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…how this relates to equality/hashing/sorting.
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jamadden committed Oct 23, 2020
1 parent 27347de commit 2ae267b
Showing 1 changed file with 162 additions and 65 deletions.
227 changes: 162 additions & 65 deletions docs/README.rst
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@

.. currentmodule:: zope.interface

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1046,70 +1046,151 @@ functionality for particular interfaces.
how to override functions in interface definitions and why, prior
to Python 3.6, the zero-argument version of `super` cannot be used.

.. _global_persistence:

Persistence, Sorting, Equality and Hashing

.. tip:: For the practical implications of what's discussed below, and
some potential problems, see :ref:`spec_eq_hash`.

Just like Python classes, interfaces are designed to inexpensively
support persistence using Python's standard :mod:`pickle` module. This
means that one process can send a *reference* to an interface to another
process in the form of a byte string, and that other process can load
that byte string and get the object that is that interface. The processes
may be separated in time (one after the other), in space (running on
different machines) or even be parts of the same process communicating
with itself.

We can demonstrate this. Observe how small the byte string needed to
capture the reference is. Also note that since this is the same
process, the identical object is found and returned:

.. doctest::

>>> import sys
>>> import pickle
>>> class Foo(object):
... pass
>>> sys.modules[__name__].Foo = Foo # XXX, see below
>>> pickled_byte_string = pickle.dumps(Foo, 0)
>>> len(pickled_byte_string)
>>> imported = pickle.loads(pickled_byte_string)
>>> imported == Foo
>>> imported is Foo
>>> class IFoo(zope.interface.Interface):
... pass
>>> sys.modules[__name__].IFoo = IFoo # XXX, see below
>>> pickled_byte_string = pickle.dumps(IFoo, 0)
>>> len(pickled_byte_string)
>>> imported = pickle.loads(pickled_byte_string)
>>> imported is IFoo
>>> imported == IFoo

The eagle-eyed reader will have noticed the two funny lines like
``sys.modules[__name__].Foo = Foo``. What's that for? To understand,
we must know a bit about how Python "pickles" (``pickle.dump`` or
``pickle.dumps``) classes or interfaces.

When Python pickles a class or an interface, it does so as a "global
object" [#global_object]_. Global objects are expected to already
exist (contrast this with pickling a string or an object instance,
which creates a new object in the receiving process) with all their
necessary state information (for classes and interfaces, the state
information would be things like the list of methods and defined
attributes) in the receiving process; the pickled byte string needs
only contain enough data to look up that existing object; this is a
*reference*. Not only does this minimize the amount of data required
to persist such an object, it also facilitates changing the definition
of the object over time: if a class or interface gains or loses
methods or attributes, loading a previously pickled reference will use
the *current definition* of the object.

The *reference* to a global object that's stored in the byte string
consists only of the object's ``__name__`` and ``__module__``. Before
a global object *obj* is pickled, Python makes sure that the object being
pickled is the same one that can be found at
``getattr(sys.modules[obj.__module__], obj.__name__)``; if there is no
such object, or it refers to a different object, pickling fails. The
two funny lines make sure that holds, no matter how this example is
run (using some doctest runners, it doesn't hold by default, unlike it
normally would).

We can show some examples of what happens when that condition doesn't
hold. First, what if we change the global object and try to pickle the
old one?

Persistency and Equality

An important design goal has been persistency support for interfaces.
This allows different processes to use the same interface and
to create persistent associations between (persistent) objects
and interfaces. For example, an application can store an object
together with its provided interfaces in a database; later, potentially
in a different invocation, it can search the database for objects
providing a given interface.

To make an object persistent, it must have a persistent identifier,
PID for short.
It is this PID which identifies the object across different
processes. In the context of interfaces, we want to support
evolution similarly to the evolution of classes: even though
we change the interface (e.g. add a method, change documentation), we
still want to consider it as the same interface.

Python's main persistency support comes from its ``pickle`` module.
It uses as PID for code objects (such as classes and functions)
the combinations of their ``__module__`` and ``name`` attributes.
In analogy, the PID for an interface is defined
as the combination of its
``__module__`` and ``__name__`` giving persistency behavior similar
to classes, including evolution support.

Unlike classes, interfaces define their
(runtime) equality in terms of their PID, i.e. two interfaces are
considered equal if they have equal PIDs. Especially,
two interfaces defined in the same module are considered equal
if they have the same name, even if they are otherwise completely
unrelated. In rare cases, this can lead to surprises - especially,
when interfaces are defined dynamically (e.g. inside functions).
This is demonstrated by the following example where the locally
defined interface ``I`` is identified with the globally defined
interface of the same name and therefore not added by ``alsoProvides``.

.. doctest::

>>> from zope.interface import Interface, alsoProvides, providedBy
>>> class I(Interface):
... pass
>>> class Obj(object):
... pass
>>> obj = Obj()
>>> alsoProvides(obj, I)
>>> def add_interfaces(obj):
... class I(Interface):
... pass
... class I2(Interface):
... pass
... alsoProvides(obj, I, I2)
>>> add_interfaces(obj)
>>> # we would expect that *obj* provides 3 interfaces at this place but
... len(list(providedBy(obj)))
.. doctest::

>>> sys.modules[__name__].Foo = 42
>>> pickle.dumps(Foo)
Traceback (most recent call last):
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'Foo'>: it's not the same object as builtins.Foo

Or what if there simply is no global object?

.. doctest::

>>> del sys.modules[__name__].Foo
>>> pickle.dumps(Foo)
Traceback (most recent call last):
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'Foo'>: attribute lookup Foo on builtins failed

Interfaces and classes behave the same in all those ways.

.. rubric:: What's This Have To Do With Sorting, Equality and Hashing?

Another important design consideration for interfaces is that they
should be sortable. This permits them to be used, for example, as keys
in a (persistent) `BTree <>`_. As such,
they define a total ordering, meaning that any given interface can
definitively said to be greater than, less than, or equal to, any
other interface. This relationship must be *stable* and hold the same
across any two processes.

An object becomes sortable by overriding the equality method
``__eq__`` and at least one of the comparison methods (such as

Classes, on the other hand, are not sortable [#class_sort]_.
Classes can only be tested for equality, and they implement this using
object identity: ``class_a == class_b`` is equivalent to ``class_a is class_b``.

In addition to being sortable, it's important for interfaces to be
hashable so they can be used as keys in dictionaries or members of
sets. This is done by implementing the ``__hash__`` method [#hashable]_.

Classes are hashable, and they also implement this based on object
identity, with the equivalent of ``id(class_a)``.

To be both hashable and sortable, the hash method and the equality and
comparison methods **must** `be consistent with each other
That is, they must all be based on the same principle.

Classes use the principle of identity to implement equality and
hashing, but they don't implement sorting because identity isn't a
stable sorting method (it is different in every process).

Interfaces need to be sortable. In order for all three of hashing,
equality and sorting to be consistent, interfaces implement them using
the same principle as persistence. Interfaces are treated like "global
objects" and sort and hash using the same information a *reference* to
them would: their ``__name__`` and ``__module__``.

For more information, and some rare potential pitfalls, see

.. rubric:: Footnotes

.. [#create] The main reason we subclass ``Interface`` is to cause the
Python class statement to create an interface, rather
Expand All @@ -1135,3 +1216,19 @@ interface of the same name and therefore not added by ``alsoProvides``.
The interface implementation doesn't enforce this,
but maybe it should do some checks.
.. [#class_sort] In Python 2, classes could be sorted, but the sort
was not stable (it also used the identity principle)
and not useful for persistence; this was considered a
bug that was fixed in Python 3.
.. [#hashable] In order to be hashable, you must implement both
``__eq__`` and ``__hash__``. If you only implement
``__eq__``, Python makes sure the type cannot be
used in a dictionary, set, or with :func:`hash`. In
Python 2, this wasn't the case, and forgetting to
override ``__hash__`` was a constant source of bugs.
.. [#global_object] From the name of the pickle bytecode operator; it
varies depending on the protocol but always
includes "GLOBAL".

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