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Initial spike on routes
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zk committed Mar 5, 2013
1 parent aa7b231 commit 17d4eab
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 0 deletions.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions src/cljs/nsfw/route.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
(ns nsfw.route
(:require [nsfw.util :as util]
[nsfw.dom :as dom]
[clojure.string :as str]))

(def route-info (atom {}))

(defn location-hash [] (.-hash (.-location js/window)))

(defn route->pattern
"Converts a route like /:foo/:bar into a matching pattern like
(let [var-matches (map second (re-seq #":([^\s/]+)" route))
keywords (->> var-matches
(map keyword))
route-re (str/replace route
(->> var-matches
(map #(str ":" %))
(interpose "|")
(apply str)
{:pattern (re-pattern route-re)
:keys keywords}))

(defn exec-routes [parts]
(let [pairs (partition 2 parts)
clean-hash (->> (location-hash) (drop 1) (apply str))
default (when (-> pairs last first keyword?)
(-> pairs last second))
matched-fn (if (= "/" (first clean-hash))
(loop [pairs pairs]
(when-not (empty? pairs)
(let [pair (first pairs)
{:keys [pattern keys]} (route->pattern (first pair))]
(if (re-matches pattern clean-hash)
(let [args (drop 1 (re-matches pattern clean-hash))]
#(apply (second pair) args))
(recur (rest pairs))))))
(if (= :else (first (last pairs)))
((second (last pairs)))))]
((or matched-fn default))))

(defn url-hash
[& parts]
(let [f #(exec-routes parts)]
(dom/listen js/window "hashchange" (fn [e] (f)))

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