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Assignment 2 written in javascpripe, html & d3

Software Engineering 303, 2015

D3 Programming

Dr Roma Klapaukh

Due: Friday 24 April 2015

1 Mission

Assignment 2 is an individual programming task.

In the previous task you were designing the latest trend-setting piece of wearable computing: Victoria Viewers. Your ideas from assignment one impressed the project so much that they wish for you to create one demo application (i.e. webpage) for them to trial the technology with test subjects. Since they do not yet have sufficient prototypes for everyone, you are to implement the software as a demo using D3. This will allow marketing to start distributing this to the relevant target groups immediately in order to increase the visibility of the project.

The webpage application must be interactive and needs to simulate the user interacting with the Victoria Viewers in at least 2 environments. For the purpose of this assignment, you should consider an environment to be something like: the home; the school; the workplace; or something similar. Naturally, given you are mocking up the interface as a webpage application, you are allowed to simulate the actual glass input with keystrokes and mouse clicks instead.

The application here does not need to be the same as you described in your essay.

The program cannot have any server side components. For the purpose of this assignment you are allowed to slightly change the design of the viewers. In particular, you can add additional sensors (but only the sort that you can already get in a modern cell phone), and you can change the size of the display (so the display can cover up to the entire field of view). However the display size should still be consistent with that possible with wearable glasses with existing technology.

The program must meet the following requirements:

  1. The system must be written only using JavaScript, HTML & D3. You can use any external D3 libraries.

  2. Any accompanying data files and images must be submitted alongside any code.

  3. There must be a file called index.html which acts as an entry point.

  4. The system must respond to user interaction.

  5. You must have an attached PDF explaining the page. Any features not documented in the PDF will not be assessed.

  6. The submitted code must work in Chrome and Firefox on the ECS lab computers.

1.1 Expectations

This is a short assignment of only a few weeks. The main purpose of this assignment is to give you individual experience with D3 that can then be used in the larger pair-project after the mid-trimester break.

There is a lot of flexibility in the scope of the visualisation you create, and students can attain a B grade by demonstrating: the ability to display hard-coded data on the screen; react to user input; and document their design features.

Those students wishing to get an B+ or better should also demonstrate: the ability to load data from an external JSON file of their own creation; the data should be reactive and change to user input; transitions should be used as part of the change; and code should be well-styled and well-structured.

1.2 Grading

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade, and will be assigned a single letter grade when assessed. The essay should take approximately 15–20 hours to complete.

2 Submission

The assignment essay should be submitted as a zip file via the online submission system by 23:59pm on Friday, April 24th. The name of the entry point HTML file must be: index.html. Late submissions will be penalised at a rate of one grade point per 24-hour period.

3 Format

The explanatory PDF must adhere to the following formats. Any divergence from this will require resubmission with late penalties applied if appropriate:

• 12 point serif font

• PDF output

• 1.5 linespacing

• Single column

• Maximum two pages for everything (although this is a limit, not a target)

• Note: screenshots are not required. You may assume we are looking at the visualisation when we are reading this report.


Assignment 2 written in javascpripe, html & d3






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