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Correct way of integrating Twisted into Zope 3 thanks to Itamar's help.
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We now have:

- a HTTP and HTTPS server over WSGI.

- Twisted's async loop.

- Adjusted server type code.

- Thread management.

Outstanding issues:

- heavily depended on zope.server, so it has to be 
  completely restructured.

- The FTP server is not working yet, since it has to be rewritten 
  (a Twisted folk task)

- Logging has to be reimplemented. (I am pretty much done; just needs test 
  and a slightly priprietary extension to WSGI that the twisted.web2 
  author and I already agreed upon. WSGI is not the holy grail it seems at 

- Client (SSL) certificate validation via an interface.

- Graceful TTW shutdown.
  • Loading branch information
strichter committed Apr 18, 2005
1 parent 65f6c11 commit 26dfc99
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Zope 3 Application Server Support

This package is responsible for initializing and starting the servers that
will provide access to the Zope 3 application. This package is heavily
twisted-depedent, though some pieces can be reused to bring up the Zope 3
application server in other environemnts.

Server Types

Zope 3 needs to support many server types -- HTTP, FTP, HTTP with postmortem
debugging, etc. All of them are registered as ``IServerType`` utilities in
ZCML. This allows developers to easily develop and register new servers for
Zope 3.

``ServerType`` is an implementation of ``IServerType`` that is specific to the
standard Twisted servers.. The constructor of ``ServerType`` takes three
arguments: the factory that will create a Twisted ``IServerFactory`` object
and the default port and IP to which to bind the server.

The ``factory`` argument should be a callable expecting one argument, the ZODB
instance. It is up to the factory, to implement the necessary glue between the
server and the application:

>>> class TwistedServerFactoryStub(object):
... def doStart(self): pass

>>> def factory(db):
... print 'ZODB: %s' %db
... return TwistedServerFactoryStub()

For the other two constructor arguments of ``ServerType``, the ``defaultPort``
argument specifies the default TCP port number for the server. The
``defaultIP`` argument specifies the network interface for listening on. You
can specify the network interface IP address, or an empty string if you want
to listen on all interfaces.

We are now ready to instantiate the server type:

>>> from import ServerType
>>> st = ServerType(factory, defaultPort=8080)

and let's make sure it really implements the promised interface:

>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
>>> from import IServerType
>>> verifyObject(IServerType, st)

A server type is then registered as a named utility. These utilities are used
while interpreting ``<server>`` sections of `zope.conf` to create instances of
servers listening on a specific port.

When you create an instance of a server using the ``create()`` method of the
server type, you need to tell it an identifying name and a the ZODB database
object. The IP address, port and backlog count can be optionally passed to the

>>> db = 'my database'
>>> server = st.create('Example-HTTP', db, port=8080)
ZODB: my database
>>> server #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
< instance at ...>

As you can see the server type creates a Zope-specific TCP server, which is
simply a standard ``twisted.internet.TCPServer`` that creates a log entry upon

>>> server.startService()
>>> print log.getvalue()
-- Example-HTTP Server started.
Hostname: localhost
Port: 8080

You can, of course, create multiple instances of the same server type, and
bind them to different ports.

>>> server2 = st.create('Example-HTTP-2', db, port=8081)
ZODB: my database

>>> server2.startService()
>>> print log.getvalue()
-- Example-HTTP Server started.
Hostname: localhost
Port: 8080
-- Example-HTTP-2 Server started.
Hostname: localhost
Port: 8081

A special type of server type is the SSL server type; it requires some
additional information (private key path, certificate path, and TLS flag) to
start up the server. The setup will only work, if OpenSSL is installed:

# >>> from import SSLServerType
# >>> ssl_st = SSLServerType(factory, defaultPort=8443)
# >>> ssl_server = ssl_st.create('Example-HTTPS', db,
# ... 'server.pem', 'server.pem')
# ZODB: my database
# >>> ssl_server #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
# < instance at ...>

Server Factories

Now, of course we do not hardwire the setup of actual servers in
Python. Instead, we are using ZConfig to setup the servers. Unfortunately that
means that we need yet another abstraction layer to setup the
servers. ZConfig-based configuration code creates so called ``ServerFactory``
and ``SSLServerFactory`` objects that then use the server types to create the

>>> from zope.interface import implements
>>> from import IServerType
>>> class MyServerType:
... implements(IServerType)
... def create(self, name, db,
... port='unknown', ip='', backlog=50):
... if not ip:
... ip = '*' # listen on all interfaces
... return ('%s server on %s:%d, registered with %s, backlog %d'
... % (name, ip, port, db, backlog))

>>> from import ztapi
>>> ztapi.provideUtility(IServerType, MyServerType(), name='HTTP')
>>> ztapi.provideUtility(IServerType, MyServerType(), name='FTP')

``ServerFactory`` is used to hook into ZConfig and create instances of servers
specified in `zope.conf`. It gets a `section` argument that contains settings
specified in a ZConfig ``<server>`` section.

>>> class ServerSectionStub:
... type = 'HTTP'
... address = ('', 8080)
... backlog = 30
>>> my_section = ServerSectionStub()

>>> from import ServerFactory
>>> sf = ServerFactory(my_section)

The server factory object knows how to create a server, given a ZODB database

>>> db = 'my db'
>>> print sf.create(db)
HTTP server on *:8080, registered with my db, backlog 30

The settings should actually work with FTP as well.

>>> my_section.type = 'FTP'
>>> my_section.address = ('', 8021)
>>> sf = ServerFactory(my_section)
>>> print sf.create(db)
FTP server on, registered with my db, backlog 30

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions configure.zcml
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<configure xmlns="">

provides="" />






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