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A DTML user's Introduction to Page Templates

DTML is good

DTML solves a lot of problems, and solves them well. You can use it to generate XML, HTML, RDF, SQL, or any other sort of text your heart desires. You have access to the full power of Zope, through the namespace, and to Python, through expressions.

DTML has problems

For all that you may be familiar with DTML now, and love it to death, you can probably remember a time when it made you tear your hair out. Its syntax is quirky and unpredictable. Some tag attributes use names, some use literal strings, and some can use Python expressions, but there's not much rhyme or reason to it. Access to names in the namespace that contain punctuation, or names which must be reached via a path, are painful to use.

If you do all of your page design in vi, emacs, or some other text-based editor, you're probably content to replace large, arbitrary chunks of your page with <dtml-var foo>. On the other hand, if you use a visual editor or work with someone who does, you've exerienced the pain of having to reconcile DTML's dynamicism with the visual representation of a page (or page fragment).

DTML will go on

Nobody who uses DTML wants to see it disappear. We will continue to mai`ntain and improve it, and may well incorporate the more successful ideas from Page Templates. It will continue to be the language of choice for generating unstructured text (like SQL or CSV).

Page Templates are better (where they apply)

:doc:`TAL`, :doc:`TALES` and :doc:`METAL` are our simplest, most straighforward attempt to design templates for HTML that still have enough expressiveness to get the job done. Each of them covers a single layer of template functionality in a cleanly extensible fashion. Forget the cutesy acronyms for a moment, and follow the reasoning:


Just as in DTML, most of the grunt work of Page Templates involves expressions; You need to perform calculations and comparisons, and refer to objects. When you refer to a Zope object, you want to be able to use its Id, or a path of Ids, including Ids with odd characters in them. You want to be able to use simple Python expressions. You want to be able to write literal strings, and interpolate variables into a string. Perhaps at some point you'll discover that there's a whole new notation that you would like to be able to use (eg. Perl). These are the requirements that produced :doc:`TALES`

Referring to Zope objects by name is one of the clunkier bits of DTML, and it is made worse by the "everything in one pile" namespace DTML uses. In TALES, the namespace is replaced by paths. There are a small number of "contexts" that you use as starting points for referring to objects. They are similar to Script bindings, and include "root", "here", "container", and "template", among others. You pick a context, then write a slash-separated path from the context to the object. For example, you refer to object "big-wig" in the same Folder as the Template by the path "container/big-wig". You can acquire "dead parrot" from "shop", and "shop" from the object on which the Template was called with "here/shop/dead parrot". Any character that is valid in a Zope Id is allowed in a path. Contexts are just builtin variables, and a path can start with any variable, so if you have defined variable "ick" as the path "here/shop/dead parrot", you can use "ick/name" to get the parrot's "name" property.

In DTML, sometimes you can use a Python expression in an attribute, sometimes you must, and sometimes you can't. Every place that you can use a TALES expression, you can use Python. You simply prefix the Python expression with python:, as in python:2 + 2 or python:string.split(x, '','').

Similarly, you can always provide a literal string by using the expression type prefix string:. Thus, string:This isn't bad is a valid TALES expression. You can insert variables values into string expressions using $varname (or ${varname}) syntax. If variable name refers to "Evan" and thing refers to "cat", then string:$name likes ${thing}s produces "Evan likes cats".

TALES is designed to be extended by simply defining new expression types. If you wanted to use XPath notation, you could write an XPath expression engine, register it with TALES, and start writing expressions like xpath:....


Here is a simple example of how you might use statements from DTML and from Page Templates to insert the value of an expression:

<p>Ten times X is <b><dtml-var expr="x * 10"></b></p>

<p>Ten times X is <b z:insert="python: x * 10">(x * 10)</b></p>

In the DTML version, you use the made-up tag dtml-var with an expr attribute to hold the expression. In the PT version, you add TAL attribute z:replace to the HTML b tag. If you loaded a page containing each of these into a WYSIWYG editor, the DTML tag would probably not show up, or would be replaced with some kind of icon, while the PT version would look like: <b>(x * 10)</b>.

DTML Tags are the statements of the DTML language. They are completely independent of the text in which they are embedded, and they don't pay any attention to any structure or grammar that the text may possess. If you mark up HTML with DTML carefully, you can produce a composite document that an HTML editing tool can tolerate, or can be made to tolerate. On the other hand, it's easy to write DTML that an editing tool considers complete gibberish, but that renders into perfectly good HTML. For this reason (among others) it is highly unlikely that many HTML tools will be adapted to deal well with DTML.

Page Templates' TAL statements are attributes of ordinary HTML (or XML) tags. This means that you can only use TAL with HTML or XML text, but Zope generates a lot of HTML. Most of the popular HTML tools ignore and preserve tag attributes that they don't recognize. Since TAL attributes have their own XML namespace (a prefix like z: or tal: that you choose), they don't interfere with the validity of XML documents. Thus, HTML or XML that you have marked up with TAL is likely to be perfectly compatible with tools that know nothing about Zope.

Write an HTML document as XHTML, or at least very tidily, and it has a nice easy-to-parse tree structure. This allows us to frame template operations in terms of repeating, replacing, removing, or changing attributes of tags. You can handle almost all cases where this model doesn't fit the dynamicism of your document by adding the odd <span> or <div>, just as you might when applying CSS classes.

Variables and Scoping

Much of the difficulty of DTML lies in using the DTML namespace. This is a powerful, difficult to control tool, especially when combined with acquisition. It is all too easy to accidentally obscure a name, and often hard to access names deep in the stack. There are also security issues posed by the fact that DTML code cannot be sure that any name in the namespace is bound to what it expected to find.

Page Templates solve this, by providing your TALES expressions with a set of builtin variables. If there is an object named 'helper' in the same container as your template, you can reliably access it as container/helper.

You can define your own global or local variables with the define="var expr" statement. Local variables are like the names bound by a <dtml-let>; Their scope is the statement tag and its content. Global variables are more like REQUEST.set names, since they are in scope from the start of the statement tag to the end of the template.

Template Operations

Just as <dtml-var foo> is the most fundamental statement of DTML, replace="expr" and content="expr" are the basic workhorses of TAL. The first replaces the tag on which you place it with the value of the expression "expr", while the other inserts the value in place of the tag's contents. As you saw above, the TALES expression "expr" can evaluate to any Zope object, string, or Python-computed value.

You can write comments that don't show up in a rendered page, or comment out part of a page, by putting replace="nothing" on a tag. TAL inside of the tag will not be executed.

Rather than replacing an entire tag, you can set tag attributes with attributes="attrname expr". This allows you to have reasonable dummy values for the attributes that a WYSIWYG editor can deal with. For example:

<textarea name="fred" rows="10" cols="60"
  z:attributes="rows request/my_rows; cols request/my_cols">

Instead of <dtml-in>, TAL uses repeat="var expr". This repeats the tag on which you place it once for each element of the sequence "expr". In each repetition, the local variable "var" is bound to the current element of the sequence, and repeat variable "var" gives you access to the TAL equivalent of sequence-number. For example:

<p z:repeat="thing here/collection">
  Paragraph #<span z:replace="repeat/thing/number">1</span>:
  <span z:replace="thing">something</span>.

The condition="expr" statement is similar to <dtml-if>, but more basic. If the expression is true, the statement does nothing. If the expression is false, the tag and its contents is skipped. There is no equivalent to <dtml-else> or <dtml-elif>.

The Macros Saga

There are times when the power of <dtml-var> can be a problem. You can't tell, just by inspecting DTML source, whether <dtml-var x> inserts a string, performs a catalog search, sends mail, or even restarts Zope! Templates often include other templates, or parts of them, and it can be useful to know when that is only thing happening.

If you have some way to tell that <dtml-var sidebar> inserts a sidebar template, then you can solve the problem faced by designers who use WYSIWYG tools. When they load a template page into their editor, insert the sidebar template so that it appears normally in the page, instead of as a little placeholder symbol. When they save it back to Zope, convert the sidebar back into a reference.

:doc:`METAL` is the language that allows this sort of behavior. It is similar to TAL, in that it consists of tag attributes in an XML namespace. You can use it to define macros, by placing a define-macro="name" attribute on a tag that you want to re-use. METAL affects template rendering, of course, inserting any macros that the template uses just before TAL executes, it also inserts macros whenever you get the source code for the template. You can create libraries of macros, with all of the advantages of code reuse, yet still see everything in a page when you edit it.

Macros can only be changed by editing the definition. If you load a template into an editor, and change a tag that has a use-macro="expr" attribute, these changes will have no effect.

Only whole tags can be macros, so you can't make a standard_html_header and standard_html_footer macro. Instead, you would create a standard_page template, make the entire html tag a macro, and place a define-slot="main" METAL attribute on the body tag. Slots are tags within a macro that can be replaced when the macro is inserted. They are replaced if the use-macro statement tag contains a fill-slot="name" statement tag, where name matches the name of a slot in the macro. To use your standard_page template, you place use-macro="here/standard_page/macros/page" on your page's html tag, and fill-slot="main" on its body tag. Now the html tag and all of its contents other than the body tag will be replaced with the macro body. To see what this looks like, check out the :doc:`Examples`.


peterbe (May 10, 2001 5:09 am; Comment #2) --

This doesn't work:

<p z:repeat="thing here/collection">
   Paragraph #<span z:replace="loop:thing/number">1</span>:
   <span z:replace="thing">something</span>.

Products.PageTemplates.TALES.CompilerError: Unrecognized expression type "loop".

And where do I find more info about doing TAL what DTML-IN does?

evan (May 10, 2001 9:37 am; Comment #3) --
I have fixed the example. There isn't any good documentation written yet on the equivalent of dtml-in in TAL, although one of the examples in PageTemplates 1.2 should be informative.
peterbe (May 15, 2001 5:21 am; Comment #4) --
As announced before (but then was broken), I have started to compile a little list of examples of how to go from DTML to ZPT.