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Fixed Boundary Flow (FBF) Algorithm

This is a repository of random fixed boundary flows proposed in Yao, Z., Xia, Y. and Fan, Z. (2022). Random Fixed Boundary Flows. arXiv: 1904.11332

The FBF Algorithm

The FBF Algorithm obtains a discrete flow connecting the fixed boundary points y0 and y1 from the given manifold date in the ambient space. Each point of the flow moves along the direction of the local vector field, which is determined by the scale parameter h.

The core part of the algorithm is contained in the following four R source files.

  • add_functions.R contains all the user-defined functions for the calculation. For example, finding local points in a given neighbourhood and computing the $k$-th eigenvector.
  • RFBF_fitting_function.R contains the iterative algorithm to determine FBFs. This file is corresponding to steps 1 to 3 in Algorithm 1 in the paper.
  • RFBF_interpolation.R performs linear interpolation to the flow. This file is corresponding to step 4 in Algorithm 1 in the paper.
  • RFBF_smoothing.R performs local smoothing to the flow when necessary.

Synthetic Data Studies

Two testing manifolds, a unit sphere $S^2$ and a right-circular unit cone, have been investigated to study the performance of the FBF algorithm when analysing random data sets.

RFBFs on the unit sphere

We considered the following three types of population curves and used them to generate random data sets.

  • sphere_c.csv contains a $C$-shaped population flow which presents a variation pattern along the geodesic.
  • sphere_6fold.csv contains a quarter of the six-fold star-shaped flow.
  • sphere_2fold.csv contains half of the two-fold star-shaped flow.

The file Simulation Demo Sphere.R generates the numeric results in Figures 5-6 and Table 1. The R file consists of two parts:

  1. Generating random data sets using parameters type, case and sd. For example, we set type="sphere", case="c" and sd=0.015 to generate the noisy $C$-shaped data shown in Figure 5(a).
  2. Fitting the FBF using parameters y0, y1, resolution, h, rho, and esp. For example, we set y0=c(0.58676580, 0.03460339, 0.80901699), y1=c(-0.3904378, 0.4393744, 0.8090170), resolution=20, h=0.08, rho=0.95, eps=0.01 and obtained the flow plotted in Figure 5(d). In Figures 5-6, we visualise the FBFs in the ambient space using R package rgl. Furthermore, we considered two closed population flows, a whole closed two-fold star-shaped flow in 2fold_whole.csv and a whole closed two-fold star-shaped flow in 6fold_whole.csv. The FBFs plotted in Figure 6 are obtained by fitting the random data parts by parts. To obtain the mean errors in Table 1, we generated 10 random data sets for each population flow and run the FBF algorithm with different values of h.

RFBFs on a right-circular unit cone

We considered the following three types of population curves on a right-circular unit cone with apex at $(0, 0, 0)$, height H = 1, and radius R = 1. Then, we generated random data sets using these population flows.

The file Simulation Demo Cone.R generates the numeric results in Figures 7 and Table 1. The R file consists of two parts:

  1. Generating random data sets using parameters type, case, sd, R and H. For example, we set type="cone", case="c", sd=0.015, R=1 and H=1 to generate the noisy band data set shown in Figure 7(a).
  2. Fitting the FBF using parameters y0, y1, resolution, h, rho, and esp. For example, we set y0=c(-0.4194, -0.1886, 0.4598), y1=c(-0.2875, -0.6366, 0.6986), resolution=30, h=0.14, rho=0.95, eps=0.01 and obtained the flow plotted in red in Figure 7(a).

In Figures 7(a)-(c), we visualise the FBFs in the ambient space using R package rgl. To obtain the mean errors in Table 1, we generated 10 random data sets for each population flow and run the FBF algorithm with different values of h.

Figure 5(f) Example

To get the FBF in Figure 5(f), we use the code from Simulation Demo Sphere.R.

centered image

Step 1: Generate the random data

# example begins here
type = "sphere"

case = "2fold" #  "6fold" # "c" #

sd <- 0.015

showcase = paste(type,"_",case,sep="")

  # population flow
  pure_curve = data.matrix(read.csv("./data sets/sphere_c.csv", header=FALSE))
  # set boundary points
  y0 <- c(0.58676580, 0.03460339, 0.80901699)
  y1 <- c(-0.3904378,  0.4393744,  0.8090170)
  # set RFBF parameters 
  resolution <- 20
  h <- 0.14 
  rho <- 0.95
  eps <- 1e-2
}else if(showcase=="sphere_6fold"){
  # population flow
  pure_curve = data.matrix(read.csv("./data sets/sphere_6fold.csv",
  # set boundary points
  y0 <- c(-0.011409,  0.594140,  0.804280)
  y1 <- c(-0.593770,  0.012112,  0.804540)
  # set RFBF parameters 
  resolution <- 40
  h <- 0.08
  rho <- 0.95
  eps <- 1e-2
}else if(showcase=="sphere_2fold"){
  # population flow
  pure_curve = data.matrix(read.csv("./data sets/sphere_2fold.csv", 
  # set boundary points
  y0 <- c(0.37931, 0.46014, 0.80274)
  y1 <- c(-0.46192, -0.37645,  0.80307)
  # set RFBF parameters 
  resolution <- 30
  h <- 0.08
  rho <- 0.95
  eps <- 1e-2

n = ncol(pure_curve)

## generate noisy data 

weighted_noise = FALSE
manifoldata <- NULL

if (weighted_noise==TRUE){
  weight <- abs(c(1:n)-(n+1)/2)
  weight <- ceiling(max(weight))-weight
  weight <- (weight-floor(min(weight)))/(ceiling(max(weight))-
  weight[which(weight<=0.3)] <- 0.3
  weight[which(weight>=0.6)] <- 0.6
  weight = rep(1,n)

for (i in 1:n){
  noisy1 <- pure_curve[1,i]+weight[i]*rnorm(1,0,sd)
  noisy2 <- pure_curve[2,i]+weight[i]*rnorm(1,0,sd)
  noisy3 <- pure_curve[3,i]
  noisy <- rbind(noisy1,noisy2,noisy3)
  noisy <- apply(noisy,2,function(x){x/norm2(x)})
  manifoldata <- cbind(manifoldata,noisy)

Step 2: Fit the FBF and visualise the flow in the ambient space

# RFBF algorithm begins here

## initial curve 
gamma_ini <- gamma_given(resolution,y0,y1,1)

## Fitting RFBF 
sol <- RFBF_fitting(gamma_ini, manifoldata, y0,y1,h,rho)

sol <- apply(sol,2,function(x)x/norm2(x))

## smoothing the flow 
h_smoothing = h

sol_smoothing = FBF_smoothing(sol,h_smoothing)

## interpolation for the flow  
dist_ini = norm2(gamma_ini[,2]-gamma_ini[,3])

curve_fbf = FBF_interpolation(sol_smoothing,dist_ini)

## plot the result in 3D
spheres3d(c(0,0,0),radius = 1,color="yellow",alpha=1)
rgl.spheres(curve_fbf[1,],curve_fbf[2,],curve_fbf[3,], r = 0.005, color = "red")  

Real Data Applications

Seismological Data

In our analysis, we considered the epicenters of the earthquake data and scaled the latitude/longitude of the epicenter to Cartesian coordinates in $\mathbb{R}^3$. The Cartesian coordinates of the earthquake data are contained in columns 2 to 4 of the seismology cartesian.csv file.

The RFBF Seismology Demo.R file generates the results in Figure 9. As shown in Figure 9, we considered 3 different sets of boundary points, namely (a)-(c), (d)-(f) and (g)-(i). For each set of boundary points, we fitted FBF with 3 different values of h. For example, if we let set_idx=1, h_idx=2, resolution=30, rho=1 and eps=0.01, we will obtain the FBF shown in blue in Figure 9(b).

centered image

Labeled Faces in the Wild

The image data set used in the analysis contains 264 face images of 66 people, with four images of each person. Each image has been resized to $50 \times 37$ pixels and becomes a vector in $\mathbb{R}^{1850}$. The image_faces_33by2by4.csv file contains the image data with columns representing the features in $\mathbb{R}^{1850}$.

The RFBF Image Demo.R file shows the FBF fitting from the image data set with specified boundary points. The images plotted in Figure 10 are constructed using in Python.

centered image


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