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Garrett Smith committed Jun 9, 2004
1 parent 96a9cdb commit 8e60243
Showing 1 changed file with 281 additions and 0 deletions.
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Form utility functions
In Zope 2's formulator, forms provide a basic mechanism for
organizing collections of fields and providing user interfaces for
them, especially editing interfaces.
In Zope 3, formulator's forms are replaced by Schema (See
zope.schema). In addition, the Formulator fields have been replaced by
schema fields and form widgets. Schema fields just express the sematics
of data values. They contain no presentation logic or parameters.
Widgets are views on fields that take care of presentation. The widget
view names represent styles that can be selected by applications to
customise the presentation. There can also be custom widgets with
specific parameters.
This module provides some utility functions that provide some of the
functionality of formulator forms that isn't handled by schema,
fields, or widgets.
__metaclass__ = type

from zope.schema import getFieldsInOrder
from import zapi
from import IWidget
from import WidgetsError, MissingInputError
from import InputErrors
from import IInputWidget, IDisplayWidget
from zope.component.interfaces import IViewFactory

# A marker that indicates 'no value' for any of the utility functions that
# accept a 'value' argument.
no_value = object()

def _fieldlist(names, schema):
if not names:
fields = getFieldsInOrder(schema)
fields = [ (name, schema[name]) for name in names ]
return fields

def _createWidget(context, field, viewType, request):
"""Creates a widget given a context, field, and viewType.
Uses zapi.getViewProviding to lookup a view for the field and the
field = field.bind(context)
return zapi.getViewProviding(field, viewType, request)

def _widgetHasStickyValue(widget):
"""Returns True if the widget has a sticky value.
A sticky value is input from the user that should not be overridden
by an object's current field value. E.g. a user may enter an invalid
postal code, submit the form, and receive a validation error - the postal
code should be treated as 'sticky' until the user successfully updates
the object.
return IInputWidget.providedBy(widget) and widget.hasInput()

def setUpWidget(view, name, field, viewType, value=no_value, prefix=None,
ignoreStickyValues=False, context=None):
"""Sets up a single view widget.
The widget will be an attribute of the view. If there is already
an attribute of the given name, it must be a widget and it will be
initialized with the given value if not no_value.
If there isn't already a view attribute of the given name, then a
widget will be created and assigned to the attribute.
if context is None:
context = view.context
widgetName = name + '_widget'

# check if widget already exists
widget = getattr(view, widgetName, None)
if widget is None:
# does not exist - create it
widget = _createWidget(context, field, viewType, view.request)
setattr(view, widgetName, widget)
elif IViewFactory.providedBy(widget):
# exists, but is actually a factory - use it to create the widget
widget = widget(field.bind(context), view.request)
setattr(view, widgetName, widget)

# widget must implement IWidget
if not IWidget.providedBy(widget):
raise TypeError(
"Unable to configure a widget for %s - attribute %s does not "
"implement IWidget" % (name, widgetName))

if prefix:

if value is not no_value and (
ignoreStickyValues or not _widgetHasStickyValue(widget)):

def setUpWidgets(view, schema, viewType, prefix=None, ignoreStickyValues=False,
initial={}, names=None, context=None):
"""Sets up widgets for the fields defined by a schema.
view is the view that will be configured with widgets.
schema is an interface containing the fields that widgets will be
created for.
prefix is a string that is appended to the widget names in the generated
HTML. This can be used to differentiate widgets for different schemas.
ignoreStickyValues is a flag that, when True, will cause widget sticky
values to be replaced with the context field value or a value specified
in initial.
initial is a mapping of field names to initial values.
names is an optional iterable that provides an ordered list of field
names to use. If names is None, the list of fields will be defined by
the schema.
context provides an alternative context for acquisition.
for (name, field) in _fieldlist(names, schema):
setUpWidget(view, name, field, viewType,
value=initial.get(name, no_value),

def setUpEditWidgets(view, schema, source=None, prefix=None,
ignoreStickyValues=False, names=None, context=None):
"""Sets up widgets to collect input on a view.
See setUpWidgets for details on view, schema, prefix, ignoreStickyValues,
names, and context.
source, if specified, is an object from which initial widget values are
read. If source is not specified, the view context is used as the source.
_setUpFormWidgets(view, schema, source, prefix, ignoreStickyValues,
names, context, IDisplayWidget, IInputWidget)

def setUpDisplayWidgets(view, schema, source=None, prefix=None,
ignoreStickyValues=False, names=None, context=None):
"""Sets up widgets to display field values on a view.
See setUpWidgets for details on view, schema, prefix, ignoreStickyValues,
names, and context.
source, if specified, is an object from which initial widget values are
read. If source is not specified, the view context is used as the source.
_setUpFormWidgets(view, schema, source, prefix, ignoreStickyValues,
names, context, IDisplayWidget, IDisplayWidget)

def _setUpFormWidgets(view, schema, source, prefix, ignoreStickyValues,
names, context, displayType, inputType):
"""A helper function used by setUpDisplayWidget and setUpEditWidget."""
if context is None:
context = view.context
if source is None:
source = view.context
for name, field in _fieldlist(names, schema):
if field.readonly:
viewType = displayType
viewType = inputType
value = field.get(source)
except AttributeError, v:
value = no_value
setUpWidget(view, name, field, viewType, value, prefix,
ignoreStickyValues, context)

def viewHasInput(view, schema, names=None):
"""Returns True if the any of the view's widgets contain user input.
schema specifies the set of fields that correspond to the view widgets.
names can be specified to provide a subset of these fields.
for name, field in _fieldlist(names, schema):
if getattr(view, name + '_widget').hasInput():
return True
return False

def applyWidgetsChanges(view, schema, target=None, names=None):
"""Updates an object with values from a view's widgets.
view contained the widgets that perform the update. By default, the widgets
will update the view's context. target can be specified as an alternative
object to update.
schema contrains the values provided by the widgets.
names can be specified to update a subset of the schema constrained values.

errors = []
changed = False
if target is None:
target = view.context

for name, field in _fieldlist(names, schema):
widget = getattr(view, name + '_widget')
if IInputWidget.providedBy(widget) and widget.hasInput():
changed = widget.applyChanges(target) or changed
except InputErrors, v:
if errors:
raise WidgetsError(errors)

return changed

def getWidgetsData(view, schema, names=None):
"""Returns user entered data for a set of schema fields.
The return value is a map of field names to data values.
view is the view containing the widgets. schema is the schema that
defines the widget fields. An optional names argument can be provided
to specify an alternate list of field values to return. If names is
not specified, or is None, getWidgetsData will attempt to return values
for all of the fields in the schema.
A requested field value may be omitted from the result for one of two
- The field is read only, in which case its widget will not have
user input.
- The field is editable and not required but its widget does not
contain user input.
If a field is required and its widget does not have input, getWidgetsData
raises an error.
A widget may raise a validation error if it cannot return a value that
satisfies its field's contraints.
Errors, if any, are collected for all fields and reraised as a single
result = {}
errors = []

for name, field in _fieldlist(names, schema):
widget = getattr(view, name + '_widget')
if IInputWidget.providedBy(widget):
if widget.hasInput():
result[name] = widget.getInputValue()
except InputErrors, v:
elif field.required:
name, widget.label, 'the field is required'))

if errors:
raise WidgetsError(errors, widgetsData=result)

return result

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