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@psychon psychon tagged this 31 Jan 22:27
* Added ipv6 support
* Added Template support in webadmin now you can write your own skins easily :)
* Support for multiple Listen Ports (note the config option "ListenPort" changed to "Listen")
* Added new module called autoop for "secure" opping
* Added ListenHost for binding to a specific ip instead of inaddr_any
* Added +o/v -o/v for when users attach/detach - partyline module
* Changed internal naming of CUserSock to CClient for consistency
* Fixed some issues with older bsd boxes
* Allow - and _ as valid username chars
* respect compiler, we don't force you to use g++ anymore, don't include system includes for deps
* Added Replace_n() and fixed internal loop bug in Replace() (thanks psycho for finding it)
* Don't allow .. in GET command
* Added support for buffering of /me actions
Assets 2