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Project setup

Project prerequisites

  1. The Arigem Logistics web-app runs on React and Next.js version v12.0.0, and react version v18.0.0, To check the Next.js version installed in your machine run npx next --version, or run npm view react version to check the react version installed on your machine.

  2. You’ll need Node.js version 10.13 or later.

  3. To check the details of the other dependencies in this project, check the package.json file in the root of the project.

Herelies the figma link.

How to setup

  1. Git clone this project
  2. Run yarn to install all packages in the package.json file.
  3. Finally run yarn run dev on your terminal to start the development server.

Project structure

    |- api/
        |- hello.js
        |- _app.tsx
        |- _document.tsx
        |- index.tsx
    |- favicons
    |-image assets
    |- _variables.scss
    |- _mixins.scss
    |- global.scss
    |- Home.module.scss

Packages import

Packages imported in every javascript file follow this order;

1 . Next.js imports
2 . Third-party package imports
2 . Lib imports ('lib/*')
3 . Pages imports ('pages/*')
4 . Component imports ('components/*')
5 . Constants imports ('components/constants/*')
6 . Global Style imports ('styles/*')
7 . Styled Modules imports ('styles/modules/*')
8 . Relative files ('../../')

Here are a few examples

// Next.js imports imports
import Head from 'next/head';
import Link from 'next/link';
import Image from 'next/image';

// Third party package imports
import GhostContentAPI from '@tryghost/content-api';

// lib imports
import { getPosts } from 'lib/posts';

// pages imports
import Team from 'pages/team';