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Zooduck Self Sorting Gallery

Create perfect thumbnail galleries without whitespace. Supports Lazy Loading and Responsive Images.

alt text

To view on GitHub Pages:


Include the following <script> tag in the <head> of your page:

<script src=''></script>
  • Create an array of image objects using the following format:

image object

    width: 1920, // The naturalWidth in pixels of the full size (hero) image
    height: 1080, // The naturalHeight in pixels of the full size (hero) image
    hero: {
        src: '',
        sources: []
    thumbnail: {
        src: '',
        sources: []

NOTE: This library supports Responsive Images using the <picture> tag. To make use of this feature, simply provide an array of source objects to the sources prop. Entirely optional!

source object example

  type: 'image/png',
  media: '(max-width: 320px)'
  srcset: ', 2x'

zoogal methods

  • Register a gallery
zoogal.registerGallery('your_gallery_name', your_array_of_image_objects);
  • Configure options for all galleries (optional - see below for available options)
  • Load a gallery


Name Default Description
mobileBreakpoint 768 Used by the disableAnimationsForMobile option.
mobilePortraitBreakpoint 425 Used by the columnsForMobile option.
desktopLandscapeBreakpoint 1024 The maximum width (in pixels) for the Thumbnail Gallery.
placeholderUrl '' If set, this image will be used instead of the auto-generated multi-coloured SVG placeholders.
loadAll false Disable lazy loading.
keepImageOrder true Image order is maintained. Set this option to false if you want to maintain a consistent height for your gallery rows.
upscaleImagesToFit false Set to true if you want to reduce the amount of whitespace. Requires keepImageOrder: true.
upscaleRatioMax 1.5 The maximum amount of upscale. Requires keepImageOrder: true, upscaleImagesToFit: true.
disableAnimationsForMobile false References mobileBreakpoint.
useLoadingSpinnerForLightbox true Use Loading Spinner in Lightbox when image is loading.
thumbnailBorderWidth 5 The amount of Thumbnail Grid spacing in pixels.
galleryBackgroundColor #ffffff Note: Must be a 6-digit hex value.
placeholderAnimationDuration 1 The animation duration (in seconds) for the Thumbnail Placeholder animations.
lightboxBackgroundColor #111111 Note: Must be a 6-digit hex value.
columnsPerRow 4 Affects the number of images per row. Higher values = more images per row. Note: The more images per row, the smaller they will be.
columsForMobile 3 Affects the number of images per row for a mobile device in portrait orientation. Higher values = more images per row. Note: The more images per row, the smaller they will be. References mobilePortraitBreakpoint.
enablePlaceholderInLightbox true If set to true, displays a placeholder (SVG / thumbnail) when the image is loading.
useTinyThumbnailPlaceholderInLightbox true If set to true, the Gallery Thumbnail will be used as the placeholder (upscaled pixelated effect). If set to false, a solid colour SVG will be used instead. Requires enablePlaceholderInLightbox: true.


Create perfect thumbnail galleries without whitespace.






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