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simple relative favor is now the only available type
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zkat committed May 30, 2010
1 parent b692c10 commit 75b6235
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 168 deletions.
175 changes: 7 additions & 168 deletions src/controllers.lisp
Expand Up @@ -69,167 +69,6 @@ eventually converge on a single number. When > 1, favor can grow unbounded into
:key #'source-id))))

;;; Relative Favor
(defun node-neighbors (node-id neighbor-func exclusion-list)
"Returns a list of neighbors of NODE. A user is a neighbor iff there is a transaction from node to
that user, and the transaction passes INCLUSION-FUNCTION. INCLUSION-FUNCTION should be a two-argument
function that accepts a user (the current node we're getting neighbors for), and a transaction object,
and returns a generalized boolean that answers whether that transaction's target should be in the
list of NODE's neighbors."
(remove-if (lambda (user)
(member (user-id user) exclusion-list))
(funcall neighbor-func node-id)))

(defun dijkstra (graph source-id neighbor-func exclusion-list)
"Mostly standard implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm. Returns a hash table of distances and
a hash table with shortest paths. INCLUSION-FUNC is used by #'NODE-NEIGHBORS."
(let ((distances (make-hash-table))
(previous (make-hash-table)))

(loop for node in graph do
(setf (gethash node distances) nil))

;; Distance from source to source
(setf (gethash source-id distances) 0)

(flet ((smallest-distance ()
(let (smallest smallest-value)
(maphash (lambda (k v)
(when (find k graph)
(cond ((and (numberp v)
(numberp smallest-value)
(> smallest-value v))
(setf smallest k smallest-value v))
((and (numberp v)
(null smallest-value))
(setf smallest k smallest-value v))
((null smallest)
(setf smallest k smallest-value v))
(t nil))))
(loop while graph
for node = (smallest-distance)
do (setf graph (remove node graph))
when (gethash node distances)
do (loop for neighbor in (mapcar #'user-id (node-neighbors node neighbor-func exclusion-list))
do (let ((node-distance (gethash node distances))
(neighbor-distance (gethash neighbor distances)))
(when (or (not (or node-distance neighbor-distance))
(and node-distance (null neighbor-distance))
(< (1+ node-distance)
(setf (gethash neighbor distances) node-distance
(gethash neighbor previous) node)))))
(values distances previous))))

(defun shortest-indirect-path (source target neighbor-func exclusion-list)
"Finds the shortest *INDIRECT* path between SOURCE and TARGET. That is, SOURCE->TARGET is not
considered a valid path."
(multiple-value-bind (distances previous)
(dijkstra (query (:select 'user-id :from 'user) :column) (user-id source) neighbor-func exclusion-list)
(declare (ignore distances))
(loop with list = nil
with u = (user-id target)
while (gethash u previous)
do (push u list)
(setf u (gethash u previous))
finally (return list))))

(defun all-indirect-paths (source target neighbor-func)
"Finds all indirect shortest paths between SOURCE and TARGET."
(loop with exclusion-list = nil
for shortest = (shortest-indirect-path source target
neighbor-func exclusion-list)
while shortest
do (pushnew (car (last (butlast shortest))) exclusion-list)
collect shortest))

(defparameter *distance-decay-factor* 1)

(defun path-favor (path from to)
"Given a path, calculates its total value. TRANSACTION-DECAY measures how quickly repeated
favor/disfavors decay in value."
(if (null path)
(error "Invalid path ~S" path)
;; We only care about the actual opinion of the second-to-last node in the path.
(let ((judge (car (last (butlast path))))
(target (car (last path))))
(let ((unweighted (personal-favor judge target from to))
(weight (* *distance-decay-factor* (1- (length path)))))
(/ unweighted weight)))))

(defun relative-favor (observer specimen from to neighbor-finder)
(reduce #'+ (mapcar (lambda (path) (path-favor (mapcar #'find-user path) from to))
(all-indirect-paths observer specimen neighbor-finder))))

(defun transactions-from (node)
(select-dao 'transaction (:= 'source-id (user-id node))))

(defun friend-find-node-func (observer specimen from to)
(lambda (node-id)
(mapcar (lambda (txn)
(target-id txn)))
(remove-if-not (lambda (txn)
(if (eq (user-id specimen)
(target-id txn))
(plusp (personal-favor (find-user (source-id txn))
(find-user (target-id txn))
from to))))
(select-dao 'transaction
(:and (:= 'source-id node-id)
(:>= to 'timestamp)
(:<= from 'timestamp)
(:not (:and
(:= (user-id observer) 'source-id)
(:= (user-id specimen) 'target-id))))))
:key #'target-id
:test #'=))))

(defun enemy-find-node-func (observer specimen from to)
(lambda (node-id)
(mapcar (lambda (txn)
(target-id txn)))
(remove-if-not (lambda (txn)
(if (= (user-id observer) (source-id txn))
(unless (eq (user-id specimen)
(target-id txn))
(minusp (personal-favor (find-user (source-id txn))
(find-user (target-id txn))
from to)))
(if (= (user-id specimen) (target-id txn))
(plusp (personal-favor (find-user (source-id txn))
(find-user (target-id txn))
from to)))))
(select-dao 'transaction
(:and (:= 'source-id node-id)
(:>= to 'timestamp)
(:<= from 'timestamp)
(:not (:and
(:= (user-id observer) 'source-id)
(:= (user-id specimen) 'target-id))))))
:key #'target-id
:test #'=))))

(defmethod friend-favor ((observer user) (specimen user) from to)
(relative-favor observer specimen
from to
(friend-find-node-func observer specimen from to)))

(defmethod enemy-favor ((observer user) (specimen user) from to)
(relative-favor observer specimen from to (enemy-find-node-func
observer specimen from to)))

;;; Simple relative favor
(defgeneric simple-friend-favor (observer specimen from to))
(defgeneric simple-enemy-favor (observer specimen from to))

(defun get-all-relevant-users (user target from to personal-favor-qualifier)
(loop for friend-id in (query (:select 'target-id :from 'transaction
:where (:and (:= (user-id user) 'source-id)
Expand All @@ -246,24 +85,24 @@ favor/disfavors decay in value."
do (pushnew friend-id friends)
finally (return (mapcar #'find-user friends))))

(defun simple-relevant-favor (observer specimen from to personal-favor-qualifier)
(defun relevant-favor (observer specimen from to personal-favor-qualifier)
(let ((observer-friends (get-all-relevant-users observer specimen from to personal-favor-qualifier)))
(reduce #'+
(lambda (friend)
(personal-favor friend specimen from to))

(defmethod simple-friend-favor ((observer user) (specimen user) from to)
(simple-relevant-favor observer specimen from to #'plusp))
(defmethod friend-favor ((observer user) (specimen user) from to)
(relevant-favor observer specimen from to #'plusp))

(defmethod simple-enemy-favor ((observer user) (specimen user) from to)
(simple-relevant-favor observer specimen from to #'minusp))
(defmethod enemy-favor ((observer user) (specimen user) from to)
(relevant-favor observer specimen from to #'minusp))

(defun favor-by-type (type observer specimen from to)
(let* ((type->function '(("personal" . personal-favor)
("friend" . simple-friend-favor)
("enemy" . simple-enemy-favor)
("friend" . friend-favor)
("enemy" . enemy-favor)
("global" . global-favor)))
(function (cdr (assoc type type->function :test #'string-equal))))
(if function
Expand Down

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