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  1. About
  2. Installation
  3. Disclaimer


The get_next_line project is a function in C that allows you to read one line at a time from a file or an input stream, such as standard input. The function should handle different file descriptors and read from multiple file descriptors without losing the reading thread.

The function get_next_line takes a file descriptor as a parameter and returns the next line from the corresponding file. Each time the function is called, it reads from the file until it finds a newline character ('\n') or reaches the end of the file. It then returns the line as a string, including the newline character, or NULL if there are no more lines to read or if an error occurs.


char *get_next_line(int fd);

Return value

Read line: correct behavior NULL: nothing else to read or an error occurred

External allowed functions

read, malloc, free

Mandatory part

  • Repeated calls (e.g., using a loop) to your get_next_line() function should let you read the text file pointed to by the file descriptor, one line at a time.
  • Your function should return the line that was read. If there is nothing else to read or if an error occurred, it should return NULL.
  • Make sure that your function works as expected both when reading a file and when reading from the standard input.
  • Please note that the returned line should include the terminating \n character, except if the end of file was reached and does not end with a \n character.
  • Your header file get_next_line.h must at least contain the prototype of the get_next_line() function.
  • Add all the helper functions you need in the get_next_line_utils.c file.

Bonus part

  • Develop get_next_line() using only one static variable.
  • Your get_next_line() can manage multiple file descriptors at the same time. For example, if you can read from the file descriptors 3, 4 and 5, you should be able to read from a different fd per call without losing the reading thread of each file descriptor or returning a line from another fd.

Click here to access the complete subject of this project.


To install and use Get Next Line, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Add to your own project by including the library:
#include "get_next_line.h"
  1. Call the function passing the fd that should be read:
get_next_line(fd) //it will return a char *
  1. You can also run my own test by compiling and running it:
cc get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c main.c && ./a.out


Maybe you could notice a different coding style. At 42 we need to follow some rules according to the coding standard of the school such as:

- No for, do while, switch, case or goto 
- No functions with more than 25 lines 
- No more than 5 functions per each file
- No more than 5 variables in the same function
- No assigns and declarations assigns in the same line

Click here to read the norm file of 42 school.


A function to read a file descriptor line by line







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