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Optimized BotcleanPartial that keeps track of previous dirty positions
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Something is still wrong though because I lost a game. Need to find
the edge case to fix it.
  • Loading branch information
zmoazeni committed Dec 14, 2014
1 parent 6fb9eb7 commit a8a2500
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 29 deletions.
78 changes: 49 additions & 29 deletions haskell/botclean_partial/BotcleanPartial.hs
Expand Up @@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ data Path = Path { getPositions :: [Position], getEntry :: Entry, getCost :: Int
type Matrix = [Entry]
data Action = GoUp | GoDown | GoRight | GoLeft | Clean
data Env = Env {
envPath :: [Position],
envEntry :: Entry,
envAllDirtyEntries :: Matrix,
envMatrix :: Matrix,
envCurrentPosition :: Position,
envVisitedPositions :: [Position]
envPath :: [Position],
envEntry :: Entry,
envAllDirtyEntries :: Matrix,
envMatrix :: Matrix,
envCurrentPosition :: Position,
envVisitedPositions :: [Position],
envPassedDirtyPositions :: [Position]
} deriving (Show)

instance Show Action where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,32 +75,40 @@ main = do
environment <- getPositionAndMatrix input

lookAheadPathsWithCost = runReader lookAhead environment
maybeTotalCosts = sumLookAheadCost lookAheadPathsWithCost
currentPosition = envCurrentPosition environment
currentValue = getValue $ envEntry environment
closestObscuredPosition' = runReader closestObscuredPosition environment
lookAheadPathsWithCost = runReader lookAhead environment
maybeTotalCosts = sumLookAheadCost lookAheadPathsWithCost
currentPosition = envCurrentPosition environment
currentValue = getValue $ envEntry environment

nextPosition = case maybeTotalCosts of
Nothing -> runReader closestObscuredPosition environment
Just totalCosts -> let (_, cheapestRoute) = head totalCosts
(_:cheapestDirtyPosition:_) = cheapestRoute
in cheapestDirtyPosition
otherDirtyPositions = filter (/= currentPosition) $ map getPosition (envAllDirtyEntries environment)

action = if currentValue == dirtyValue
then Clean
else case maybeTotalCosts of
Nothing -> originToDestination currentPosition closestObscuredPosition'
Just totalCosts -> let (_, cheapestRoute) = head totalCosts
(_:nextPosition:_) = cheapestRoute
in originToDestination currentPosition nextPosition

else originToDestination currentPosition nextPosition

putStrLn (show action)

withFile fileLogPath AppendMode $ \file -> do
hPutStrLn file (show currentPosition)
let toSave = (currentPosition, otherDirtyPositions)
hPutStrLn file (show toSave)

closestObscuredPosition :: Reader Env Position
closestObscuredPosition = do
Env {envMatrix=matrix, envCurrentPosition=currentPosition, envVisitedPositions=visitedPositions} <- ask
let obscuredPositions = filter (\Entry{getValue=value, getPosition=position} -> value == obscuredValue && not (position `elem` visitedPositions)) matrix
sortedPositions = sort $ map (\Entry{getPosition=position} -> ((calculateCost currentPosition position), position)) obscuredPositions
return $ snd (head sortedPositions)
Env {envMatrix=matrix,
envPassedDirtyPositions=passedDirtyPositions} <- ask
sortedPositions = sort . map (\position -> ((calculateCost currentPosition position), position))
obscuredPositions = sortedPositions $ map getPosition $ filter (\Entry{getValue=value, getPosition=position} -> value == obscuredValue && not (position `elem` visitedPositions)) matrix
passedDirtyPositions' = sortedPositions $ filter (\position -> not $ position `elem` visitedPositions) passedDirtyPositions
closestPosition = snd . head $ if null passedDirtyPositions' then obscuredPositions else passedDirtyPositions'
return closestPosition

lookAhead :: Reader Env [Path]
lookAhead = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,20 +170,31 @@ getPositionAndMatrix input = do
dirtyEntries = filter (\Entry {getValue=v} -> v == dirtyValue) matrix
currentEntry = fromJust $ find (\Entry {getPosition=position'} -> position == position') matrix

previousPositions <- withFile fileLogPath ReadWriteMode $ \file -> do
(previousPositions, passedDirtyPositions) <- withFile fileLogPath ReadWriteMode $ \file -> do
let fileContents = (hGetContents file)
previousPositions <- positionLines <$> fileContents
return $!! previousPositions

return (Env [position] currentEntry dirtyEntries matrix position previousPositions)
previousPosAndDirtyPos <- positionLines <$> fileContents
return $!! previousPosAndDirtyPos

return $ Env {

parseTwoInts line = let ints = map read (words line) :: [Int]
(y:x:_) = ints
in (x, y)

positionLines :: String -> [Position]
positionLines = map (\s -> read s) . lines
positionLines :: String -> ([Position], [Position])
positionLines input = let parsedLines = map read (lines input)
visitedPositions = map fst parsedLines
passedDirtyPositions = concatMap snd parsedLines
in (visitedPositions, nub passedDirtyPositions)

buildMatrix :: [String] -> Matrix
buildMatrix input = concatMap withXYIndex (withIndex input)
Expand Down

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