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84 lines (73 loc) · 5.03 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (73 loc) · 5.03 KB


Implements the "Pterodactyl backup system" but can also backup your server without restarting it and mainly made for those who don't use Pterodactyl to use This plugin implements a backup system that works like the "Pterodactyl backup system"



Option Description
enable-plugin The plugin power switch. If this option is false, the plugin will disable on load.
archiver-format The archiver format that will be use
backup-name The name format that the backup archive file will be used, please see the available name format tag list!
file-checker-interval The interval in seconds between every time the file checker checks if a is created.
ignore-disk-space Continue to do a server backup even if the server disk is not having enough space.
check-for-file File name for the file checker to check (Default
operation-log Will a debug log message be send when a file is added or ignored (This might cause a console spam!)

Available archiver formats

ID Format
0 Zip
1 Gz
2 Bzip2

Name format tags

Tag Replacement
{y} Current year represented by a two-digit number
{m} Current month represented by a two-digit number
{d} Current date represented by a two-digit number
{h} Current hour represented by a two-digit number
{i} Current minute represented by a two-digit number
{s} Current second represented by a two-digit number
{format} The chosen backup archiver format (zip / tar)
{uuid} A universal unique identifier of the current backup archive task

Examples formats:

  • backup-{y}-{m}-{d} {h}-{i}-{s}.{format}
  • backup_my_server_{uuid}.{format}
  • backup {y}-{m}-{d} ({uuid}).{format}


Backup ignore is only available on Linux servers at the moment! You can input certain rules to prevent the backup archiver from adding that file to the backup archive file.

This file is using the GitIgnore syntax (I will replace this with another file pattern regex system since this thing requires an additional GitIgnoreChecker library and causes many issues when this plugin is running on other OS such as Windows)

Example rules (For people who have never used the GitIgnore syntax before)

Rules What this rule means
/plugins/ The plugins directory at the backup source directory
plugins/ All the plugins directory no matter where it is
/plugin.phar The plugin.phar file at the backup source directory
plugin.phar The plugin.phar file at anywhere
plugin.* The plugin file but any file extension names will match this rule
*.phar Any .phar files
!worlds/* None of all in any of the worlds directory

Start backup

Create a file name at the server root directory or use the /backupme command from console or in-game. When the file checker finds it, a server backup will be started.

Please do not turn off the server during the backup

If a message with the backup task used time, the total amount of added files and ignored files popup. It means that the backup task is completed, you can do whatever you want at that time. The backup archive file will be generated at the server root directory (Where you create the file)


Permission Command
backupme.cmd.backup /backupme


Custom backup requests


Other plugins can manually start a server backup by calling a \Endermanbugzjfc\BackupMe\events\BackupRequestEvent event


Member function name Action
setBackupIgnoreContent(string $content) Overwrite the original backup ignore file contents
setName(string $name) Overwrite the original backup archive file name
setFormat(int $format) Overwrite the original backup archiver format

Available archiver formats (All in \Endermanbugzjfc\BackupMe\BackupRequestListener):

  • BackupRequestListener::ZIP
  • BackupRequestListener::TARGZ
  • BackupRequestListener::TARBZ2