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An alternative implementation of JDBC Bridge for ClickHouse.


  • Named Query

    Besides data source, you can define named queries in configuration as well.

    Named data source - config/datasources/ch.json

        "ch": {
            "type": "jdbc",
            "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:clickhouse://localhost/system",
            "dataSource": {
                "user": "default",
                "password": "",
            "columns": [
                { "name": "instance_id", "type": "Int32", "value": "0", "nullable": false }
            "parameters": {
                "max_rows": 1000,
                "fetch_size": 200

    Note: type, columns and parameters are optional.

    Named query - config/queries/test-query.json

        "test-query": {
            "query": "select * from test_table",
            "columns": [
                    "name": "column1",
                    "type": "UInt32",
                    "nullable": false
                    "name": "column2",
                    "type": "String",
                    "nullable": true
                    "name": "column3",
                    "type": "Decimal",
                    "nullable": true,
                    "precision": 10,
                    "scale": 2
            "parameters": {
                "max_rows": 10

    Note: like named data source, paramters is not mandatory. columns is optional too but it's highly recommended, as it prevents runtime type inferring which could be slow.

    Saved query - scripts/tests/test-query.sql

    select * from test_table

    With above configuration setup, you should be able to run the following queries in ClickHouse:

    -- adhoc query
    select * from jdbc('ch', 'select * from test_table');
    -- named query
    select * from jdbc('ch', 'test-query');
    -- saved query
    select * from jdbc('ch', 'scripts/tests/test-query.sql');
  • Query Parameter

    You can put query parameters like max_rows either in config or in your query.

    -- get the first 10 rows(based on above configuration)
    select * from jdbc('ch', 'test-query')
    -- replace all null values
    select * from jdbc('ch?null_as_default=true', 'test-query')
    -- get a specific row
    select * from jdbc('ch?max_rows=3&offset=2', 'select * from test_table order by column1 desc')
    -- retrieve meta data for defining a named query
    select * from jdbc('ch?debug=true', 'select * from test_table limit 1')
  • SRV Record Support

    If you're using Consul or any other DNS server with SRV record support, you probably want to use service name instead of hostname/IP and port number combination when defining a datasource. To do that, assuming mysql.service.dc1.consul is the service name pointing to, you can use any of below format instead of jdbc:mysql://

    • jdbc:mysql://{{ mysql.service.dc1.consul }}/test
    • jdbc:mysql://{{ host:mysql.service.dc1.consul }}/test
    • jdbc:mysql://{{ host:mysql.service.dc1.consul }}:{{ port:mysql.service.dc1.consul }}/test
  • Multiple Types of Data Sources

    In addition to JDBC, clickhouse-datasource-bridge is extensible to support arbitrary data sources.

    -- run named query in pre-defined database
    select * from jdbc('ch', 'test-query')
    -- get list of jobs from Jenkins view
    select * from jdbc('jenkins:', 'jobs')
  • Based on Vert.x

    Eclipse Vert.x is event driven and non blocking. It also makes clickhouse-datasource-bridge easy to config and scale.

Quick Start

# run with default configuration and JDBC drivers
docker run --rm -it -p 9019:9019 zhicwu/clickhouse-datasource-bridge

# run with custom configuration and JDBC drivers
docker run --rm -v `pwd`/config:/app/config -v `pwd`/drivers:/app/drivers -it -p 9019:9019 zhicwu/clickhouse-datasource-bridge


ClickHouse client version (official build).
Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
Connected to ClickHouse server version 19.11.8 revision 54423.

ch-server :) select * from jdbc('ch', 'select 1')

FROM jdbc('ch', 'select 1')

│ 1 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.120 sec. 

ch-server :) select * from jdbc('jdbc:ch', 'select 1')

FROM jdbc('jdbc:ch', 'select 1')

│ 1 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.074 sec. 

ch-server :) select * from jdbc('jdbc://ch', 'select 1')

FROM jdbc('jdbc://ch', 'select 1')

│ 1 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.084 sec. 

ch-server :) select * from jdbc('jdbc://ch?debug=true', 'select 1')

FROM jdbc('jdbc://ch?debug=true', 'select 1')

│ ch         │ jdbc │ select 1 │ fetch_size=1000&max_rows=0&offset=0&position=0 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.052 sec. 

ch-server :) select * from jdbc('jdbc:clickhouse://localhost/system?user=default&password=', 'select 1')

FROM jdbc('jdbc:clickhouse://localhost/system?user=default&password=', 'select 1')

│ 1 │

1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.156 sec. 


Below is the directory structure used in docker image. By default, all configuration files must be put under config directory and JDBC drivers under drivers.

  |--- config
  |     |
  |     |--- datasources
  |     |     |
  |     |     |--- test-mysql.json
  |     |
  |     |--- queries
  |     |     |
  |     |     |--- test-query.json
  |     |
  |     |--- httpd.json
  |     |--- vertx.json
  |     |--- server.json
  |--- drivers
  |     |
  |     |--- some-shaded-jdbc-driver.jar
  |--- clickhouse-datasource-bridge.jar

Usually you don't need any of them but you can surely customize as needed.

File Reloadable (Y/N) Description
vertx.json N Vertx configuration, check here for more.
server.json N Server configuration.
httpd.json N Http server configuration, check here for more.
datasources/*.json Y Named data sources.
queries/*.json Y Named queries.
  • vertx.json

    This configuration file will be only read during server starting and it is NOT reloadable afterwards.

        "maxWorkerExecuteTime": 300,
        "maxWorkerExecuteTimeUnit": "SECONDS",
        "workerPoolSize": 10
  • server.json

    This configuration file will be only read during server starting and it is NOT reloadable afterwards.

        "serverPort": 8080,
        "requestTimeout": 5000,
        "queryTimeout": 60000
  • datasources/named-data-source.json

  • datasources/named-query.json

Known Issues

Issue Workaround Remark
query timed out * server-side: 1) increase timeout in datasource configuration; 2) increase max_execution_timeout in server.json; * client-side: 1) increase clickhouse-jdbc-driver timeout


  • Consul support - retrieve datasource and/or query from Consul KV store...
  • Error handling - abort worker thread once client closed stream(exception from stream.write?)
  • Special datasource like config - 'select * from jdbc('config', '', 'show datasources')'
  • Special run-time parameter to save query and/or generate datasources(select * from jdbc('ds?save_query=xxx', '', 'select 1'))
  • Strict mode(turn on by default)
  • Provider for CodeQL
  • More examples (docker-compose.yml, swarm and k8s, with/without Vert.x clustering)
  • Reduce dependencies so that we can go Native -
    • Exclude unnecessary dependencies from Vertx lib
    • Simple LRU cache(better in JDK) to replace Caffeine
    • Avoid reflection - less configuration required to build native image
  • Reduce memory usage if we stick with JVM -
  • Parallelized query
  • More data sources(Cassandra, DGraph, InfluxDB and Prometheus)...