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Full Atmosphere application stack run in Docker containers


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Atmosphere Docker

Entire Atmosphere development environment in Docker Containers using Docker-Compose.

Getting started

  1. Clone this repository in the same directory as Troposphere, Atmosphere, and Atmosphere Ansible repositories (these must be present for this to work properly)

    • Alternatively, modify the docker-compose file to point to your local repositories with either relative or absolute paths
  2. pull to pull all containers

    • To populate with an existing Atmosphere database, copy the *.sql file to the postgres directory
    • To populate with a Troposphere database, copy the tropo*.sql.dump file to the postgres directory. If the file is a *.sql file, the postgres image will attempt to dump it into the Atmosphere database instead of the Troposphere database
  3. Clone the atmosphere-docker-secrets repository in the same directory as this repository (not inside this repository directory)

    • Checkout branch with the correct variables for your environment
    • Use the script <your_cyverse_username> to change MOCK_USER variable in atmosphere.ini and troposphere.ini to your username if using 'local' variables branch
  4. up to start all containers (use the -d option to run containers in the background)

    • The container's entrypoint will automatically read a variable from the env file in atmosphere-docker-secrets to determine if running a production or development environment
    • If you are using a local development version and want Guacamole also, replace the part of all commands with: -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.guac.yml
    • If using local development version:
      • IMPORTANT: If you are using Linux and want to maintain ownership of your local repositories, edit the command lines in docker-compose.yml with your user id (use id -u to get this). User ID 1000 is the default
      • Your containers should be ready when you see webpack: Compiled successfully. from Troposphere and Starting Django Python... from Atmosphere
      • Access Atmosphere in your browser at localhost
      • Troposphere and Atmosphere changes will be automatically built

NOTE: Since this directly uses your local directories for Atmosphere, Troposphere, and Atmosphere-Ansible, these directories will be modified to have things like updated settings files, *.pyc files and others present in the .gitignore files. To clean up your directory and delete all files recognized by gitignore, run git clean -fdx

Variables ini files in atmosphere-docker-secrets are linked to the files used by Atmosphere, Troposphere, and Atmosphere-Ansible so you can easily modify those files locally and have them accessible by the services that use them. Easily re-run the configure scripts with these commands:

# Configure Troposphere
docker exec -ti $(docker ps -f name=troposphere --format "{{.Names}}") /opt/env/troposphere/bin/python configure

# Configure Atmosphere
docker exec -ti $(docker ps -f name=atmosphere_ --format "{{.Names}}") /opt/env/atmosphere/bin/python configure

# Configure Atmosphere-Ansible
docker exec -ti $(docker ps -f name=atmosphere_ --format "{{.Names}}") /opt/env/atmosphere/bin/python /opt/dev/atmosphere-ansible/configure

# Access Atmosphere Django shell
docker exec -ti $(docker ps -f name=atmosphere_ --format "{{.Names}}") /opt/env/atmo/bin/python shell


Gracefully shut down containers with Ctrl+c. Press it again to kill containers.

Or kill all containers with kill.

Delete all containers when you are done with rm.

Delete all unattached volumes with docker volume prune.

NOTE: When the logs/ directory is created by Docker Compose it will be owned by root so you cannot delete it without sudo. However, rm -rf logs will delete all of the files but the directory structure will remain. If you create the logs directory before running the containers, you can easily delete it.


Full Atmosphere application stack run in Docker containers







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