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Preprocessing for SDD/Argoverse

These instructions create data_*.npz files for SDD and Argoverse.


First download the videos from the website. Note that we used random split instead of the TrajNet split in the paper and only pedestrian trajectories are used.

  1. Resize and rotate videos to 1920x1080 and remember the changes. Need ffmpeg.
# assuming all SDD videos are under `videos` folder. Get the videos into a list first
$ find $PWD/videos -name "*.mov" > all_videos.lst
$ python code/ all_videos.lst resized_videos resized.lst
  1. Get the random 5-fold data split used in the paper. We'll just use 1 fold.
$ find $PWD/resized_videos -name "*.mp4" > resized_videos.lst
$ wget
$ tar -zxvf sdd_data_splits_eccv2020.tgz

You can also generate this yourself.

$ python code/ resized_videos.lst data_splits --n_fold 5
  1. Prepare data of trajectory and boxes based on rotation and resize
$ python code/ annotations/ data_splits/fold_1 resized.lst prepared_data_fold1
  1. Get video frames (need opencv)
$ python code/ resized_videos.lst prepared_data_fold1/traj_2.5fps/ \
resized_videos_frames --use_2level

Optionally, you can visualize the annotations:

$ python code/ prepared_data_fold1/ resized_videos_frames \
 vis_gt --vis_num_frame_per_video 3
  1. Get scene segmentation features in npy files:
# download the deeplab ADE20k model
$ wget

$ tar -zxvf deeplabv3_xception_ade20k_train_2018_05_29.tar.gz

$ find $PWD/resized_videos_frames -name "*.jpg" > resized_videos_frames.lst

$ python code/ resized_videos_frames.lst \
deeplabv3_xception_ade20k_train/frozen_inference_graph.pb scene_seg_36x64 \
--every 1 --down_rate 8.0 --job 1 --curJob 1 --gpuid 0 --save_two_level
  1. Preprocess and get all the npz files
$ python code/ prepared_data_fold1/traj_2.5fps/ prepro_fold1 \
--obs_len 8 --pred_len 12 --add_scene --scene_feat_path scene_seg_36x64/ \
--direct_scene_feat --scene_id2name packed_prepro/scene36_64_id2name_top10.json \
 --scene_h 36 --scene_w 64 --grid_strides 2,4 --video_h 1080 --video_w 1920 \
 --add_grid --add_all_reg

Now you can follow this to do training and testing.


We only utilize the videos from the official validation set for testing. First, download the 3D-tracking annotations and frames (validation set) from Argoverse.

  1. Sample and rename the frames as well as getting the tracking annotation into formats we like (transform from 3D to 2D).
$ python code/ argoverse-tracking/val/ \
val_frames_renamed prepared_data_val

Based on the data I downloaded from Argoverse in Sept. 2019, the code will skip 8 videos and result with only 16 of the validation videos due to video length.

Optionally, you can visualize the annotations:

$ python code/ prepared_data_val/ val_frames_renamed/ \
vis_gt --vis_num_frame_per_video 10 --for_argoverse
  1. Get scene segmentation features
$ find $PWD/val_frames_renamed/ -name "*.jpg" > val_frames_renamed.lst
$ python code/ val_frames_renamed.lst deeplabv3_xception_ade20k_train/frozen_inference_graph.pb \
scene_seg_36x64_argoverse --every 1 --down_rate 8.0 --job 1 --gpuid 0 --save_two_level
  1. Proprocess!
$ python code/ prepared_data_val/traj_2.5fps/ argoverse_prepro --obs_len 8 \
 --pred_len 12 --add_scene --scene_feat_path scene_seg_36x64_argoverse/ --direct_scene_feat \
 --scene_id2name packed_prepro/scene36_64_id2name_top10.json --scene_h 36 \
 --scene_w 64 --grid_strides 2,4 --video_h 1080 --video_w 1920 \
 --add_grid --add_all_reg

Now you can follow this to do testing.