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Single Future Trajectory Prediction

We experimented on the ActEv dataset, Stanford Drone Dataset and Argoverse Dataset by following the Next-prediction evaluation protocol as stated in the paper.

First download the pre-processed data for all the datasets:

$ wget
$ tar -zxvf packed_prepro_eccv2020.tgz

Then download SimAug-trained model:

$ wget
$ tar -zxvf packed_models_eccv2020.tgz

Test SimAug-Trained Model

The following is for ActEv experiments.

$ python code/ packed_prepro/actev_prepro/ packed_models/ best_simaug_model \
--wd 0.001 --runId 0 --obs_len 8 --pred_len 12 --emb_size 32 --enc_hidden_size 256 \
--dec_hidden_size 256 --activation_func tanh --keep_prob 1.0 --num_epochs 30 \
--batch_size 12 --init_lr 0.3 --use_gnn --learning_rate_decay 0.95 --num_epoch_per_decay 5.0 \
--grid_loss_weight 1.0 --grid_reg_loss_weight 0.5 --save_period 3000 \
--scene_h 36 --scene_w 64 --scene_conv_kernel 3 --scene_conv_dim 64 \
--scene_grid_strides 2,4 --use_grids 1,0 --val_grid_num 0 --gpuid 0 --load_best

The evaluation result should be:

Grid0_Accuracy ADE FDE
0.51071 21.730333 42.223895

The following is for Stanford Drone experiments.

$ python code/ packed_prepro/sdd_prepro/ packed_models/ best_simaug_model \
--wd 0.001 --runId 0 --obs_len 8 --pred_len 12 --emb_size 32 --enc_hidden_size 256 \
--dec_hidden_size 256 --activation_func tanh --keep_prob 1.0 --num_epochs 30 \
--batch_size 12 --init_lr 0.3 --use_gnn --learning_rate_decay 0.95 --num_epoch_per_decay 5.0 \
--grid_loss_weight 1.0 --grid_reg_loss_weight 0.5 --save_period 3000 \
--scene_h 36 --scene_w 64 --scene_conv_kernel 3 --scene_conv_dim 64 \
--scene_grid_strides 2,4 --use_grids 1,0 --val_grid_num 0 --gpuid 0 --load_best \
--save_output sdd_out.p

Since we resize all the videos to 1920x1080 in the pre-processing, we will need to compute the evaluation by scaling the errors back to the original resolutions:

$ python code/ packed_prepro/sdd_resized.lst sdd_out.p

The evaluation result should be:

15.7041016113 30.20249250

The following is for Argoverse:

$ python code/ packed_prepro/argoverse_prepro/ packed_models/ best_simaug_model \
--wd 0.001 --runId 0 --obs_len 8 --pred_len 12 --emb_size 32 --enc_hidden_size 256 \
--dec_hidden_size 256 --activation_func tanh --keep_prob 1.0 --num_epochs 30 \
--batch_size 12 --init_lr 0.3 --use_gnn --learning_rate_decay 0.95 --num_epoch_per_decay 5.0 \
--grid_loss_weight 1.0 --grid_reg_loss_weight 0.5 --save_period 3000 \
--scene_h 36 --scene_w 64 --scene_conv_kernel 3 --scene_conv_dim 64 \
--scene_grid_strides 2,4 --use_grids 1,0 --val_grid_num 0 --gpuid 0 --load_best \
--save_output argoverse_out.p

The evaluation result should be:

Grid0_Accuracy ADE FDE
0.3181818 68.729341008 178.886694


To visualize the outputs on SDD or Argoverse, first follow here to get the video frames (resized_videos_frames and val_frames_renamed) for both datasets.

We save the prediction output in sdd_out.p and argoverse_out.p during inference. Now we need to make a file with path to the output file and its trajectory color (BGR, separated with _):

$ echo $PWD/sdd_out.p,0_0_255 > sdd_run.lst
$ echo $PWD/argoverse_out.p,0_0_255 > argoverse_run.lst

Visualize a fix amount of trajectory samples (Note the color will be ignored if you want heatmap visualization as the paper):

$ python code/ sdd_run.lst resized_videos_frames \
sdd_vis_heatmap/ --vis_num 100 --use_heatmap
$ python code/ argoverse_run.lst val_frames_renamed \
argoverse_vis_heatmap/ --vis_num 100 --use_heatmap

The code will use the video frame at the first observation timestep for visualization.

Test ActEV-Finetuned Model

The following is for ActEv experiments.

$ python code/ packed_prepro/actev_prepro/ packed_models/ best_actev_finetuned \
--wd 0.001 --runId 0 --obs_len 8 --pred_len 12 --emb_size 32 --enc_hidden_size 256 \
--dec_hidden_size 256 --activation_func tanh --keep_prob 1.0 --num_epochs 30 \
--batch_size 12 --init_lr 0.3 --use_gnn --learning_rate_decay 0.95 --num_epoch_per_decay 5.0 \
--grid_loss_weight 1.0 --grid_reg_loss_weight 0.5 --save_period 3000 \
--scene_h 36 --scene_w 64 --scene_conv_kernel 3 --scene_conv_dim 64 \
--scene_grid_strides 2,4 --use_grids 1,0 --val_grid_num 0 --gpuid 0 --load_best

The evaluation result should be:

Grid0_Accuracy ADE FDE
0.695828457 17.96449857 34.6829926720