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-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --
--         Wadler's Pretty Printer with Lua Pretty Printer module         --
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --
Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 by Andrew Zhilin <>
Distributed under MIT license.

Package contents:
zpp.lua        -- Wadler's Pretty Printer (undocumented, sorry)
luapp.lua      -- Pretty Printer for lua structures
errfmt.lua     -- error formatter
test_luapp.lua -- tests, optional

Some Notes:

For using lua pretty printer you shoud place files zpp.lua, errfmt.lua
and luapp.lua somewhere in your $LUA_PATH. luapp module exports only
one function 'pp' with signature:

pp(any,[root-name],[page-width],[max-line-with]) -> string

@root-name -- optional name for the topmost table if you expect it to
be recvursive, default: "ROOT"

@page-width -- optional max page width, default: 78

@max-line-with -- optional fraction of the max desired line width to
the page width, default: 0.6

Minimal program:
    local M = require"luapp"
