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Swarm is a distributed scheduled job framework, based on Quartz.


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Swarm is a distributed scheduled job framework, based on Quartz.


  +------------------+      +------------+        +------------------+      +------------+ 
  |  Swarm Server 1  +------>            |        |  Swarm Server 3  +------>            |
  +------------------+      |            |        +------------------+      |            | 
                            |   Quartz   |                                  |   Quartz   |
  +------------------+      | Scheduler 1|        +------------------+      | Scheduler 2|
  |  Swarm Server 2  +------>            |        |  Swarm Server 4  +------>            |
  +------------------+      +------------+        +------------------+      +------------+

                            |             Swarm DB             |

--------------------------------------SHARDING MODULE---------------------------------------
                                       HTTP, WebSocket
               |                   |                   |                   | 
       +-------v--------+  +-------v--------+  +-------v--------+  +-------v--------+
       | Swarm Client 1 |  | Swarm Client 2 |  | Swarm Client 3 |  | Swarm Client 4 |
       +----------------+  +----------------+  +----------------+  +----------------+

  • 2 or more Swarm Server as a quartz cluster node to make sure triggers will be performed.
  • Via ISharding to choose a Scheduler to create/update/delete job
  • Process: Client receive message from Swarm server, then start a process to execute the job
  • Reflection: Swarm client load all DLLs from job directory, create a job instance and invoke the Task Handler(JobContext context) method
  • Cron,
  • Simple,
  • DailyTimeInterval,
  • CalendarInterval
  • WebSocket
  • HTTP
  • Kafka
  • Other


Quartz is a great scheduler framework, but if we have millions or more jobs or trigger very frequent, one database can't load this scenario. So we want to implement a distributed scheduler system can scheudler millions jobs, millions clients


Quartz 定时系统的基本原理


|  job1, 2018-11-01 17:36:00 |
|  job2, 2018-11-01 18:36:00 |
|  job3, 2018-11-01 18:37:00 |
|  job4, 2018-11-01 19:30:00 |

循环查询规划表以SQL SERVER举例:

1. 取得原子锁
2. 查询需要触发的 Trigger: SELECT TOP {maxCount} FROM TRIGGERS WHERE NextFireTime <=noLaterThan AND NextFireTime >= @noEarlierThan AND State = StateWaiting , 其中 noLaterThan 是当前时间 和 noEarlierThan 是当前时间加扫描频率, 在 Quartz中可以配置
3. 计算每一个 Trigger 的下一次触发时间, 更新 State 和下一次触发时间到数据库
4. 释放原子锁
5. 触发所有任务

那么其实这一类任务触发系统的问题也就很明显了, 在单位扫描时间内如果不能处理完所有的任务, 就会造成 miss fire. 其中 {maxCount} 的值很关键, 默认是 1, 可以根据需求调整可以大大提高性能.

Quartz 集群解决了什么问题?

Quartz 的集群模式是通过 SchedulerName 来标识同一组集群, 即在上面的第二步查找时添加 SchedulerName= @SchedulerName 这样的限制条件, 同时分布式锁的实现也是针对 SchedulerName 来做的, 下图是 Quartz 的 LOCKS 表


可以知道 Quartz 的集群是侧重任务端,把任务触发到不同的 Quartz 实例, 保证任务的执行是它的目的。 因此, Quartz 的默认集群模式并不能解决如果任务量过多、锁的竞争导致的 miss fire 问题


我不知道在真实场景中触发时间的分布, 假设我们的性能指标是每天调度100万次,触发时间是平均的则每秒要触发约 12 个任务, 这个数据量即便是使用了分布式锁相信也是能够轻轻松松负荷的. 如果要做到如阿里云 SchedulerX 所说的每天调度10亿次, 每秒要查询和更新11000+行, 这个量级我觉得高性能硬件数据库也不是不能完成. 但是这样并没有压榨掉数据库的极限性能, 毕竟是依靠一个原子锁


  1. 直接依赖 Quartz 默认支持的多个 Scheduler, 如对一个数据库默认分配多个 Scheduler:
Scheduler1, Scheduler2, Scheduler3, Scheduler4, Scheduler5, ...
  1. 每个 Scheduler 由 2 个以上的实例来保证稳定性, 组成一个 Swarm Sharding Node, SSN 通过 SignalR 组成集群, 每个 SSN 启动后把信息添加到数据库, 并定时更新心跳. 每个 SSN 定时扫描注册表, 如果发现掉线的节点(分布式锁)则触发迁移

  2. 每触发一个任务在数据库中给对应的 Scheduler 增加 1 次计数

  3. SSN 还可以创建、删除、修改、触发, 同时也是对外的连接中心, 管理分布式客户端的触发, 创建任务的时候, 查询各 Scheduler 的触发计数, 取最小的一个 Scheduler 调用其Quartz数据库接口添加任务(负载算法可调整)

  4. 当 SSN 触发一个任务时, 通过任务信息归属和分片信息等分发到对应的客户端

  5. 当某个 SSN 只有一个实例时, 提示警告信息, 当 SSN 节点完全当掉时, 集群中的其它 SSN 应该把此节点的所有任务迁移到其它节点或者备用节点

    +----------------------+  +-----------------------+  +----------------------+ 
    |        JOBS          |  |        NODES          |  |      CLIENTS         | 
    +----------------------+  +-----------------------+  +----------------------+ 
    |  TriggerType         |  |  SchedInstanceId      |  |  Name                | 
    |  PermformerType      |  |  SchedName            |  |  Group               | 
    |  LastModificationTime|  |  Provider             |  |  ConnectionId        | 
    |  Name                |  |  TriggerTimes         |  |  Ip                  | 
    |  Group               |  |  LastModificationTime |  |  Os                  | 
    |  CreationTime        |  |  CreationTime         |  |  CoreCount           |  
    |  Description         |  |  ConnectString        |  |  Memory              | 
    |  Owner               |  +-----------------------+  |  CreationTime        | 
    |  Load                |                             |  LastModificationTime| 
    |  Sharding            |                             |  IsConnected         | 
    |  ShardingParameters  |                             |  SchedName           | 
    |  StartAt             |                             |  SchedInstanceId     | 
    |  EndAt               |                             |  IsConnected         |                            
    |  AllowConcurrent     |                             +----------------------+                
    |  SchedInstanceId     |
    |  SchedName           |                             
    |  ExecutorType        |                                                                       
    |  Cron                |      
    |  CallbackHost        |  
    |  App                 |  
    |  AppArguments        |  
    +----------------------+  +----------------------+  +----------------------+
    |   CLIENT_JOBS        |  |   CLIENT_PROCESSES   |  |         LOG          |
    +----------------------+  +----------------------+  +----------------------+
    |   Name               |  |  Name                |  |  ClientName          |
    |   Group              |  |  Group               |  |  ClientGroup         |
    |   ClassName          |  |  ProcessId           |  |  TraceId             |
    |   CreationTime       |  |  JobId               |  |  JobId               |
    +----------------------+  |  App                 |  |  Sharding            |
                              |  AppArguments        |  |  Msg                 |
                              |  LastModificationTime|  |  CreationTime        |
                              |  CreationTime        |  +----------------------+
                              |  Sharding            |   
                              |  Msg                 |  
                              |  TraceId             | 
                              |  State               |


Module Feature Interface Description Compelete Unit Tests
SSN Heartbeat ISwarmCluster 从配置文件读取信息: SchedName, NodeId, 以此为条件更新心跳时间到数据库. 如果更新影响行数为 0, 则插入一条新的记录, 初始 TriggerTimes 为 0. 循环执行
SSN Sharding ISharding 从数据库中取出负载最小的节点 
SSN Health Check ISwarmCluster 每隔一定时间查询心跳超时节点, 发现警告信息或邮件给管理员, 严重的自动迁移数据, 需要分布式锁 
SSN Client Process Timeout Check ISwarmCluster 每隔一定时间查询客户端进程表, 发现超时的标识为超时 
SSN Create Job IJobService 参数验证 -> 判断任务是否存在 -> 通过分片接查询节点 -> 创建 Sched -> 添加任务到节点 -> 任务更新节点编号, 保存任务到 Swarm 数据库, 保存失败需要从节点中删除  
SSN Delete Job IJobService 参数验证 -> 判断任务是否存在 -> 通过任务中的节点编号查询节点 -> 创建节点对应的 Sched -> 删除任务, 删除触发器 -> 从 Swarm 数据库中删除任务信息  
SSN Update Job IJobService 参数验证 -> 判断任务是否存在 -> ...  
SSN Trigger Job IJobService 参数验证 -> 判断任务是否存在 -> 通过任务中的节点编号查询节点 -> 创建节点对应的 Sched -> 触发任务  
SSN Exit All IJobService 参数验证 -> 判断任务是否存在 -> 通知所有节点根据任务编号退出此任务所有进程(Http触发任务无法退出)  
SSN Exit IJobService 参数验证 -> 判断任务是否存在 -> 根据任务编号, 批次, 分片查询客户端连接信息, 通知对应节点退出对应任务  
Client Loop Connect IClient 配置重试次数, 如果连接失败或者连接被断开则重试 
Client Register Jobs IClient 递归扫描 /{base}/jobs/下所有 DLLs, 扫描得到继承 ISwarmJob 的类型, 并注册到 SSN中 
Client ExecutorFactory IExecutorFactory 通过名字创建对应的任务执行器 
Client Process Executor IExecutor 启动一个新进程, 执行配置好的任务 
Client Reflection Executor IExecutor 反射任务类型, 执行配置好的任务 
Client Process Storage IProcessStorage 存储正在执行的任务, 一旦客户端崩溃重启依据本地存储信息检测还在跑的进程有哪些和SSN同步状态, 执行存储操作前先同步到 SSN 
Client Log Filter ILogFilter 筛选用户需要的日志上传到 SSN, 默认是全部上传 


  1. open a command prompt/terminal

  2. install Swarm.Node

     dotnet tool install --global Swarm.Node
  3. install Swarm.ConsoleClient vi execute

     dotnet tool install --global Swarm.ConsoleClient
  4. create a swarm node configuration

     mkdir /etc/swarm
     vi /etc/swarm/appsettings.json

    paste below configs and change sqlserver connectionstring or other settings

       "Swarm": {
         "ConnectionString": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Swarm;User Id=sa;Password='1qazZAQ!'",
         "AccessTokens": [
         "SchedName": "SwarmCluster",
         "SchedInstanceId": "Swarm001",
         "Provider": "SqlServer",
         "QuartzConnectionString": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Swarm001;User Id=sa;Password='1qazZAQ!'"
       "AllowedHosts": "*",
       "urls": "http://*:8000"
  5. create a systemctl config

     vi /etc/systemd/system/swarm.service

    paste below codes

     Description = Swarm Node
     ExecStart = /root/.dotnet/tools/Swarm.Node /ect/swarm/appsettings.json
     Restart = always
     RestartSec = 10
     SyslogIdentifier = swarm
  6. start swarm service

     systemctl start swarm        
  7. create a swarm console client configuraiton

     vi /etc/swarm/client.ini

    paste below codes and change it as you wish, the host should be swarm node's url

    name = inhouse001
    group = DEFAULT
    host = http://localhost:8000
    accessToken= %wTAd6IgcnQZauJKDTGdkmxyJgFxffXe
    retryTimes = 7200
    heartbeatInterval = 5000
    ip =
  8. create a systemctl config

     vi /etc/systemd/system/swarmclient.service

    paste below codes

     Description = Swarm Client
     ExecStart = /root/.dotnet/tools/Swarm.ConsoleClient /etc/swarm/client.ini
     Restart = always
     RestartSec = 10
     SyslogIdentifier = swarmclient
  9. start client

     systemctl start swarmclient
  10. let try a cron process job: http://[host]/job/cronProc

    input Name: testEcho
    input ShardingParameters: boy;girl
    update Sharding: 2
    input Application: echo
    input Arguemnts: i am %csp%

    then submit

  11. back to http://[host]/job/cron and press Log to see the execute logs

    |    Name    |   Group   |             TraceId              |  Sharding |    Msg    |         Time        |
    | inhouse001 |  DEFAULT  | 889bb3b8a6004975b8a1b2ed5d017112 |     2     | i am girl | 2018-11-10 00:40:59 |
    | inhouse001 |  DEFAULT  | 889bb3b8a6004975b8a1b2ed5d017112 |     1     | i am boy  | 2018-11-10 00:40:59 |


1 2 3 4


  • Client can't connect to Swarm server, but processes of jobs are still running, when the server restart, server should know those information and update job's state to database?
  • Client down, all processes it opened still alive? may be we should store process<-> job info to help rescue client.


  1. Fork the project
  2. Create Feat_xxx branch
  3. Commit your code
  4. Create Pull Request


Swarm is a distributed scheduled job framework, based on Quartz.







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