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Diablo 2: Resurrected map viewer

Noob friendly FREE map reveal tool for Diablo 2 Resurrected.
Use at your own risk, there is no warranty or responsibility taken for being penalised for using this.

Please follow this guide to setup your own, it's quite easy:

This tool is licenced under GPLv3.

Join the discord server

Durance of Hate Level 2


Map examples

Dark Wood Halls of Pain Travincal


Set up guide has moved to the wiki:

Press Ctrl+H in game for a help menu Press Ctrl+O for in game options

The executable does not require administrator privileges unless you are running the game as administrator. Refer to troubleshooting below if you have issues.
Sometimes windows defender can intercept the download, try a different browser if this happens.

Please read the wiki

Virustotal gave me an alert

The compiled executable will get false positives in virus scans. This is because the tool is written in Autohotkey. Autohotkey, while a powerful tool, has been used for all sorts of nefarious applications in the past.
If you look on the Autohotkey forums, you'll see this is a widely reported problem.

However, you can alternatively download and install
Then you can run src/d2r-map.ahk directly from source. This way you can be fully aware of what code you're executing and you don't have to trust an opaque executable.

Do not accept executables for this from any other source!


  • The map will show positions of:
    • Players
    • Monsters as a white dot
    • Unique/champion/superunique monsters as a larger gold dot
    • Monster immunities
    • Item drop alerts with a customisable filter
    • Text to speech to announce dropped special items defined in your item filter
    • Shows shrines and their type
    • Portals
    • All doors and waypoints marked
    • A purple line drawn to the next level exit
    • A yellow line drawn to the waypoint
    • A red line drawn to the nearest boss (Nihlithak, summoner etc)
    • All quest items, marked in green (Stones, Hellforge, Altars etc)
  • Can have map in corner of the screen or in the center like the normal automap
  • Saves game session history including game names, xp gained, duration into a CSV
  • Shows server IP in the corner of the window
  • Displays game history in game menu: Game History
  • Highly configurable, size, color, position, opacity etc
  • Can change map size and position with key shortcuts while in game

Other notes

  • Press Ctrl+H to see help in game, including a map legend
  • Press Ctrl+O for in game options
  • Press / (the one next to your shift key) to switch map to centered mode.
  • You can exit the maphack with Shift+F10
  • You can also right click the icon in the system tray.
  • This MH will automatically exit when you exit D2R.


Join the discord server Please report any scams or attempts to resell this maphack on discord.


Please consider donating either some BTC or D2JSP to support this project.

Bitcoin donation 18hSn32hChp1CmBYnRdQFyzkz5drpijRa2
BEP20 BUSD address 0xb77638fec7fb7ac2064f5fc754980404835fe9a3
D2JSP forum gold:


In settings.ini you can declare any of the below settings to override the built-in default setting.

e.g. to turn off immunities add the following line in settings.ini:


General settings

Setting Default Description
baseUrl http://localhost:3002 URL of the map server, set to public server by default, but you can use localhost if you run your own server
scale 1 The global scale setting applied to all map images, press NumpadPlus and NumpadSubtract to adjust in game
leftMargin 20 The left margin of all map images, set this to wider than your primary monitor to push it onto your secondary monitor.
topMargin 20 Top margin of map image
opacity 0.6 How transparent the map image should be, between 0 and 1
alwaysShowMap false This setting will force the map to always show, ignoring the TAB key
hideTown false This will hide town maps so they will never show
edges true This makes map images appear as walls instead of walkable area
wallThickness 0.5 Thickness of walls in when edges is turned on
centerMode false (BETA) centerMode will replace the normal automap, the map will be scaled really large and track the player position
centerModeScale 1.7 scale of the image, change this if the scale in centered mode doesn't line up
serverScale 4 The larger the scale, the more detailed the map, but slower to load
centerModeOpacity 0.7 Opacity of the centered map
centerModeXoffset 0 Change this if the map doesn't line up with the normal automap horizontally
centerModeYoffset -56 Change this if the map doesn't line up with the normal automap vertically
centerModeXUnitoffset 1 Change this if the units (players, monsters etc) doesn't line up horizontally with the normal automap
centerModeYUnitoffset 16 Change this if the units (players, monsters etc) doesn't line up vertically with the normal automap

Game History/info

Setting Default Description
showGameInfo true Show/hide game history in menus
textSectionWidth 700 How many pixels of width to allow to show game history, make smaller to take up less width
textSize 20 Text size of game history
textAlignment LEFT can also set RIGHT to move game history to other side of the screen
showAllHistory false show ALL game history even in previous gaming sessions in game shitory list
showIPtext true Show game server IP address in corner of game window
textIPfontSize 18 IP address font size
textIPalignment RIGHT can also set to LEFT to move IP address to left side of screen


Setting Default Description
showNormalMobs true Set to false to hide normal non-unique monsters on the map
showUniqueMobs true Set to false to hide unique monsters on the map
showBosses true Show bosses with a red dot, such as Diablo, Summoner etc
showDeadMobs true Show dead mobs as a black square (useful to know which areas are clear)
normalDotSize 2.5 Dot size of a normal mob
normalImmunitySize 4 Size of the larger immunity circle that surrounds a normal mob dot
uniqueDotSize 5 Dot size of a unique mob
uniqueImmunitySize 11 Size of the larger immunity circle that surrounds a unique mob dot
deadDotSize 2 Size of dead mob
bossDotSize 5 Size of boss dot
normalMobColor FFFFF Colour of the dot of normal monsters
uniqueMobColor D4AF37 Colour of the dot of unique monsters
bossColor FF0000 Colour of boss dots on the map
deadColor 000000 Color of dead mobs on the map


Setting Default Description
showImmunities true Show immunties of normal and unique monsters
physicalImmuneColor CD853f How physical immunity will display
magicImmuneColor ff8800 How magic immunity will display
fireImmuneColor FF0000 How fire immunity will display
lightImmuneColor FFFF00 How lightning immunity will display
coldImmuneColor 0000FF How coldimmunity will display
poisonImmuneColor 32CD32 How poison immunity will display


Setting Default Description
showPlayerMissiles true Player missiles/projectiles will display
showEnemyMissiles true Enemy missiles/projectiles will display
missileOpacity 0x77 The opacity of the missiles, must be a hex value
missileMajorDotSize 4 The larger missiles have a larger dot
missileMinorDotSize 2 The smaller missiles have a smaller dot

Other players/shrines/portals on map

Setting Default Description
showPlayerDotCenter true Center mode only, shows current player green dot
showOtherPlayers true Show other players as squares
showOtherPlayerNames false Show names above player dots, disabled by default
showShrines true Show shrines
showPortals true Show portals including red portals
portalColor 00AAFF Town portal color
redPortalColor FF0000 Red portal color (e.g. cow level portal)
shrineColor FFD700 Shrine and shrine type text colour
shrineTextSize 14 Shrine text size

Dropped valuable item alerts

Setting Default Description
showUniqueAlerts true Show an alert when a unique item is on the ground
showSetItemAlerts true Show an alert when a set item is on the ground
showRuneAlerts true Show an alert when a rune is on the ground
showJewelAlerts true Show an alert when a jewel is on the ground
showCharmAlerts true Show an alert when a charm is on the ground
showBaseItems true Show an alert when a base item is on the ground
runeItemColor FFa700 Rune alert colour when a rune is on the ground
uniqueItemColor BBA45B Unique alert color when a unique is on the ground
setItemColor 00FC00 Set item alert colour when a set item is on the ground
charmItemColor 6D6DFF Charm alert colour when a charm is on the ground
jewelItemColor 6D6DFF Jewel alert colour when a jewel is on the ground
baseItemColor AAAAAA Base item alert colour when a base item is on the ground

Text to speech

Setting Default Description
allowTextToSpeech true Toggle whether an item of interest is announced in speech when it drops
textToSpeechVolume 50 Range 1-100 - Volume of text to speech
textToSpeechPitch 1 Voice pitch
textToSpeechSpeed 1 Speaking speed
allowItemDropSounds true Toggle sound effects in itemfilter.yaml

Guide lines

Setting Default Description
showWaypointLine false Draws a yellow line to the nearest waypoint, turned off by default
showNextExitLine true Draws a purple line to the next relevant exit
showBossLine true Draws a red line to the boss in that level (Nihlithak, Summoner etc)
showQuestLine true Draws a green line to the relevant quest item in that level

Shortcut keys

It's a good idea to add ~ in front of the hotkey. This is to make the key still send the normal keystroke as well as trigger the MH function.

Setting Default Description
increaseMapSizeKey NumpadAdd Key to increase the size of the map
decreaseMapSizeKey NumpadSub Key to decrease the size of the map
alwaysShowKey NumpadMult Key to toggle alwaysShowMap setting
moveMapLeft #Left Shortcut to move map left (Win + left)
moveMapRight #Right Shortcut to move map right (Win + Right)
moveMapUp #Up Shortcut to move map up (Win + Up)
moveMapDown #Down Shortcut to move map down (Win + Down)
switchMapMode / Shortcut to toggle centered map mode (not Numpad/)
historyToggleKey ^g Shortcut key to hide game history in menu (Ctrl+G)

To better understand the keyboard shortcut format, refer to


Setting Default Description
performanceMode 50ms Experimental, set to -1 to max out performance. This may use too much CPU and cause strange behaviour. Try setting to 0 if it uses too much CPU. Refer to this doc to understand what it's doing
enableD2ML false Only enable if you use multiple D2R sessions
windowTitle D2R:main This is ignored unless enableD2ML is turned on. It is the window title of one D2R session for multi sesion


Setting Default Description
debug false Turn this one to increase the level of the logging, note this will create huge log.txt files. Can be toggled in-game with Shift+F9

Map Server

Use the hosted free map server

I offer a free to use map server but it is shutting down Feb 14. Please run your own, it's very easy and I've created this guide:

Is it safe?

No one can say for sure. Blizzard do have Warden anti-cheat that will scan your computer for running processes and compare them against a blacklist. I accept no responsibility for any outcomes or usage of this tool. Use at your own risk!


  • A log file log.txt is generated in the same folder as the executable.
  • You can also set debug logging to true in settings.ini for verbose logging.
  • Go to the discord server if you need further help
  • Tested and working on Diablo 2 Resurrected 1.0.67554

Error message Warning: The keyboard and/or mouse hook could not be activated; some parts of the script will not function: This happens with certain antivirus where it will block hotkeys, you may need to 'allow' the script for hotkeys to work.


This repo is licenced under GPLv3

  1. Anyone can copy, modify and distribute this software.
  2. You have to include the license and copyright notice with each and every distribution.
  3. You can use this software privately.
  4. You can use this software for commercial purposes.
  5. Any modifications of this code base MUST be distributed with the same license, GPLv3.
  6. This software is provided without warranty.
  7. The software author or license can not be held liable for any damages inflicted by the software.

Violations of the licence may make you liable for DMCA takedowns.



Diablo 2 Map reveal screen overlay







No packages published


  • AutoHotkey 99.9%
  • Batchfile 0.1%