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Video Action Recognition based on soundtrack for Kinetics-600 Dataset


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Audio Classification and Audio-Video Fusion over Kinetics 600 Dataset

1. Introduction of the Work

This work mainly implements four jobs:

  1. Extract sound tracks from Kinetics 600 Dataset;
  2. Extract Melspectrograms from the sound tracks, which can be used as audio features as if processing images;
  3. Audio classification over K600 Dataset;
  4. Fusion with video classification results.

A high-level presentation of our work is shown in the figure below:

2. Code and File Arrangement

2.1 Files you can directly run:

/scripts/ you can run this to view the top-1 accuracy of soundtrack classification;
/ match the shape of video inference to that of the audio. A demo video inference result is reday in /video_classification_results.
/ Fuse video inference and audio inference to get the united classification results.
For other code, you need to change the file directories to your own and derive corresponding .txt or .npy files for further use. Here we illustrates all the codes as follow.

2.2 In this work, the codes and files are arranged as follow:

|--root folder

        Necessary directory lists (mostly in .npy format) are stored here.

        Necessary directory lists (in .txt format) are stored here. You should update K600_audio_file.txt and K600_video.txt to run this whole work on a new device. These two files list the directories of videos and sound tracks of validation set. You may write your own script for updating them, or you may adapt provided in this work.

        Files under this folder are networks used for classification

        This folder stores audio classification outputs (in npy form).

        Video classification outputs (also in npy file) should be put here, which are used for video-audio fusion.

            This script extract directories into an .txt file line by line. To use this script, you should replace the root directories in the code with your own directories.
            This script extracts sound tracks from video files. Video folder should be arranged in this way:
                |--K600 root folder
            The output audio files are arranged in the same way.
            This script extracts melspectrograms from K600 sound tracks. Each melspectrogram is a 64X96 matrix (we call 'audio_image'), derived from a 960ms audio clip. Since we devide each sound track file (about 10s each) into several 960ms clips, one sound track file has several corresponding melspectrograms. Each melspectrogram from the train set inherits the label of the video from which it comes, and acts as a single input training sample (to increase data volumn). For the validation set, we average the output derived from the melspectrograms from the same sound track file to get final inference score (to increase inference accuracy). The output melspectrograms are arranged in the following way:
                            |--audio_1.wav(This is a folder)
                            |--audio_2.wav(This is a folder)
                        …… (similar as that in the train folder)

            Output of the network are melspectrogram-wise, i.e., each output score corresponds to a 960ms clip, but not the whole sound track file. This script averages the scores from corresponding melspectrograms to have a brief glance at the sound-track-wise output scores.

        This is the dataloader file for audio Classification

        This script extracts sound track directory lists (in the form of .npy) which needs to use.

        This is the train and validation file. 
        Note that these works were translated from a Linux platform to Windows platform, due to which certain functions were not compatible. We debuged most of the problems, but we haven't fixed one, for which tensorboardX.summaryWriter keeps throwing errors. Thus we shut it off(as you will see in the codes). To supervise the training process, we manually output train and validation accuracy in txt files instead(you'll also see relevant codes). We will try to stress this problem if time permits in the future.

        Parameters such as batch size, learning rate, etc. can be modified here. Note that some parameters were designed for Video Classification and are not used in this work. It is okay to neglect them.

        Not all videos in K600 have sound tracks. As a result, audio output and video output have different length. Specifically, we have 29753 inference scores for videos and 29731 inference scores for audios. Both scores are stored in npy files. This script extracts the scores for sound-available videos from total video output (by forming a new npy file as video output) in order to correspond with the audio output, which facilitates the fusion process.

        Output of the network are melspectrogram-wise, i.e., each output score corresponds to a 960ms clip, but not the whole sound track file. This script averages the scores from corresponding melspectrograms, and form a new output which is sound-track-wise.

        This script fuses video and audio outputs as a weighted average. Note that both outputs should have the same length. Specifically, both outputs in our processing are 600*29731*1 npy files. This script now supports automatically choosing the best weighted ratio.

3. Run

To run the codes, you should:

  1. extract sound track files using;
  2. extract melspectrograms using;
  3. update K600_video_file.txt and K600_audio_file.txt in the folder 'file_lists' according to your own video and audio direcotories;
  4. replace audio_image directories with your own melspectrogram folder directory. Specifically, the directories in the codes you need to update are: 'E:\NEW_Kinetics_Audio\Kinetics_Audio\K600_audio_image' and 'C:\Users\ZIRC2\Desktop\Zhao Jingwei\K600AudioImage\K600_audio_image';
  5. run to get necessary directory files which the dataloader require;
  6. choose relevant parameters in, and train with;
  7. run to get sound-track-wise output scores;
  8. put video inference output (npy file) into the folder 'video_classification_results';
  9. run to neglect scores from videos who do not have sound track;
  10. run to fuse audio and video scores.

If you have any problem in dealing with the codes above, please feel free to contact me.

Zhao Jingwei:


2020.06.08 (modified)


Video Action Recognition based on soundtrack for Kinetics-600 Dataset







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