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cslotboom committed Jun 18, 2020
1 parent 0f0e4ce commit 4cc2855
Showing 1 changed file with 213 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@

import numpy as np
import os
import openseespy.opensees as ops

def getNodesandElements():
This function returns the nodes and elments for an active model, in a
standardized format. The OpenSees model must be active in order for the
function to work.
nodes : 2dArray
An array of all nodes in the model.
Returns nodes in the shape:
[Nodes, 3] in 2d and [Nodes, 4]
For each node the information is tored as follows:
[NodeID, x, y] or [NodeID, x, y, z]
elements : Array
An list of all elements in. Each entry in the list is it's own'
[element1, element2,...], element1 = [element#, node1, node2,...]

# Get nodes and elements
nodeList = ops.getNodeTags()
eleList = ops.getEleTags()

# Check Number of dimensions and intialize variables
ndm = len(ops.nodeCoord(nodeList[0]))
Nnodes = len(nodeList)
nodes = np.zeros([Nnodes, ndm + 1])

# Get Node list
for ii, node in enumerate(nodeList):
nodes[ii,0] = node
nodes[ii,1:] = ops.nodeCoord(nodeList[ii])

Nele = len(eleList)
elements = [None]*Nele

# Generate the element list by looping through all emenemts
for ii, ele in enumerate(eleList):
tempNodes = ops.eleNodes(ele)

tempNnodes = len(tempNodes)
tempEle = np.zeros(tempNnodes + 1)

tempEle[0] = int(ele)
tempEle[1:] = tempNodes

elements[ii] = tempEle

return nodes, elements

def saveNodesandElements(*argv):
This file saves the node and element information for the structure.
For each node information is saved in the following format:
Nodes: [NodeID, xcord, ycord] or [NodeID, xcord, ycord, zcord]
For elements, the element is saved with the element connectivity.
A different file is created for each type of element
each possible element type.
Elements: [EleID, eleNode1, eleNode2, ... , eleNodeN]
nodeName : str, optional
The name of the file to be saved. The default is 'Nodes'.
eleName : str, optional
The name of the . The default is 'Elements'.
delim : str, optional
The delimeter for the output file. The default is ','.
fmt : str, optional
the format of the file to be saved in. The default is '%.5e'.

# Consider making these optional arguements
nodeName = 'Nodes',
eleName = 'Elements',
delim = ',',
fmt = '%.5e',
ftype = '.out'

if len(argv) != 2:
print("Incorrect command, provide ModelName and LoadCaseName.")

ModelName = argv[0]
LoadCaseName = argv[1]

ODBdir = ModelName+"_ODB" # ODB Dir name
LoadCaseDir = os.path.join(ODBdir,LoadCaseName)

# Creates the ODB folder if does not exist. OpenSees will overwrite the existing output data.
if not os.path.exists(LoadCaseDir):

# Read noades and elements
nodes, elements = getNodesandElements()

# Sort through the element arrays
ele2Node = np.array([ele for ele in elements if len(ele) == 3])
ele3Node = np.array([ele for ele in elements if len(ele) == 4])
ele4Node = np.array([ele for ele in elements if len(ele) == 5])
ele8Node = np.array([ele for ele in elements if len(ele) == 9])

nodeFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, nodeName + ftype)

ele2File = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, eleName + "_2Node" + ftype)
ele3File = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, eleName + "_3Node" + ftype)
ele4File = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, eleName + "_4Node" + ftype)
ele8File = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, eleName + "_8Node" + ftype)

# SaveNodes
np.savetxt(nodeFile, nodes, delimiter = delim, fmt = fmt)

# Save element arrays
np.savetxt(ele2File, ele2Node, delimiter = delim, fmt = fmt)
np.savetxt(ele3File, ele3Node, delimiter = delim, fmt = fmt)
np.savetxt(ele4File, ele4Node, delimiter = delim, fmt = fmt)
np.savetxt(ele8File, ele8Node, delimiter = delim, fmt = fmt)

def readNodesandElements(*argv):
This function reads input node/element information, assuming it is in the
standard format.
If outputDir == False, the base directory will be used.
nodeName : str, optional
The base name for the node file. It will be appended to include
the file type. The default is 'Nodes.out'.
eleName : str, optional
The base nae for the element files. The default is 'Elements.out'.
delim : str, optional
The delimiter for files to be read. The default is ','.
dtype : TYPE, optional
The data type to read in. The default is 'float32'.
nodes : Array
An output vector in standard format
elements : List
An output Element vector in standard format.
elements = [ele1, ele2,..., elen],
ele1 = [element, node 1, node 2, ... , node n]

# Consider making these optional arguements
nodeName = 'Nodes',
eleName = 'Elements',
delim = ',',
dtype ='float32'
ftype = '.out'

if len(argv) != 2:
print("Incorrect command, provide ModelName and LoadCaseName.")

ModelName = argv[0]
LoadCaseName = argv[1]

ODBdir = ModelName+"_ODB" # ODB Dir name
LoadCaseDir = os.path.join(ODBdir,LoadCaseName)

# Creates the ODB folder if does not exist. OpenSees will overwrite the existing output data.
if not os.path.exists(LoadCaseDir):

# Generate the file names
nodeFile = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, nodeName + ftype)
ele2File = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, eleName + "_2Node" + ftype)
ele3File = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, eleName + "_3Node" + ftype)
ele4File = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, eleName + "_4Node" + ftype)
ele8File = os.path.join(LoadCaseDir, eleName + "_8Node" + ftype)

eleFileNames = [ele2File, ele3File, ele4File, ele8File]

# Load Node information
nodes = np.loadtxt(nodeFile, dtype, delimiter = delim)

# Populate an array with the input element information
TempEle = [[]]*4

# Check if the file exists, read it if it does
for ii, FileName in enumerate(eleFileNames):
if os.path.isfile(FileName):
TempEle[ii] = np.loadtxt(FileName, dtype, delimiter = delim)

# define the final element array
elements = [*TempEle[0],*TempEle[1],*TempEle[2],*TempEle[3]]

# Check if any files were read
if elements is []:
raise Exception('No files were found!')

return nodes, elements

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