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tseaver committed Jan 11, 2013
1 parent ea87873 commit e14b2cb
Showing 1 changed file with 279 additions and 0 deletions.
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@

4.0.3 (unreleased)


4.0.2 (2012-12-31)

- Fleshed out PyPI Trove classifiers.

4.0.1 (2012-11-21)

- Added support for Python 3.3.

4.0.0 (2012-07-02)

- Added PyPy and Python 3.2 support:

- Security support omitted until ```` ported.

- Persistent registry support omitted until ``ZODB`` ported (or
``persistent`` factored out).

- 100% unit test coverage.

- Removed the long-deprecated ``layer`` argument to the
``zope.component.zcml.view`` and ``zope.component.zcml.resource``
ZCML directives.

- Added support for continuous integration using ``tox`` and ``jenkins``.

- Got tests to run using `` test``.

- Added ``Sphinx`` documentation.

- Added `` docs`` alias (installs ``Sphinx`` and dependencies).

- Added `` dev`` alias (runs `` develop`` plus installs
``nose`` and ``coverage``).

3.12.1 (2012-04-02)

- Wrap ``with site(foo)`` in try/finally (LP768151).

3.12.0 (2011-11-16)

- Add convenience function (a contextmanager),
so one can write ``with site(foo): ...``.

3.11.0 (2011-09-22)

- Moved code from ``zope.component.registry`` which implements a basic
nonperistent component registry to ``zope.interface.registry``. This code
was moved from ``zope.component`` into ``zope.interface`` to make porting
systems (such as Pyramid) that rely only on a basic component registry to
Python 3 possible without needing to port the entirety of the
``zope.component`` package. Backwards compatibility import shims have been
left behind in ``zope.component``, so this change will not break any
existing code.

- Interfaces moved from ``zope.component.interfaces`` to
``zope.interface.interfaces``: ``ComponentLookupError``, ``Invalid``,
``IObjectEvent``, ``ObjectEvent``, ``IComponentLookup``, ``IRegistration``,
``IUtilityRegistration``, ``IAdapterRegistration``,
``ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration``, ``IHandlerRegistration``,
``IRegistrationEvent``, ``RegistrationEvent``, ``IRegistered``,
``Registered``, ``IUnregistered``, ``Unregistered``,
``IComponentRegistry``, and ``IComponents``. Backwards compatibility shims
left in place.

- Depend on zope.interface >= 3.8.0.

3.10.0 (2010-09-25)

- Got rid of the docs extra and the sphinxdoc recipe.

- Created a "security" extra to move security-related dependencies out of the
"test" extra.

- Use the new zope.testrunner package for tests.

- Added a basic test for the configure.zcml file provided.

3.9.5 (2010-07-09)

- Fix test requirements specification.

3.9.4 (2010-04-30)

- Prefer the standard libraries doctest module to the one from zope.testing.

3.9.3 (2010-03-08)

- The ZCML directives provided by zope.component now register the components in
the registry returned by getSiteManager instead of the global registry. This
allows the hooking of the getSiteManager method before the load of a ZCML
file to register the components in a custom registry.

3.9.2 (2010-01-22)

- Fixed a bug introduced by recent refactoring, where passing
CheckerPublic to securityAdapterFactory wrongly wrapped the factory
into a LocatingUntrustedAdapterFactory.

3.9.1 (2010-01-21)

- The tested testrunner somehow gets influenced by options of the outer
testrunner, such a the -v option. We modified the tests so that it avoids

3.9.0 (2010-01-21)

- Add testlayer support. It is now possible to load a ZCML file within
tests more easily. See and

3.8.0 (2009-11-16)

- Removed the dependencies on zope.proxy and from the zcml extra:
zope.component does not hard depend on them anymore; the support for security
proxied components ZCML registrations is enabled only if and
zope.proxy are available.

- Moved the IPossibleSite and ISite interfaces here from zope.location as they
are dealing with zope.component's concept of a site, but not with location.

- Moved the functionality to zope.component.hooks as it isn't
actually dealing with's concept of a site.

3.7.1 (2009-07-24)

- Fixed a problem, where ``queryNextUtility`` could fail if the context could
not be adapted to a ``IComponentLookup``.

- Fixed 2 related bugs:

When a utility is registered and there was previously a utility
registered for the same interface and name, then the old utility is
unregistered. The 2 bugs related to this:

- There was no ``Unregistered`` for the implicit unregistration. Now
there is.

- The old utility was still held and returned by
getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor. In other words, it was still
considered registered, eeven though it wasn't. A particularly
negative consequence of this is that the utility is held in memory
or in the database even though it isn't used.

3.7.0 (2009-05-21)

- The HookableTests were not run by the testrunner.

- Add in zope:view and zope:resource implementations into
zope.component.zcml (dependency loaded with zope.component [zcml]).

3.6.0 (2009-03-12)

- IMPORTANT: the interfaces that were defined in the
zope.component.bbb.interfaces and deprecated for years are
now (re)moved. However, some packages, including part of zope
framework were still using those interfaces. They will be adapted
for this change. If you were using some of those interfaces, you
need to adapt your code as well:

- The IView and IDefaultViewName were moved to zope.publisher.interfaces.

- The IResource was moved to

- IContextDependent, IPresentation, IPresentationRequest,
IResourceFactory, IViewFactory were removed completely.

If you used IViewFactory in context of, there's now
IWidgetFactory in the instead.

- Add getNextUtility/queryNextUtility functions that used to be in
earlier (and in even more earlier).

- Added a pure-Python 'hookable' implementation, for use when
'zope.hookable' is not present.

- Removed use of 'zope.deferredimport' by breaking import cycles.

- Cleanup package documentation and changelog a bit. Add sphinx-based
documentation building command to the buildout.

- Remove deprecated code.

- Change package's mailing list address to zope-dev at, because
zope3-dev at is now retired.

3.5.1 (2008-07-25)

- Fix bug introduced in 3.5.0: <utility factory="..."> no longer supported
interfaces declared in Python and always wanted an explicit provides="..."

3.5.0 (2008-07-25)

- Support registration of utilities via factories through the component registry
and return factory information in the registration information. This fixes

- Optimized un/registerUtility via storing an optimized data structure for
efficient retrieval of already registered utilities. This avoids looping over
all utilities when registering a new one.

3.4.0 (2007-09-29)

No further changes since 3.4.0a1.

3.4.0a1 (2007-04-22)

Corresponds to zope.component from Zope 3.4.0a1.

- In the Zope 3.3.x series, ``zope.component`` was simplified yet once
more. See
for the proposal describing the changes. (2006-04-15)

- Fix packaging bug: 'package_dir' must be a *relative* path. (2006-04-14)

- Packaging change: suppress inclusion of 'setup.cfg' in 'sdist' builds.

3.2.0 (2006-01-05)

Corresponds to the verison of the zope.component package shipped as part of
the Zope 3.2.0 release.

- Deprecated services and related APIs. The adapter and utility registries
are now available directly via the site manager's 'adapters' and 'utilities'
attributes, respectively. Services are accessible, but deprecated, and
will be removed in Zope 3.3.

- Deprectaed all presentation-related APIs, including all view-related
API functions. Use the adapter API functions instead.

- Deprecated 'contextdependent' package: site managers are now looked up
via a thread global, set during URL traversal. The 'context' argument
is now always optional, and should no longer be passed.

3.0.0 (2004-11-07)

Corresponds to the verison of the zope.component package shipped as part of
the Zope X3.0.0 release.

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