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Complex Wrinkle Field Evolution

This repository is the implementation of the paper: "Complex Wrinkle Field Evolution".

To download

git clone 


All the dependencies are solved by Fetcontent, except Suite Sparse and Spectra (see below for instructions for these two libraries).

build with spectra

In order to build with Spectra with the same Eigen version of libigl, please comment out line 24-26 of the /build/_deps/spectra-src/CMakeLists.txt:

# find_package(Eigen3 NO_MODULE REQUIRED)
# set_package_properties(Eigen3 PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "C++ vector data structures")
# message(STATUS "Found Eigen3 Version: ${Eigen3_VERSION} Path: ${Eigen3_DIR}")

build with Suite-Sparse

This part is tricky, for linux, you should use

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libsuitesparse-dev

For macOS, this can be done with Homebrew:

brew install suite-sparse

For windows, please follow the guidence provided in suitesparse-metis-for-windows.

Build and Run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
./bin/WrinkleInterpolationGui_bin -i ../data/bunny_localRotation/data.json


  • Running the command with a JSON file from the "data" folder (e.g., data/bunny_localRotation/data.json) will open a GUI that displays the interpolated results between two given keyframes.
  • You can click the "Solve" button to re-run the algorithm with different parameters, such as the number of frames.
  • For visual efficiency, we only upsample twice to get the final wrinkles. You can increase this number ("upsample level" option in the GUI) for a better wrinkle appearance.

Other features

Two additional executable programs are provided:

  • WrinkleInterpolationCli_bin: A command line version of the interpolation app, which can be run with:
./bin/WrinkleInterpolationCli_bin -i "some json file" -r 

The -r option forces the program to re-optimize the problem. Without -r, the program generates the corresponding (upsampled) wrinkled mesh sequence and save under render/wrinkledMesh. Note that this process may take a while (depends on the upsampling level)

  • WrinkleInterpolationTwistedCylinder_bin: A specialized GUI designed for the twisted cylinder example shown in the paper. It is used like WrinkleInterpolationGui_bin:
./bin/WrinkleInterpolationTwistedCylinder_bin -i "some json file"

The only difference is that it also takes a sequence of base meshes as input.


When compiling on macOS with C++17, you may encounter this issue:

build/_deps/comiso-src/ext/gmm-4.2/include/gmm/gmm_domain_decomp.h:84:2: error: ISO C++17 does not allow 'register' storage class specifier [-Wregister]

To solve this, please replace register double by double in the file build/_deps/comiso-src/ext/gmm-4.2/include/gmm/gmm_domain_decomp.h


If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me at


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