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File metadata and controls

234 lines (186 loc) · 7.49 KB

Model file format

The primary model definition file is the model.yaml file. When creating a new model this file should be placed in a new directory. The following can be used as a template:

name: Escherichia coli test model
biomass: Biomass
extracellular: e
  - include: ../path/to/ModelSEED_cpds.tsv
    format: modelseed
  - include: reactions/reactions.tsv
  - include: reactions/biomass.yaml
  - include: medium.yaml
  - include: limits.yaml
  - include: model_def.tsv


The optional biomass key specifies the default reaction to use for various analyses (e.g. FBA, FVA, etc.)

Extracellular Compartment

The optional extracellular key specifies the default string for the extracellular compartment on compounds. If this option is not specified it will be assumed that the extracellular compartment is called e.


The optional compounds key is a list of compound information. For some of the model checks the compound information is required. This section can also include external files that contain compound information. If the file is a ModelSEED compound table, the format key must be set to modelseed. If the file is a YAML file, the file should have a .yaml extension. The following fragment is an example of a YAML formatted compound file:

- id: ac
  name: Acetate
  formula: C2H3O2
  charge: -1

- id: acac
  name: Acetoacetate
  # ...

The following compound properties are recognized:

Property Type Description
id string Compound ID (required)
name string Name of compound
formula string Compound formula (e.g. C6H12O6)
charge integer Formal charge
kegg string KEGG ID (reference to compound in KEGG database)
cas string CAS number


The key reactions specifies a list of files that will be used to define the reactions in the model. The reaction files can be formatted as either tab-separated (.tsv) or YAML files (.yaml). The TSV file may be adequate for most of the reaction definitions while certain particularly complex reactions (e.g. biomass reaction) may be specified using a YAML file.

The TSV format is a tab-separated table where each row contains the reaction ID in addition to other data columns. The header must specify the type of each column. The column equation will be parsed as ModelSEED reaction equations.

id      equation
ADE2t   |ade[e]| + |h[e]| <=> |ade[c]| + |ade[c]|
ADK1    |amp| + |atp| <=> (2) |adp|

Any .yaml or .yml file in the reactions specification will be parsed as a reaction definition file but in YAML format. This format is particularly useful for very long reactions containing many different compounds (e.g. the biomass reaction). It also allows adding more annotations because of the structured nature of the YAML format. The following snippet is an example of a YAML reaction file:

# Biomass composition
- id: Biomass
    reversible: no
      - id: cpd00032 # Oxaloacetate
        value: 1
      - id: cpd00022 # Acetyl-CoA
        value: 1
      - id: cpd00035 # L-Alanine
        value: 0.02
      # ...
      - id: Biomass
        value: 1
      # ...

Reactions in YAML files can also be defined using ModelSEED formatted reaction equations. The | is a special character in YAML so the reaction equations have to be quoted with ' or, alternatively, using the > for a multiline quote:

- id: ADE2t
  equation: >
    |ade[e]| + |h[e]| <=>
    |ade[c]| + |h[c]|
- id: ADK1
  equation: '|amp| + |atp| <=> (2) |adp|'

The following reaction properties are recognized:

Property Type Description
id string Reaction ID (required)
name string Name of reaction
equation string or dict Reaction equation formula
ec string EC number
genes string Gene association rule

The genes property can be used to specifiy which genes enable a reaction. Complex gene association rules can be used when a reaction is enabled by a group of genes or when multiple genes can independently enable a reaction:

- id: ADK1
  equation: '|amp| + |atp| <=> (2) |adp|'
  genes: gene_0001 or (gene_0002 and gene_0003)


The optional media key provides a way of defining the medium (boundary conditions) for the model. The medium is defined by a set of compounds that are able enter or leave the model system. The following fragment is an example of the medium.yaml file:

compartment: e  # default compartment
  - id: ac      # Acetate
  - id: co2
  - id: o2
  - id: glcD    # D-Glucose with uptake limit of 10
    lower: -10
  - id: compound_x
    compartment: c
    lower: 0    # Provide a sink for compound_x
  # ...

When a medium file is specified, the corresponding exchange reactions are automatically added. For example, if the compounds o2 in compartment e is in the medium, the exchange reaction EX_o2_e is added to the model. The desired ID for the exchange reaction can be set explicitly using the reaction attribute.

The medium can also be specified using a TSV-file as the following fragment shows. The second column specifies the compartment while third and fourth columns specify the lower and upper bounds, respectively. Both can be omitted or specified as - to use the default flux bounds:

# Acetate exchange with default lower and upper bounds
ac      e
# D-Glucose with uptake limit of 10
glcD    e       -10
# CO2 exchange with production limit of 50 and default uptake limit
co2     e       -       50

Multiple medium files can be included from the main model.yaml file, and these will be combined to form the final medium used for the simulations.

Reaction flux limits

The optional limits property lists the files that are to be combined and applied as the reaction flux limits. This can be used to limit certain reactions in the model. The following fragment is an example of a limits file in the YAML format. The lower and upper specifies the flux bounds and they are both optional:

- reaction: ADK1
  upper: 10
- reaction: ADE2t
  lower: -50
  upper: 50

The limits can also be specified using a TSV-file as shown in the following fragment:

# Make ADE2t irreversible by imposing a lower bound of 0
ADE2t    0
# Only allow limited flux on ADK1
ADK1     -10    10

Model Definition

The model property can be used to include a table file that specifies a subset of reactions that are used in the model. If no model definition file is given then all the reactions in the model will be used:
