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sfdx-upcruc 🤢

Critical Updates. They're a part of life on the Salesforce platform but, let's face it, they can be a bit of a fly in the 'ol ointment. Let's make things easier.



  • is a plugin for the sfdx command line tool ✅
  • can output CRUCs to useful file types (.tsv, .ical) ✅
  • is easy to integrate into dev pipelines ✅
  • means you never need to deal with CRUCs again! ❌ (sorry)


# shell (bash, zsh, etc)
sfdx plugins:install sfdx-upcruc 


Mean Documentation 😿

sfdx upcruc:list -u <username> [-ti -d <directory>] [--json] [--verbose] 

Friendly Documentation 😸

sfdx-upcruc keeps the command options short and sweet so you can get straight to what you want - that list of upcoming CRUCs!


Short Flag Long Flag Required Result
-u --targetusername Yep username/alias from which to retrieve CRUCs
-t --tsv create a tab-separated-value file (.tsv)
-i --ical create an ical file (.ical)
-d --dir location where output file(s) will be created; defaults to current directory
--json print output as json rather than a table
--verbose do not trim cruc cells to space

Key/Value Pairs

In addition to command flags, you may include the following key=value strings. They are never required.

Key Result Example Notes
fname Value will be used as filename for any output (-ti) files fname=orgCrucs Do not include file extensions. We'll do that for you.
calprefix When creating a .ical file (-i), value will preface event names calprefix="My Org CRUCs: " Remember to include a space after your prefix. We won't do everything. 😉

Important Details

ICal unique ids

CRUC events created in .ical files will always have an id that is unique to the org from which they were retrieved. This is really great news for you because, as you generate new .ical files in the future, you can simply import them to your calendar application and the old events (should) get updated with the new information.

For inquiring minds...

Unique ids are generated by hashing (orgId + crucActivationPath) using the sha-1 algorithm. Because sandbox ids change upon refresh, only CRUCs pulled from production orgs are guaranteed to be immutable.


Critical update descriptions may contain commas themselves, so we decided to go with tab-separated instead. If you'd like .csv support added in the future yell at us really loudly open an issue in the repo and we promise to take a look.

You mentioned pipelines...

Indeed. sfdx-upcruc prints CRUCs to stdout in condensed table format, but you can change that using --verbose or --json for all your piping and redirection adventures.

Output is condensed by default

CRUCs are printed to stdout (your terminal window) in table format, where each cell is limited to 50 chars. Use the --json or --verbose flags if you need the full monty.