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Local LLM-based Voice Chatbot on Raspberry Pi

This is a demo of an LLM-based voice chatbot that runs locally on Raspbbery Pi. It is based on Nick Bild's Local LLM Assistant project, with some modifications and enhancements.


The pipeline is fairly simple:

  • ASR: whisper.cpp
  • LLM: TinyLlama 1.1B, wrapped using llamafile
  • TTS: Replaced espeak with piper, which has a much better voice quality.

The control of the bot is also enhanced. Originally it was "push-to-trigger" mode with a fixed (3-second) length of recording. I changed it into a true "push-to-talk" mode, allowing me to record voice with arbitrary length.

Everything run locally - once you've installed the dependencies, this program will work even when your device is offline.


Hardware setup

I used Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB RAM), but 3 might also work if it has enough RAM.

For audio you need a USB microphone and a speaker.

For the push button:

  • Connect the "button" wire to GPIO 8
  • Connect the "ground" wire to GPIO 6

Install Ubuntu server on Raspberry Pi

I used the pre-installed ARM64 image:

Install system dependencies

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg espeak python3-pip python3-pyaudio cmake

# Rust may also be needed
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"

pip3 install openai openai-whisper RPi.GPIO pyaudio

Install the program

Clone the repo (and its submodules):

git clone
cd llm_voice_chatbot_rpi/
git submodule update --init

Download and build the dependencies:


The script will build and install these components under the llm_voice_chatbot_rpi/ folder:

├── llm             (The LLM)
├── piper           (The TTS program and model)
└── whisper.cpp     (The ASR program)
    └── models      (The ASR model)
  • LLM: TinyLlama installed under llm folder.
  • ASR: Binary in whisper.cpp folder, ASR model is downloaded under whisper.cpp/models folder.
  • TTS: Piper for Raspberry Pi binary and the TTS model, both installed under piper folder.

Launch the LLM in server mode

./llm/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0.Q5_K_M.llamafile --nobrowser

By default, it will launch a server listening on local port 8080.

Launch the voice chatbot


Talk to the chatbot

Push the button, speaker your request, and release the button.

Be patient - it will take a while for the device to transcribe the request and generate the response.


To be added.

Known Issues

I've seen the bot to get stuck on some queries. Need more debugging to understand why...


Local LLM-based voice chatbot running on Raspberry Pi







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