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Description of LRTK-SEQ

LRTK-SEQ (Linked Reads Toolkit for resequencing) is an all-in-one package and designed to analyze linked reads sequencing data from 10X Chromium system. We implemented several functions to staisfify the requirements of the resequencing analysis for human genome.



LRTK-SEQ was implemented by python3 and three external packages are needed to be pre-installed: numpy, pysam, matplotlib. LRTK-SEQ also applied several available programes FastQC, Picard, GATK, BWA, SAMtools, sambamba, sbt, fgbio, HapCut2 and NAIBR. If some software are already installed in your system, please make a softlink of the executable program to the software directory that specified by Config -s


reference genome(fasta)
barcode whitelist(fasta)

LRTK-SEQ also provides an auxiliary programe to preinstall all the requisite automatically. Please make sure your system is connected to the internet. All the software and dataset are downloaded and installed to ./bin and ./dataset, respectively.

Donwload LRTK-SEQ to local machine

Please use --recursive to clone submodules simultaneously.

git clone --recursive

Quick start

Step1: install LRTK-SEQ

git clone --recursive

Step2: install softare and dataset


Step3: generating configure files

python3 Config -o outputdir

Step4: Linked read preprocessing and alignment

python3 Basicall -i fqlist.txt -c outputdir/config/Basic.config -o outputdir

Step5: variant calling and phasing

python3 Reseqall -i basic.bam.list -c outputdir/config/Reseq.config -o outputdir

Basic usage

python3 <command> [options]


Config		Generate configuration files
Basicall	Run the whole pipeline of data preprocessing and alignment, including PRE, MFQ, ALN, MARK, BQSR, STAT and MERGE 
Reseqall	Run the whole pipeline of variant calling and phasing, including Varcall(SNV/InDel, based on individual), FBV(SNV/InDel, based on family) and Phasing
Clean		Delete temporary files

Basic		Run customized steps in `Basicall`
Reseq		Run customized steps in `Reseqall`


python3 Config [options]

Basic options:
-o --outputdir, output directory.

Advanced options:
-s --softwarepath, string, software directory [default: {abs_path(}/bin]
-d --datasetpath, string, dataset directory [default: {abs_path(}/dataset]
-b --bed, string, bed of genome regions without Ns [default: {abs_path(}/dataset/GATK_bundle/nonN.bed]

Config would generate two configuration files: 1. Basic.config for the components in Basicall 2. Reseq.config for the components in Reseqall, and intervals file used in Reseqall


python3 Basicall [0-8] [options]

eg. python3 Basicall [options]  (run all steps in Basicall step by step)
eg. python3 Basicall 1-3 [options] (run steps 1, 2, and 3 in Basicall)
eg. python3 Basicall 4- [options] (run steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 in Basicall)
step 1: PRE     generate clean fastq files and correct barcode error
step 2: MFQ     merge fq based on library or sample
step 3: ALN     alignment
step 4: MARK    barcode-aware PCR duplicates removal
step 5: BQSR    base quality score recalibration
step 6: STAT    calculate QC statistics based on sample library, including Cf, Cr, MuFL, NFP etc.
step 7: MERGE   merge all bam files from the same sample

Warnings: The input file must change according to the starting steps!
Warnings: The input file must change according to the starting steps!!
Warnings: The input file must change according to the starting steps!!!
For instance, if "Basicall" starts with step 3, the input file must change to be the input file of "ALN"

Considering the enormous fastq files generated by whole genome deep sequecning, the original fastq files would be splitted into smaller ones to imporve efficiency, in the steps `PRE`, `MFQ` and `ALN`.

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for fastq information (4 or 5 columns:1.Sample ID; 2.Library ID; 3. Serial number of the library; 4.Path to the fastqs [5. Path to the fastq2]), or others(according to the starting step).
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Basic.config]

Advanced options:
-M --mergefq, int [0, 1 or 2. default: 0]. 0: do nothing, MFQ would not run; 1: merge fq files belong to the same library; 2: merge fq files belong to the same sample. If '-M' > 0, all following analysis would be based on the merged file. Other numbers might cause unpredictable error resuls.
-m --minlen, int, the minimum length (bp) of molecule to be considered [default: 500]
-p --parallel, int, the number CPUs can be used in parallel [default: 1]
-z --splitsize, int, the amount of reads of splited fastq, reads num = split_size / 8 [default: 60000000 lines, 7500000 read-pairs, compressed file size: ~300M]

Basicall includes seven submodules: PRE, MFQ, ALN, MARK, BQSR, STAT and MERGE, which would be carried out step by step. Users can also choose any steps to run independently by using ‘Basic’.

Basicall would generate the processed fastq files, recalibrated bam files, and filtered (based on molecule info) bam files which would be used for variation calling.

python3 Basicall -i fqlist.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Basic.config

python3 Basic <command> [options]

PRE       generate clean fastq files and correct barcode error
MFQ       merge fq based on library or sample
ALN       alignment
MARK      barcode-aware PCR duplicates removal
BQSR      base quality score recalibration
STAT      calculate QC statistics based on sample library, including Cf, Cr, MuFL, NFP etc
MERGE     merge all bam files from the same sample
python3 Basic PRE [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for fastq information (4 or 5 columns:1.Sample ID; 2.Library ID; 3. Serial number of the library; 4.Path to the fastqs [5. Path to the fastq2])
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Basic.config]

Advanced options:
-p --parallel, int, the number CPUs can be used in parallel [default: 4]
-z --splitsize, int, the amount of reads of splited fastq, reads num = split_size / 8 [default: 60000000 lines, 7500000 read-pairs, compressed file size: ~300M]

PRE is similar as what basic in Long ranger do, including barcode error correction, barcode white-listing, attaching barcodes to reads. The description of output files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Basic_PRE_result.txt. Meanwhile, it also generates the input file for the next step MFQ or ALN: outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MFQ_input.txt or outputdir/Result_list/Basic_ALN_input.txt

python3 Basic PRE -i fqlist.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Basic.config -p 2 -z 80000000

python3 Basic MFQ [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for fastq information (4 columns:1.Sample ID; 2.Library ID; 3. fastq list; 4. prefix of new barcode, including 4 letters made up by "A", "T", "C", or "G"), generated by 'PRE'
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Basic.config]

Advanced option:
-M --mergefq, int [0, 1 or 2. default: 0]. 0: do nothing, MFQ would not run; 1: merge fq files belong to the same library; 2: merge fq files belong to the same sample. If '-M' > 0, all following analysis would be based on the merged file. Other numbers might cause unpredictable error resuls.
-p --parallele, int, the number CPUs can be used in parallel [default: 4] 

Basic MFQ would merge fastq files belong to the sample library(-M 1) or sample(-M 2), or do nothing(-M 0). The barcode of each reads would be re-named in the processing of merging. The description of output files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MFQ_result.txt. Meanwhile, it also generates the input file for the next step ALN: outputdir/Result_list/Basic_ALN_input.txt

python3 Basic PRE -i outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MFQ_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Basic.config -p 2 -M 2

python3 Basic ALN [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for fastq information (4 columns:1.Sample ID; 2.Library ID; 3. Serial number of the library; 4.fastqs file list generated in `PRE` or `MFQ`), generated by 'PRE' or 'MFQ'
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Basic.config]

Advanced options
-p --parallel, the number CPUs can be used in parallel [default: 4] 

ALN is similar as what align in Long ranger do, read alignment by bwa. The description of output files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Basic_ALN_result.txt. Meanwhile, it also generates the input file for the next step MARK: outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MARK_input.txt.

python3 Basic ALN -i outputdir/Result_list/Basic_ALN_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Basic.config

python3 Basic MARK [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for BAM information (3 columns: 1.Sample Id; 2.Library Id; 3.Path to BAM, generated by `ALN`)
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Basic.config]

MARK would merge all the bams from the same library and perform barcode-aware PCR duplicates removal using [picard]. The description of output files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MARK_result.txt. Meanwhile, it also generates the input file for the next step BQSR: outputdir/Result_list/Basic_BQSR_input.txt.

python3 Basic MARK -i outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MARK_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Basic.config

python3 Basic BQSR [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for BAM information (3 columns: 1.Sample Id; 2.Library Id; 3.Path to BAM, generated by `MARK`)
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Basic.config]

BQSR performs base quality score recalibration in GATK.

The description of output files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Basic_BQSR_result.txt. Meanwhile, it also generates the input file for the next step STAT: outputdir/Result_list/Basic_STAT_input.txt.

python3 Basic BQSR -i outputdir/Result_list/Basic_BQSR_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Basic.config

python3 Basic STAT [options]

Basic options
-i --input, string, input file for BAM information (3 columns: 1.Sample Id; 2.Library Id; 3.Path to BAM, generated by `BQSR`)
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Basic.config]

Advanced options
-m --minlen, int, the minimum length (bp) of molecule to be considered [default: 500]

The short reads align to the adjacent locations and share the same barcodes should come from the same long DNA fragment. LRTK-SEQ reconstructs these long DNA fragments and writes their information into fragment.csv. It contains nine columns: 1. fragment id 2. barcode sequence 3. chromosome 4. start position 5. end position 6. fragment length 7. number of reads 8. total length of all the reads in this fragment 9. depth coverage.

LRTK-SEQ also generates four histograms: 1. Unweighted fragment length distribution 2. Weighted fragment length distribution 3. number of fragments per droplet 4. The distribution of sequencing depth per fragment.

The description of output files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Basic_STAT_result.txt. Meanwhile, it also generates the input file for the next step MERGE: outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MERGE_input.txt.

python3 Basic STAT -i outputdir/Result_list/Basic_STAT_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Basic.config

python3 Basic MERGE [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for BAM information (3 columns: 1.Sample Id; 2.Library Id; 3.Path to BAM, generated by `MARK`)
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Basic.config]

MERGE merges all bam files belong to the same sample. The description of output files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MERGE_result.txt. Meanwhile, it also generates the input file for the next module Reseq: outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_input.txt.

python3 Basic MERGE -i outputdir/Result_list/Basic_MERGE_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Basic.config


python3 Reseqall [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for BAM information (2 columns: 1. Sample id 2. Path to BAM, generated by `Basicall`)
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Reseq.config]
-f --familyinfo, string, family information, including 2 columns: 1. family id, 2. sample id

Reseqall includes three submodules: Varcall, Famcall and Phasing, which would be carried out step by step automatically. Users can also choose any steps to run independently by using ‘Reseq’.

Reseqall would generate unphased VCF files of each individual/family, and phased VCF files of each individual.

python3 Reseqall -i outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Reseq.config

python Reseq <command> [options]

Varcall     call SNVs and InDels by GATK, based on individual
Famcall     call SNVs and InDels by GATK, based on family
Phasing     phasing variants by HapCUT2
python3 Reseq Varcall [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for BAM information (2 columns: 1. Sample id 2. Path to BAM), generated by `Basicall`
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Reseq.config]  

Varcall detects SNVs and InDels using GATK4, based on individuals. The output vcf files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_result.txt, and input for Famcall and Phasing is written in outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Famcall_input.txt and outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Phasing_input.txt, respectively.

e.g. python3 Reseq Varcall -i outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_Phasing_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Reseq.config

python3 Reseq Famcall [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for variation calling (2 columns: 1. Sample id 2. gvcf file list), generated by `Varcall`
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: outputdir/config/Reseq.config]
-f --familyinfo, string, family information, including 2 columns: 1. family id, 2. sample id

Famcall detects SNVs and InDels using GATK4, based on families. The output vcf files are written in outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Famcall_result.txt.

e.g. python3 Reseq Famcall -i outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Famcall_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Reseq.config -f family_info.txt

python3 Reseq Phasing [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, string, input file for phasing (2 columns: 1. Sample id 2. unphased vcf), generated by `Varcall`
-o --outputdir, string, the path to output
-c --config, string, configuration file [default: ./config/Reseq.config]

Phasing phases the variants in vcf files by HapCUT2. The phased vcf is written in outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Phasing_result.txt .

python Reseq Phasing -i outputdir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_input.txt -o outputdir -c outputdir/config/Reseq.config

Reseqall includes three submodules: Varcall, SVcall and Phasing, which would be carried out step by step automatically. Users can also choose any steps to run independently by using ‘Reseq’. output?

python Reseqall -i out_dir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_Phasing_input.txt -o out_dir -c ./config/Reseq.config

python Reseq <command> [options]

Varcall     call SNVs and Indels by GATK
SVcall      call structure variantions by NAIBR 
Phasing     phasing variants by HapCUT2
python Reseq Varcall [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, the BAM information files from Basicall or ALN
-o --outputdir, the path to output
-c --config, configuration file [default: ./config/Reseq.config]

Advanced optionL
-p --parallel, the number CPUs can be used in parallel [default: 1]

Varcall detects SNVs and InDels using GATK3. The output vcf files are written in out_dir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_result.txt, and input for Phasing is written in out_dir/Result_list/Reseq_Phasing_input.txt.

e.g. python Reseq Varcall -i out_dir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_Phasing_input.txt -o out_dir -c ./config/Reseq.config

python Reseq SVcall [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, the BAM information files from Basicall or ALN
-o --outputdir, the path to output
-c --config, configuration file [default: ./config/Reseq.config]

Advanced optionL
-p --parallel, the number CPUs can be used in parallel [default: 1]
-m --min_mapq: Minimum mapping quality for a read to be included in analysis (default: 40)
-s --min_sv: Minimum size of a structural variant to be detected (default: lmax, the 95th percentile of the paired-end read insert size distribution)
-k --min_barcode minimum number of barcode overlaps supporting a candidate NA (default = 3)

SVcall detects structure variations by NAIBR. The output vcf files are written in out_dir/Result_list/Reseq_SVcall_result.txt.

e.g. python Reseq Varcall -i out_dir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_Phasing_input.txt -o out_dir -c ./config/Reseq.config

python Reseq Phasing [options]

Basic options:
-i --input, the BAM information files from Basicall or ALN
-v --vcf, unphased vcf file generated by Varcall
-o --outputdir, the path to output
-c --config, configuration file [default: ./config/Reseq.config]

Phasing phases the variants in vcf files by HapCUT2. The phased vcf is written in out_dir/XX.vcf.

python Reseq Phasing -i out_dir/Result_list/Reseq_Varcall_Phasing_input.txt -v out_dir/Result_list/Reseq_Phasing_input.txt -o out_dir -c ./config/Reseq.config


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