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Releases: zlatnaspirala/visual-ts-game-engine

Visual-Ts Lake of fire [0.6.22]

02 Apr 12:35
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Lake of fire 0.6.22


Server config changes:

Added free service ->

     // enum : 'dev', 'prod', `` or ``
     this.serverMode = "";

Setup dev when you wanna run all it in localhost.
Setup when you use public production server but you wanna use
Setup prod When you use your own mongod on your public production server.
Setup if you wanna use localhost env but you wanna use free service.

This is fix for always pain switching between different env's.

this.databaseRoot = {
  dev: "mongodb://localhost:27017" ,
  prod: "mongodb://userAdmin:*************@localhost:27017/admin",
  freeService: "mongodb+srv://userAdmin:**********"

New features

0.6.21 -> Added record-canvas npm module, game play can be recorded to the mp4 format and with no action download after rec interval ends. 
0.6.20 -> Added Sound:On/Off feature 
0.6.19 -> Adding Sound class to the ioc controller, help for generate self-singed cert
0.6.18 -> Added free service new optimal option for choosing database
0.6.16 -> added background audio and jump effect for single player 
0.6.15 -> UPDATE Broadcaster , added webcam access local without networking hot fix . Added local-stream-loaded dispatch event trigger.

Facebook addson & published on FB apps

10 Feb 22:41
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Platformer single player solution

version 0.3.4

Published on apps facebook


06 Jan 21:03
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New features :

  • Run multi entry compile:
    "dev-all": "webpack --config webpack.config.multicompile.js",

Point of Multi entries is to make independent healthy builds end point
for our application. Current export's for 2 solutions looks like
(runs webpack.multicompile.config.js) :


  npm run dev-all


├── build/  (This is auto generated)
|   ├── multiplayer/
|   ├── singleplaye/

  • Load auto generated maps from python3 tool creator-2dmap

  • New folder for ioc.ts files named controllers/ .
    Helps to build clear end point of project code.

  • Add single player application instance like option (resource independent - no shared assets) .

  • Remove npm from dependency to devDependency.