, and I'm not sure that he wants to be mentioned for Ubuntu HOWTO issues.

    @rlaager rlaager committed May 8, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Fix 16.04 LUKS Like 16.10 (and the comment in the 16.04 code), this approach should use "initramfs", not "keyscript=/bin/cat". See also:

    @rlaager rlaager committed May 8, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Clear existing partitions See issue #6090. Reported-by: Mahmoud Hashemi <>

    @rlaager rlaager committed May 8, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Better support nano users This reorders the steps and adds an optional installation of `nano` to support users who wish to use `nano` instead of `vi`. See issue #6090. Reported-by: Mahmoud Hashemi <>

    @rlaager rlaager committed May 8, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Fix step numbering

    @rlaager rlaager committed May 8, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Simplify the LANG variable The quotes shouldn't matter.

    @rlaager rlaager committed May 8, 2017
  • Update the 16.04 CD image URL

    @rlaager rlaager committed May 2, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Support LUKS This uses an unecrypted /boot, just like stock Ubuntu.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Apr 13, 2017
  • Ubuntu: Support full-disk LUKS This includes everything on ZFS, including /boot. This deviates from Ubuntu by prompting for the passphrase using GRUB, not the initrd.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Apr 13, 2017
  • HOWTOs: Lowercase and linkify "freenode"

    @rlaager rlaager committed Apr 5, 2017
  • HOWTOs: Direct support requests to zfs-discuss

    @rlaager rlaager committed Apr 5, 2017
  • Debian/Ubuntu: Remind people to specify -part1 This was requested by jwittlincohen in issue #5851.

    @rlaager rlaager committed Mar 15, 2017