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kameloso Linux/macOS/Windows Linux Windows Commits since last release

kameloso is an IRC bot.

Current functionality includes:

  • chat monitoring in bedazzling colours (or mesmerising monochrome)
  • reporting titles of pasted URLs, YouTube video information fetch
  • sed-replacement of messages (s/this/that/ substitution)
  • saving notes to offline users that get played back when they come online
  • logs
  • bugs
  • channel polls, !seen, counters, stopwatches
  • automatic mode sets (e.g. auto +o on join)
  • works on Twitch with some common Twitch bot features (alongside the rest)
  • more random stuff and gimmicks

All of the above are plugins and can be disabled at runtime or omitted from compilation entirely. It is modular and easy to extend. A skeletal Hello World plugin is 25 lines of code.

Testing is primarily done on Libera.Chat servers and on Twitch, so support and coverage is best there.

Please report bugs. Unreported bugs can only be fixed by accident.


-n       --nickname Nickname
-s         --server Server address []
-P           --port Server port [6667]
-A        --account Services account name
-p       --password Services account password
           --admins Administrators' services accounts, comma-separated
-H   --homeChannels Home channels to operate in, comma-separated
-C  --guestChannels Non-home channels to idle in, comma-separated
       --monochrome Use monochrome output
             --save Write configuration to file

Pre-compiled binaries for Windows and Linux can be found under Releases.

$ dub run kameloso -- --server --guestChannels "#d"

# alternatively, guaranteed latest
$ git clone
$ cd kameloso
$ dub build
$ ./kameloso --server --guestChannels "#d"

If there's anyone talking it should show up on your screen.

Table of contents

Getting started

Grab a pre-compiled binary from under Releases; alternatively, download the source and compile it yourself.


kameloso is written in D. It can be built using the reference compiler dmd, which compiles very fast; and the LLVM-based ldc, which is slower at compiling but produces faster code. See here for an overview of the available compiler vendors.

You need one based on D version 2.084 or later (January 2019). For ldc this is version 1.14. Sadly, the stable release of the GCC-based gdc is currently based on version 2.076 and is thus too old to be used.

If your repositories (or other software sources) don't have compilers new enough, you can use the official installation script to download current ones, or any version of choice.

The package manager dub is used to facilitate compilation and dependency management. On Windows it comes bundled in the compiler archive, while on Linux it may need to be installed separately. Refer to your repositories.

SSL Libraries on Windows

kameloso uses OpenSSL to establish secure connections. It is the de facto standard SSL library in the Posix sphere (Linux, macOS, ...), but not so on Windows. If you run into errors about failing to set up an SSL context when attempting to connect on Windows, download and install Win64/32 OpenSSL v1.1.1 Light (not 3.0.x) from here, and opt to install to Windows system directories when asked. Whether you go with the EXE or the MSI file doesn't matter.

You can open this download page in your web browser by passing --get-openssl on the command line.

If you get errors about not being able to verify certificates, you may also need to supply a certificate bundle file. Download this cacert.pem file extracted from Mozilla Firefox by the cURL project, place it somewhere reasonable, and edit your configuration file to point to it; caBundleFile under [Connection]. If you place it in %APPDATA%\kameloso (or in the working directory) you only need to enter its filename, otherwise enter a full path. You can also specify one per-session at the command line with --cacert.

caBundleFile                cacert.pem

You can quickly download this file with your web browser by passing --get-cacert.

An alternative is to use a different shell environment, such as any one of Git for Windows (Bash)/MinGW64, MSYS2, Cygwin and Windows Subsystem for Linux (likely among others), all/most of which either include said libraries or at the very least offer the ability to install them. Or just limit yourself to non-SSL connections and live without some plugin features. Mind that some alternative shells still require you to download a certificate bundle.

See the wiki for some copy/paste-friendly Windows quickstart instructions.


$ git clone

It can also be downloaded as a .zip archive.


$ dub build

This will compile the bot in the default debug mode, which adds some extra code and debugging symbols. You can automatically omit these and add some optimisations by building it in release mode with dub build -b release. Mind that build times will increase accordingly. Refer to the output of dub build --help for more build types.

Build configurations

There are several configurations in which the bot may be built.

  • application, base configuration
  • twitch, additionally includes Twitch chat support and the Twitch bot plugin
  • dev, all-inclusive development build equalling everything available, including things like more detailed error messages

All configurations come in a -lowmem variant (e.g. application-lowmem, twitch-lowmem, ...) that lowers compilation memory at the cost of increasing compilation time, but so far they only work with ldc. (bug #20699)

List configurations with dub build --print-configs. You can specify which to compile with the -c switch. Not supplying one will make it build the default application configuration.

$ dub build -c twitch

If you want to customise your own build to only compile the plugins you want to use, see the larger versions lists in dub.sdl. Simply add or delete a character from the line corresponding to the plugin(s) you want to omit (thus invalidating the version identifier). Mind that disabling any of the "service" plugins may/will break the bot in subtle ways.

How to use


The bot ideally wants the account name of one or more administrators of the bot, and/or one or more home channels to operate in. Without either it's just a read-only log bot, which is incidentally also fine. To define these you can either specify them on the command line, with flags listed by calling the program with --help, or generate a configuration file and input them there.

$ ./kameloso --save

A new kameloso.conf will be created in a directory dependent on your platform.

Configuration file

  • Linux and other Posix: $HOME/.config/kameloso (alternatively where $XDG_CONFIG_HOME points)
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\kameloso
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/kameloso

Open the file in a normal text editor. If you have your system file associations set up to open *.conf files in such, you can pass --gedit to attempt to open it in a graphical editor, or --edit to open it in your default terminal one (as defined in the $EDITOR environment variable).

Command-line arguments

Settings provided at the command line override any such already defined in your configuration file. If you specify some and also add --save, it will apply the changes to your file in-place.

$ ./kameloso \
    --server \
    --nickname "kameloso" \
    --admins "you" \
    --homeChannels "#mychannel" \
    --guestChannels "#d,##networking" \

[12:34:56] Configuration written to /home/user/.config/kameloso/kameloso.conf

Other settings not specified at invocations of --save keep their values. Mind however that the configuration file is parsed and rewritten, so any comments or invalid entries in it will be silently removed.

Display settings

If you have a bright terminal background, text may be difficult to read, depending on your terminal emulator. If so, pass the --bright argument, and/or modify the configuration file; brightTerminal under [Core]. The bot uses the full range of 8-colour ANSI, so if one or more colours are too dark or bright even with the right brightTerminal setting, please refer to your terminal appearance settings. Colouring might not work well with greyish theming.

An alternative is to disable colours entirely with --monochrome.

Other files

More server-specific resource files will be created the first time you connect to a server. These include users.json, in which you whitelist which accounts get to access the bot's features on a per-channel basis. Where these are stored also depends on platform; in the case of macOS and Windows they will be put in server-split subdirectories of the same directory as the configuration file, listed above. On Linux and other Posix, under $HOME/.local/share/kameloso (or wherever $XDG_DATA_HOME points to).

Example use

      you joined #channel
 kameloso sets mode +o you

      you | I am a fish
      you | s/fish/snek/
 kameloso | you | I am a snek

      you | !quote kameloso I am a snek
 kameloso | Quote saved. (1 on record)
      you | !quote kameloso
 kameloso | kameloso | I am a snek

      you | !seen MrOffline
 kameloso | I last saw MrOffline 1 hour and 34 minutes ago.

      you | !note MrOffline About the thing you mentioned, yeah no
 kameloso | Note added.
MrOffline joined #channel
 kameloso | MrOffline! you left note 28 minutes ago: About the thing you mentioned, yeah no

      you | !operator add bob
 kameloso | Added BOB as an operator in #channel.
      you | !whitelist add alice
 kameloso | Added Alice as a whitelisted user in #channel.
      you | !blacklist del steve
 kameloso | Removed steve as a blacklisted user in #channel.

      you | !automode add ray +o
 kameloso | Automode modified! ray on #channel: +o
      ray joined #channel
 kameloso sets mode +o ray

      you | !oneliner add info @$nickname: for more information just use Google
 kameloso | Oneliner !info added.
      you | !oneliner add vods See for $streamer's on-demand videos (stored temporarily)
 kameloso | Oneliner !vods added.
      you | !oneliner add source I am $bot. Peruse my source at
 kameloso | Oneliner !source added.
      you | !info
 kameloso | @you: for more information just use Google
      you | !vods
 kameloso | See for Channel's on-demand videos (stored temporarily)
      you | !commands
 kameloso | Available commands: !info, !vods, !source
      you | !oneliner del vods
 kameloso | Oneliner !vods removed.

      you | !poll 60 snek snik
 kameloso | Voting commenced! Please place your vote for one of: snik, snek (60 seconds)
      BOB | snek
    Alice | snek
      ray | snik
 kameloso | Voting complete, results:
 kameloso | snek : 2 (66.6%)
 kameloso | snik : 1 (33.3%)

      you |
 kameloso | [] GitHub - zorael/kameloso: IRC bot
      you |
 kameloso | [] Uti Vår Hage - Kamelåså (HD) (uploaded by Prebstaroni)

<context: playing a video game>
      you | !counter add deaths
 kameloso | Counter deaths added! Access it with !deaths.
      you | !deaths+
 kameloso | deaths +1! Current count: 1
      you | !deaths+
 kameloso | deaths +1! Current count: 2
      you | !deaths
 kameloso | Current deaths count: 2
      you | !deaths=0
 kameloso | deaths count assigned to 0!

      you | !stopwatch start
 kameloso | Stopwatch started!
      you | !stopwatch
 kameloso | Elapsed time: 18 minutes and 42 seconds
      you | !stopwatch stop
 kameloso | Stopwatch stopped after 1 hour, 48 minutes and 10 seconds.

Online help and commands

Use the !help command for a summary of available bot commands, and !help [plugin] [command] for a brief description of a specific one. The shorthand !help !command also works.

The command prefix (here !) is configurable; refer to your generated configuration file. Common alternatives are . and ~, making it .note and ~quote respectively.

prefix                  "!"

It can technically be any string and not just one character. It may include spaces if enclosed within quotes, like "please " (making it please note, please quote, ...). Additionally, prefixing commands with the bot's nickname also works, as in kameloso: seen MrOffline. This is to be able to disambiguate between several bots in the same channel. Moreover, some administrative commands only work when called this way.

Except nothing happens

Before allowing anyone to trigger any restricted functionality, the bot will query the server for what services account the accessing user is logged onto. For full administrative privileges you will need to be logged in with an account listed in the admins field in the configuration file, while other users may be defined in your users.json file. If a user is not logged onto services it is considered as not being uniquely identifiable.

In the case of hostmasks mode, the above still applies but "accounts" are inferred from hostmasks. See the Admin plugin !hostmask command (and the hostmasks.json file) for how to map hostmasks to would-be accounts. Hostmasks are a weaker solution to user identification but not all servers may offer services. Also see the wiki entry on hostmasks for more information.


To connect to Twitch servers you must first build a configuration that includes support for it, which is currently either twitch or dev.

You must also supply an OAuth token pass (not password). These authorisation tokens are unique to your user paired with an application. As such, you need a new one for each and every program you want to access Twitch with.

Run the bot with --set twitchbot.keygen to start the captive process of generating one. It will open a browser window, in which you are asked to log onto Twitch on Twitch's own servers. Verify this by checking the page address; it should end with, with the little lock symbol showing the connection is secure.

Note: At no point is the bot privy to your login credentials! The logging-in is wholly done on Twitch's own servers, and no information is sent to any third parties. The code that deals with this is open for audit; generateKey in twitchbot/keygen.d.

After entering your login and password and clicking Authorize, you will be redirected to an empty "this site can't be reached" or "unable to connect" page. Copy the URL address of it and paste it into the terminal, when asked. It will parse the address, extract your authorisation token, and offer to save it to your configuration file.

If you prefer to generate the token manually, here is the URL you need to follow. The only thing the generation process does is open it for you, and help with saving the end key to disk.

Example configuration

nickname            botaccount
user                ignored
realName            likewise

pass                personaloauthauthorisationtoken
admins              mainaccount
homeChannels        #mainaccount,#botaccount

port                6697

The Twitch SSL port is 6697 (or 443). For non-encrypted traffic, use the default port 6667.

See the wiki page on Twitch for more information.

Twitch bot

Please make the bot a moderator to prevent its messages from being as aggressively rate-limited.

Assuming a prefix of !, commands to test are:

  • !start, !uptime, !stop
  • !timer
  • !followage
  • !shoutout

...alongside !oneliner, !counter, !poll, !stopwatch, and other non-Twitch-specific commands. Try !help or the wiki.

Note: dot . and slash / prefixes will not work on Twitch.

Further help

For more information and help, first see the wiki.

If you still can't find what you're looking for, or if you have suggestions on how to improve the bot, you can...

Known issues


See the SSL Libraries on Windows section for information about installing the libraries needed to make encrypted connections and to allow certain plugins to access the web via https:// addresses.


  • pipedream zero: no compiler segfaults (#18026, #20562)
  • please send help: Windows Secure Channel SSL
  • split Twitch timers into own plugin
  • Twitch ecount, settitle, setgame, vanish, watchtime, roulette, repeat/spam?
  • help plugin descriptions? multiple syntax entries?
  • more pairs of eyes

Built with


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.
