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571 lines (301 loc) · 32.1 KB

File metadata and controls

571 lines (301 loc) · 32.1 KB

6.2.71 (2024-09-20)


  • add BatchReplacePlugin for microApp (c816720)
  • add esbuild external-modules plugin (ed206cb)
  • support client and server sourcemap type (d329fc0)
  • support handle external in client (a666e76)

6.2.70 (2024-09-18)

Bug Fixes

  • add fePort https info in ssrDevInfo (26c9287)
  • webpack plugin call error (ffc1729)


  • add 'vite/preload-helper' in Page chunk (b30d333)
  • remove preload tag in microApp (2532f01)
  • remove sourceMapPlugin, set GENERATE_SOURCEMAP in preprocess (19b4f8a)
  • update bannerPlugin insert logic (d875e6b)
  • update FileToChunkRelationPlugin call condition (b3989ab)
  • update terser config when use microapp (5ff8d6a)
  • use loadModuleFromFramework load webpack in utils (c9973b4)
  • use SourceMapDevToolPlugin and BannerPlugin to generate inline-source-map comment for micro-app (0a2821d)

6.2.69 (2024-08-18)


  • add FileToChunkRelationPlugin (f2b956e)
  • parse fetch file suppory dynamic option (fb308ac)
  • update ssr-mini-css-extract-plugin (f56825a)

6.2.68 (2024-08-05)

Bug Fixes


  • add --analyze tips when ssr start (dcfe3fe)
  • add rollup-plugin-visualizer in plugin-vue3|react|react18 (d00db49)
  • implement requireWithPreserveLinks replace sync nodee (cf19c86)
  • reduce generate html css insert (9315095)
  • remove bundleConfigPlatform add common-utils to esbuild external (9322a89)
  • support jsInline (9423667)

6.2.67 (2024-07-05)

Bug Fixes

  • contex single instance (3ca64cd)
  • object.assign take effect in initial state (bf8268f)
  • optimize react scene use context code (1d3e885)
  • set bc env (bf2dbb5)
  • valtio single instance error (0474b30)


  • add nameSpaceBuiltinModules judge in external (47e92be)
  • add vue-demi in default Page (2f1bb86)
  • babel-plugin-import unsupport vant@v4 (#325) (68532aa)
  • compatible with bun (0eeaba7)
  • set inline-source-map when bundle server file (2400d87)
  • support build --nominify in vite (1dac6eb)
  • support build @vue/server-renderer in server bundle (df675a9)
  • support config.asyncGlobalData (b571399)
  • support set streamHighWaterMark in react (62421e2)
  • support ssr build --bundleConfigPlatform (44f54cd)
  • suuport viteMode close #332 (1bdfff9)
  • use inline-source-map in dev mode (e639c67)
  • use source-map in dev mode (8041c8d)

6.2.66 (2024-03-19)

Bug Fixes

  • add @vue/server-renderer in package.json (ff2f6de)
  • delete entry name chunk in cacheGroup when build optimize (c813208)
  • loadConfig (a0c2e4a)


  • add debug when build optimize (402b3c1)
  • add error log when build optimize (8d21bfb)
  • set NPM_CLIENT when midway deploy (715799f)
  • support more sourcemap type (80571b3)
  • use process.exit(1) replace throw error (efe5e40)

6.2.65 (2024-02-21)

Bug Fixes

6.2.64 (2024-02-21)

Bug Fixes

  • add @midwayjs/logger in dependencies (55584f1)
  • add babel-optional-chaining in plugin-vue, use checkModuleExist replace loadModule (3f6d451)
  • plugin-react close #321 (1f0709f)
  • specify platform as node (0b6f358)


  • add optional-chaining in default (e479496)
  • optimize vite build (d5dbac2)
  • replace esbuild transform to build (6f37717)
  • support optimizeDeps in vite, add react-is as deps when use antd5 (66fa36e)
  • support ssr build --html in react/react18 close #317 (7311f8e)

6.2.63 (2023-10-26)

Bug Fixes


6.2.62 (2023-10-10)

Bug Fixes

  • use asyncChunkMap only in client (f3d29e3)


  • add useCtx (c6d0fbe)
  • support multiply deploy select (eeeaba4)
  • support throw error during rendering inside vue3 in production (343a34f)

6.2.61 (2023-09-19)

Bug Fixes

  • inlinecss when all mode (e1be337)


  • for node18 use terser minify server bundle (c47091b)

6.2.60 (2023-09-19)


  • optimize getVNode for compatible with vue2.6 (8ebc114)
  • upgrade webpack-dev-server-ssr (a424789)

6.2.59 (2023-09-18)

Bug Fixes


  • optimize cssinline (710e6e5)
  • support node18 replace webpack4 with ssr-webpack4 (1111ae7)
  • update types comment and lessOptions (eba6efb)

6.2.58 (2023-08-31)

Bug Fixes


  • add webpack error plugin emit error close #304 (00ad5ea)
  • support set ssrConfig in env (1c8b6e3)
  • support ssr build --nominify (fd0b274)
  • support ssr build --sourcemap (a6ba95e)

6.2.57 (2023-08-01)

Bug Fixes


  • optimize getStaticConfig (6418eda)
  • support config.framework (cd1abf0)
  • support vite processPlugin (1436a85)
  • upgrade nestjs version to 10 use swc as default compiler (a85503a)

6.2.56 (2023-07-27)

Bug Fixes

  • dynamic require staticConfigPath (9d426e3)
  • esbuildTransform staticConfig after ssr build finish (95a3faa)
  • esbuildTransform staticConfig after ssr build finish (c281b9c)
  • transformConfig (f44899e)


  • use h function render html in vue2 (031f59e)

6.2.55 (2023-07-25)

Bug Fixes

  • filter babel plugins null string (837d7b6)
  • react plugin add plugin-proposal close #297 (fdd8253)
  • ssr build --optimize clear null string add layout~app (84f5671)


  • support combine dynamic customeHeadScript when call render (76dbe1f)
  • support staticConfigPath (80a9411)

6.2.54 (2023-06-07)

Bug Fixes


  • add addCommonChain for babel in vue3/react (568a3ed)
  • add pinia in midway-vue3 dependencies (9b8ca90)
  • extra terserconfig to common (11105bb)
  • use splitPageInfo generate page state (8f51258)
  • use splitPageInfo generate page state in build html file (0bb5107)

6.2.53 (2023-05-19)

Bug Fixes


  • remove null string in chunkName (f56d62e)
  • update axios version to 1.4.0 (#286) (37286c7)

6.2.52 (2023-05-11)

Bug Fixes


  • support inject process.env.XXX in bundle (a403a28)

6.2.51 (2023-04-17)

Bug Fixes

  • development filenamepath (838d492)


  • add maxAge in koa-static-cache (6fb953a)
  • compatible with old versions (0cd8b1c)
  • inject manifest in window when use vue3 (01937f5)
  • support config.rootId close #280 (107ee58)
  • support nested routes for vue close #277 (5ff584d)

6.2.50 (2023-03-14)

Bug Fixes


  • support css inline in vue2 (2bfa82f)
  • support css inline in vue3 (e281ddd)

6.2.49 (2023-03-02)

Bug Fixes

  • confirm all children dependence belong to which chunkName in vite (1ac15e4)
  • react18 default exclude (1747419)
  • use unshift replace pop in queue (25e9513)
  • vite build (6ad5079)
  • vite build dependenciesMap logic (28bee51)
  • vite build with babel (b924353)


  • for ctx.body will loose asynclocalstorage context, consume stream in advance like vue2/3 (1f0c2ba)
  • ignore node_modules dependencies in vite build (72a7062)
  • improve babel options experience in vue3 vite build (7f4d34b)
  • move core-react core-vue2/3 to core (54915f7)
  • remove unplugin-element-plus (25231dc)
  • support configuration config.assetDir (#270) (885716c)
  • support react18 (#264) (c992161)
  • support close #266 (4a4d27c)
  • upgrade midway-cli to v2 support deploy concurrency (13a07f6)

6.2.48 (2023-02-16)

Bug Fixes


  • add @types/koa (0dffea6)
  • add path-to-regexp to vite build vendorlist (8934da5)
  • add ssr start --help tips in midway (f76f0a1)
  • add vite dev css flicker tips (1744a72)
  • build spa support priority (d456969)
  • spa support extrajsorder cssorder (ebc82c5)
  • spa with customeFooterScript is array (b9508ae)
  • support antd5 close #250 (c999536)
  • support element-plus (e13fed8)
  • support jsOrderPriority🤔 cssOrderPriority🤔 (9db9a7d)
  • use asynclocalstorage for get correct pinia store app context instance (a38d3e9)

6.2.47 (2022-11-09)

Bug Fixes

  • call judgeServerFramework in node environment prevent utils be (47cd81a)
  • gernerate html (08e5678)
  • pinia alias (2256194)


6.2.46 (2022-11-01)

Bug Fixes


6.2.45 (2022-10-17)


  • support more babelOptions like include exclude (4a2b254)

6.2.44 (2022-09-28)

Bug Fixes


  • add env flag when ssg (32fef6f)
  • remove css-hot-loader inject ssrDevInfo in vue3 (e4a28f6)
  • use ssr-mini-css-extra-plugin for micro (fa1c025)

6.2.43 (2022-09-25)


  • move render app logic in server-render not in core (8638ab2)
  • support ssg (27e2c7c)
  • update vue2/react logic in plugin (e2d576b)
  • 完善 ssg 文档 (384b85a)

6.2.42 (2022-09-06)

Bug Fixes

  • don't inject dynamic js chunk in html for sourcemap (7771694)
  • nest start tips (ac7f0a1)


  • close css less sourcemap (7936f71)
  • use eval-source-map replace cheap-sourcemap in dev (1bd615e)

6.2.41 (2022-09-06)

Bug Fixes

  • don't inject dynamic js chunk in html for sourcemap (7771694)
  • nest start tips (ac7f0a1)


  • close css less sourcemap (7936f71)
  • use eval-source-map replace cheap-sourcemap in dev (1d64ecd)

6.2.40 (2022-08-31)

Bug Fixes


  • add @types/express in nest (37877a4)
  • add nest build stdout (ea78454)
  • add ssr update help check dependencies (192c95d)
  • close default hmr host (f415d73)
  • move nestjs-pinia example in (d214b2c)
  • preserve-symlink when webpack build whiteList (c204d75)
  • react client-entry add react-router (c538afc)
  • render head script after fetch in vue3 (edb2ac7)
  • support build ssr-common-utils in bundle (3af1eba)
  • update webpack external logic (1c09fee)
  • use esbuild transform manualroutes (cf77fcd)
  • use exec run shell rather than npx in plugin-nest (e644937)