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By Zohar Rimon, Aviv Tamar and Gilad Adler

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Official implementation of the paper Meta Reinforcement Learning with Finite Training Tasks - a Density Estimation Approach.


  title={Meta Reinforcement Learning with Finite Training Tasks - a Density Estimation Approach},
  author={Rimon, Zohar and Tamar, Aviv and Adler, Gilad},
  booktitle={Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
# General This code is based on the open-sourced VariBad repository of Zintgraf et al - For general overview of the repository, we refer the reader to the original VariBad repository.


The requirements can be found in requirements.txt. One can create a sufficient conda environment with:

   conda create -n mbrl2 python=3.7
   pip install -r requirements.txt

Dream Environments Options

Besides the config options introduces in the VariBad repo,

  1. env_num_train_goals, env_num_eval_goals - number of training and evaluation environmnets
  2. num_dream_envs - number of dream environments processes
  3. use_kde, use_mixup - use KDE to sample new latents, if false we use the learned Prior
  4. use_mixup - use the mixup technique to sample new latents instead of regular KDE
  5. delay_dream - number of iterations to delay the initialization of the dream environments by
  6. update_kde_interval - iterations interval for the KDE updates
  7. kde_from_train - create KDE using an oracle policy
  8. kde_from_running_latents - use a latent pool, gathered along the training for the dream environments estimation
  9. freeze_vae - don't train the VAE (only the policy)
  10. delayed_freeze - stop the VAE training after given number of iterations
  11. train_vae_on_dream - train the VAE to reconstruct reward over the dream environments
  12. clone_dream_vae - use a different vae for the dream environments

Reproducing Results

In order to reproduce the experiments shown in the paper:

  1. For the 20 real training environments and 4 dream environments experiment:

    python --exp_name 20_train_4_kde_dream --env_type pointrobot_varibad\
                   --env_num_train_goals 20 --num_dream_envs 4
  2. For the 30 real training environments and 6 dream environments experiment:

    python --exp_name 30_train_6_kde_dream --env_type pointrobot_varibad \
                   --env_num_train_goals 30 --num_dream_envs 6

In order to use Mixup dream environments instead of the KDE, add the --use_mixup flag.

To reproduce the exact figures from the paper one need to run all the seeds specified in utils/ (for a specific experiment) and run utils/

For example, to reproduce the 30 real training environments experiment (VariBad vs VariBad dream) run seeds:

seeds = [3, 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93, 103, 200, 201, 202, 203]


Zohar Rimon -


Model Based Regularization for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning






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