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How to Add your University

Wang Zhuochun edited this page Jul 26, 2013 · 4 revisions


All schools are located in directory /schools/*.*, where * are abbreviations for location and school.

Following files are required:

  • logo.jpg (260 * 180 px)
  • info.js
  • url.js
  • parser.js
  • data/list.js
  • data/crawl-phantomjs.js (depends on your decision)


It returns an object with following data:

    return {
        /* school name */
        name: "National University of Singapore"
        /* school abbreviation */
      , abbr: "NUS"
        /* school website */
      , url: ""
        /* latest data/list update time */
      , lastUpdate: "Sun Apr 21 2013 01:55:59 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)"


It returns an function that accepts a module code string (CS1232) and returns a valid url to the module page for data crawling.

    return function(mod) {
        var baseUrl = "http://xxx/";

        return baseUrl + mod;


It returns 2 functions tryParse and parse, to validate and parse the result taken from YQL.

    return {
        tryParse: function(data) { 
            // return true if data is valid for parse
        parse: function(data) {
            module = {};

            // do something with module and data

            return module;

parse function returns a Module object.


It returns an array of the module code and title used for auto-completion in the Add Module input box.

edit index.html

Add your school to #select-school div.


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