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zorbeytorunoglu edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 46 revisions



Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Underground Underground Underground Underground Underground Underground Underground Underground


Top Optimization!

There is nothing more annoying than technical issues! We promise that you and your players will never face any TPS, performance issues! Non-stop beautiful gaming! ULTIMATE SURVIVAL is made to handle high player traffic easily, without any problems!

Living Town!

Townspeople are now alive! We always see simple robotic NPCs in classic server setups. But in ULTIMATE SURVIVAL, each NPC has its own story. Some of them were criminals, some of them were old heroes of Wild, some were old sailors, some were just simple traders! Besides some critical NPCs, most of them open their shops at sunrise, close and go to their home at sunset! Many of them have at least one RPG-like quest to offer your players!

Blood Nights!

Our lovely town is a safe zone but we have a world called The Wild and we can not guarantee anyone's safety in there! Usually, it looks normal to the eyes, but when there is a "Blood Night", all the monsters becomes stronger, stranger and scarier! Thankfully, the folk of the town learned a way to calculate the time frame of it so you, as a citizen of our town, will know when it is going to happen!

They will be able to see it on their scoreboards:


Our Beloved Captain!


There is a brave captain in our town. Brave and bold enough to sail people to The Wild! If you want him to drop you somewhere random, first you should prove yourself to him by helping other people in town (coımpleting their little quests), you should pay for his expenses and bravery! You can reserve your place in his ship but you better not miss it on time!

Custom Fishing!


Townspeople should eat! That is why our traders pays fairly to those who are skilled in fishing! They even offer custom baits for you to catch more!

Player Banks!


Since our town is full and no more outsiders are accepted, you will have to settle in The Wild and it will not be easy! You should not carry all your money in your pocket all the time! Some guy in our town keeps all of our savings for us!

Kits for Heroes!


Our town offers some kits to our heroes of the Wild in case of an emergency. They are a little expensive but we really don't want to break the true feeling of survival and give them an easy time to achieve those items (configurable)! You can either buy them or unlock them through donations!

Parkour Guy!

Parkour Guy Parkour Guy

Every town has its one acrobatic citizen that runs and jumps around! Ours is a bit different, he encourages others to run and jump! He doesn't even talk to you until you prove that you are good enough! He offers rewards for those who jumps most!

Casino Roulette!


I don't say that gambling is good, but someone is making a quite nice amount of money! If you ever feel like lucky, we have a beautiful roulette set in our town!

Best Performance!

You may think that running a server with all these living NPCs is not easy but on the contrary, it offers the best performance among all the survival setups you can find despite all of its features!


Lots of Skills!

Skills GUI

A feature-packed skills system that enhances the vanilla survival experience. Players level up skills to earn stat buffs, unlock and level up abilities, and more!


There are 6 stats that buff the player: Strength ➽ Increases attack damage Health ❤ Increases max health Regeneration ❥ Increases health and mana regen speed Luck ☘ Increases luck attribute and double drop chance for common blocks Wisdom ✿ Increases experience gain, max mana, and decreases anvil costs Toughness ✦ Reduces incoming damage

These stats are leveled up simply by leveling up skills. You can buff/nerf stats and configure which skills level up which stats.


Abilities are perks and buffs that you unlock and level up as you level up skills. Each skill has up to 5 abilities, giving many different perks. Abilities are passive, meaning they do not require any extra player input to activate or use.

Mana Abilities

Health & Mana Image

Mana Abilities are a special type of ability that costs mana to use and are active, meaning they require the player to activate or use. By default, mana abilities are unlocked at level 7 of that skill and increase in level every 7 levels. Level increases can change duration/power, cooldown, and mana cost, which are all configurable.

Easy Moderation

Moderation is quite important and must be done carefully because there are too many commands and they all have unique usages! No! Not with this setup! We made everything quite easy.


Tons of Locations!


We have a huge town! And in it, there are really a lot to see! So, besides what we have already done in this setup, you have tons of room to put whatever you want extra!

Economy of the Town!

Blocks Shop

We honestly have a challenging economy applied to our heroes in the town and the main reason behind is that we don't want to provide everything to the player so they are forced to provide anything they need on their own in Wild! The idea of the town, sell minimum amount of resources and buy the ones that players are likely to build themselves a living out of.

Better Reparing!

Repair GUI

In this kind of game mode, tools, weapons and armors are not found or earned easily. So, repairing plays a big role so we came up with a system that players can repair their items with both money and experience. Also, everything can be done via GUI! We have animations on anvils too!

Rewarding our Guardians!

Bounties GUI

There are always criminals, thieves and other dishonest people everywhere. Our town uses a bounty method to reward the brave heroes who keeps them away from us!

Making a Living through Jobs!

Jobs GUI

Making your living is not easy here just like in the real world! So, players may need to be working in two different jobs or they may choose to be good at only one! We have experience system, quests system and level system for our workers! Better than real life!

EULA Friendly Cosmetics!

Cosmetics GUI

There are quite a lot of different cosmetics for your good-hearted donators! They will not affect anything in gameplay, they will not be stronger than other players. Everything is balanced and equal!

Crates for the Lucky Ones!

Golden Crate

Our cute town has a lot to offer! When our townspeople feel lucky, they pick a crate and try their chances for great and powerful rewards!

Active Player Trading!

Auction GUI

Trading is considered as dangerous but we did our best to make it as safe as possible! There are two different ways of trading here, one of them is the auction system, and the other is goold old trading with the help of the system!

Banner Creator!

Banner Maker GUI

"Show me the race or the nation without a flag, and I will show you a race of people without any pride." said Steven A. Knowlton. There are a lot of options, different colors, patterns and so on! Let your players save their prides!


In our town, we value your experiences that you gained during your journey. That is why there are some pople who wants to pay fairly for them!

XP to Money

Visualized Interactions!

It is important for us to make players feel like they are in some place advanced! So, we thought that it might be a good idea to visualize their simplest Minecraft actions!

Crafting Table Stone Cutter Grindstone Enchantment Table Chest

And many more!

Hunting Mobs & Animals!

Our townspople must eat! So, you can earn money by hunting animals and they also need a safer world so they also pay you for hunting hostile mobs!

Hunting Animals

They Also Need Some Rest!

We wanted to create and give players a real living town experience without damaging the game's basics. And it is just something wonderful!

They Need Rest

Spawner Shop!

Spawner Shop

Buying spawners with money is something classic, but with this system of ours, your players can buy them with both money or xp! Everything is configurable!


Here, we will not give spoiler about all of the quests. We will just introduce some of the characters we have in our town. For their quests and full story, buy & play the game!


There are more than 40+ complex conversations available for your players. Most of them have at least one quest. Below, we will just introduce some of them. So, when you buy and play the setup, you will see much more. We just don't want to spoil everything.

Main story (besides all the other side quests)

In our little and happy town, everyone thinks that there are no rulers here but there is a King who rules the town from underground and no one from the town knows him except for the Priest. Due to lack of useful arms, Priest is responsible of recruiting some trustworthy heroes. So, if a hero does a good job in town, helps people successfully and gain their trust, when they go to the Priest, he will give some instructions to the hero that leads to the underground.

King will ask of hero to help his other friends in underground before he tells the hero about a dragon that can end up in our town!

Exciting isn't it?! Knowing more about the people in the town and underground is really, really fun! So many stories untold!

Pig Micheal

Dear Pig, oh sorry, Micheal, manages the jobs of the heroes. They are all managed and paid by him but he is quite sensitive about his infamous nickname. He may even try to hurt you if you talk about it!

Pig Micheal

When you ask "why do they call you pig", he gets very mad!

Pig Micheal Called Pig

Old Kirk

Old Kirk

Who is he?

Old Kirk Who


She provides cosmetics for heroes of the Wild!


Who is Eva?

Eva Who

Old Whale Hunter

He handles heroes' warps in Wild. He used to be a whale hunter but he regrets those days when he remembers the whales he killed brutally. So, be careful talking to him.

Old Whale Hunter

Cesar the Social

He somehow manages to make everyone look bad or good if he wants to. Useful and valuable talent to have back in those days. He manages the ranks of the heroes.

Cesar the Social


She was a she-hero of the Wild once. No one knows what really happened that made her leave the Wild and settle in our town.


Thanks to her skillset she learned in darker worlds, she helps heroes to craft more useful tools and weapons via her so-called spells.

Baker Luke

He buys, sells & cooks super delicious meals for the townspeople!

Baker Luke

Who is he?

Baker Luke Who


He doesn't really like to meet new people.


You have to prove yourself before talking to him.


Fisher the Fisher

She always seeks for new fishers!


Gibs the Trader

Every beginner trader requires a mentor to guide. Here is Gibs to motivate you in your trades!


His mind is quite sharp that is why he always suspected that something was up in this town's rule.

Gibs Underground

Weird Korg

Here is the one of the most craziest people of our town. Be careful about his quests!

Weird Korg


Priest is here to save the souls of the townspeople! He is more than he looks! He is the only one that truly knows about the rule underground. We can also say that he is the right hand of the King up in town.


Let's hear from him!

Priest Who


He is the father of our Fisher and as you can see, he doesn't like to be bothered when it is night!



Dear Tucker, he makes some useful kits for our heroes for them to use in Wild!


Who is he?

Tucker Who


From unemployed interior architect to best decorationist of our town!

Kianna Who


He is the head sorcerer of the King! He has an apprentice (his own son but he definately treats him like a student, not a father) that he tries to teach.



Son of Jovani! The apprentice!


Who is he? Hear from him:


Mollie (King's Wife)

Mollie is the wife of the King himself! They don't have the best relationship. She has a daughter in town and she is Eva. They were seperated a long time ago.


Who is she?


How did they meet?


Sage the Botanic

Sage helps the town about farming. She has a natural talent for it!



The best expert on livestocks!


Who is she?


And many more!

Go into the game and discover the stories of all of them while enjoying good old survival experience!

Full Feature List


  • Auto-generated parkour
  • Keep parkour within an area
  • Rewards on certain scores
  • MySQL and YAML storage
  • Portal to start parkour
  • Customizable messages
  • Customizable jump sounds
  • Keeps track of players' high-scores
  • Shows player's current score in action bar
  • If the player logs out, will act as if they fell.
  • Will try to go in the direction you are looking
  • Allow players to pick what block they want to use
  • Parkour is ended when the player is teleported


  • A lag-free anti-flicker, even when using very advanced scoreboards that exist of many different animations
  • Fully compatible with nametag / tablist plugins such as NameTagEdit
  • Fully compatible with other plugins that (temporarily) use the sidebar such as mcMMO
  • Per line settings: interval, randomness and score
  • Supports placeholders to modify the scores (red numbers on the right side)
  • Over 1500 placeholders with the PlaceholderAPI
  • Custom made tags/effects and event triggers which supports every event!
  • No line length limit on server version 1.13 or newer (Lines are limited to 32 characters including colorcodes when using 1.12 or lower)
  • On server version 1.16 or newer you have full RGB support (format: &#hexcolor)
  • Multiple scoreboards per world
  • Permission-based scoreboards with hooks into LuckPerms, GroupManager and zPermissions to automatically change scoreboards if permission changes
  • Toggle, reload, list and switch command


  • Sell items in the auction house
  • List server items in the auction house (one-time or unlimited)
  • View items matching a search filter based on name, type, lore, enchants, or seller
  • Sort chronologically or by price
  • Show items you are selling
  • Cancel items
  • Collect cancelled/expired items
  • Drop unclaimed items at player's feet
  • Automatically clean up abandoned items
  • Show and clear recently sold items
  • Hover over item to show time remaining and enchants
  • Charge a flat and/or percentage based fee for listing an item (with confirmation menu)
  • Tax sellers a percentage of revenue for each sale with cap
  • Set min and max prices
  • Restrict items by name, type, lore, enchants, damage and unbreakable flag
  • Restrict wildcard items/blocks by omitting the item type and specifying lore, or enchants (can ban selling soulbound and cursed items)
  • Restrict item names using Regex with regex:
  • Restrict items based on custom_model_data
  • Optional Back/Exit button calls a command to return to another menu
  • Click on a special sign to open the auction house
  • Click on certain named block entities to open the auction house (chests, shulker boxes, dispensers, droppers, hoppers, furnaces, enchanting tables, brewing stands)
  • Click on custom named entities to open the auction house
  • Console command support for custom menu and NPC plugins
  • Internationalization Support
  • Customize messages, button materials and sounds
  • Support for HeadDatabase heads as buttons with hdb:
  • Support for custom skull textures as buttons with texture:
  • Supports player head for the player listings button with auctionhouse player_head
  • Logging all transactions to separate log file
  • Announce listings to all players
  • Discord integration
  • Rewriting of String UUIDs in NBT (Seller -> Buyer)
  • Multi-world support with simple world grouping
  • Set cooldown between listings


Players level up skills to earn stat buffs, unlock and level up abilities, and more. With an extensive configuration, the plugin is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the experience to fit your server. There are 15 skills for players to level, such as Farming, Mining, Fighting, and Enchanting. All skills are easily viewable in GUI inventory menus using /skills.

  • Farming - Harvest crops to earn Farming XP
  • Foraging - Cut trees to earn Foraging XP
  • Mining - Mine stone and ores to earn Mining XP
  • Fishing - Catch fish to earn Fishing XP
  • Excavation - Dig with a shovel to earn Excavation XP
  • Archery - Shoot mobs and players with a bow to earn Archery XP
  • Defense - Take damage from entities to earn Defense XP
  • Fighting - Fight mobs with melee weapons to earn Fighting XP
  • Endurance - Walk and run to earn Endurance XP
  • Agility - Jump and take fall damage to earn Agility XP
  • Alchemy - Brew potions to earn Alchemy XP
  • Enchanting - Enchant items and books to earn Enchanting XP
  • Sorcery - Use mana abilities to earn Sorcery XP
  • Healing - Drink and splash potions to earn Healing XP
  • Forging - Combine and apply books in an anvil to earn Forging XP


There are 6 stats that buff the player:

Strength ➽ Increases attack damage Health ❤ Increases max health Regeneration ❥ Increases health and mana regen speed Luck ☘ Increases luck attribute and double drop chance for common blocks Wisdom ✿ Increases experience gain, max mana, and decreases anvil costs Toughness ✦ Reduces incoming damage

These stats are leveled up simply by leveling up skills. You can buff/nerf stats and configure which skills level up which stats. Stats are easily viewable through the Stats Menu by doing /stats


Abilities are perks and buffs that you unlock and level up as you level up skills. Each skill has up to 5 abilities, giving many different perks. Abilities are passive, meaning they do not require any extra player input to activate or use.

Here are some abilities and their descriptions to give a general idea of what abilities do, there are 70 in total!

  • Bountiful Harvest (Farming) - Chance to get double drops from crops
  • Shredder (Foraging) - Chance to deal triple durability damage with axes
  • Pick Master (Mining) - Deal more damage with pickaxes
  • Treasure Hunter (Fishing) - Chance to get rare loot from fishing (customizable loot tables)
  • Piercing (Archery) - Chance for arrows to pierce through mobs
  • No Debuff (Defense) - Chance to negate a harmful potion effect from being applied
  • Bleed (Fighting) - Chance to make the enemy bleed, dealing damage every few seconds
  • Meal Steal (Endurance) - Chance to steal 1 hunger point when attacking a player
  • Thunder Fall (Agility) - When sneaking during a fall, you have a chance to deal a percentage of the fall damage expected to mobs in a 3 block radius
  • Alchemist (Alchemy) - Potions you brew have a longer duration
  • Life Steal (Healing) - Heal a percentage of the max HP of hostile mobs and players you kill

The chance/damage/power an ability has called the value is fully customizable. You can change the base value, the value increase per level of ability, and which skill levels an ability unlocks or levels up at. By default, individual abilities level up every 5 skill levels, but every skill level unlocks or level-ups some ability.

Mana Abilities are a special type of ability that costs mana to use and are active, meaning they require the player to activate or use. By default, mana abilities are unlocked at level 7 of that skill and increase in level every 7 levels. Level increases can change duration/power, cooldown, and mana cost, which are all configurable.


  • Online and offline interest
  • Sound effects
  • Variousways to deposit / withdraw money
  • /banktop (disabled but you can enable if you like)
  • Multiple banks system
  • Bank upgrades
  • Transaction taxes
  • Loans


Players can design their own banners without complicated recipes needed. This is a unique way to symbolize their own claim/clan/group -They can design and save

  • Look up recipe for banner
  • Economy support
  • Material estimates
  • Craft banner by using materials

Auto proper tool

This system can automatically choose the best tool from yout hotbar or whole inventory everytime you mine a block. Every player can enable or disable this feature if desired with the simple command; /bt. It will always choose the fastest available tool and takes enchantements into account. Every player can also decide whether they want to limit the tool selection to their hotbar or complete inventory with the command /bt hotbar.

This feature is not enabled for new players. They need to complete a quest to unlock it. You change it if you like.

Quest system in general

We use BetonQuest as our quest provider. It is a massive plugin which can do nearly everything on its own. It is unbelievebly customizable and full of potential. It may seem hard to configure if you are totally new to the concept yet there are no other plugin that has any chance to make your survival server to shine as this one. That is why for the ULTIMATE SURVIVAL, BetonQuest is of course our choice.

For the quests, we really didn't want to make them hard. No complicated instructions, no complicated needs or anything like that. Due to the our target players, most of our quest relies on go-gather-fetch-fight-talk-interact actions which is proven to be comfortable by the players.

We still have a beautiful survival gameplay which players are thirsty for and we also have a lot of surprises, plot-twists, happy or sad stories ready for them. That's what makes ULTIMATE SURVIVAL unique. Every single quest can be customized, changed, removed or improved.

I encourage you to check BetonQuest's wiki to learn more about our quest system.

Random teleportation via Captain

We have two worlds. The town world is the safe zone where players can do their shopping, getting new quests, selling their resources, open some crates and etc. For the other world, the one we call Wild is where players can claim lands for themselves, fight each other and gather resources. Free world, we can say.

Captain doesn't allow new players to use random teleportation if they are really new, he asks them to complete few quests first. Only after player completes few quests, they can pay a little fee to the captain to use the random teleportation. If player doesn't acquire a land and set it their homes, they will keep paying fees but once they set a home, they can freely come and go.

Our random teleportation system doesn't lock the whole server up and instead, it searches for a proper place to teleport the player to async, without disturbing the main thread which the whole server runs in.

Blood Nights

23 unique Special Mobs (like Flying Creeper, Blaze Rider, Toxic Enderman) Modify damage and health of every special mob. Modify damage and health of vanilla mobs. Decide which night should be a Blood Night based on moon phase, random or interval. Custom night duration if your nights are too short. Custom drops with custom items. Configurable globally and/or for every mob. Per world settings

Chat format

Server owner can easily configure a chat format for each group (permission group) and have a default one for the ones who those are not included in per-group specialized formatting.


We have over 45+ NPCs in ULTIMATE SURVIVAL. Most of them are walking and talking yet we still promise the best performance. Thanks to our great optimization, your server can even probably support up to a seventy or more without having a overpriced hosting. So, feel free to create your own NPCs with your own stories and quests to spice up this beautiful setup even more!


To preserve the survival game experience of players, we don't sell everything and we don't accept for players to sell to the town everything. We have considerably hard economy but that is intentional to force players to get their resources from Wild and fight for it. Of course, you are totally free to make it easier or harder.

  • Configure shop items or shop category's using ingame commands, no config files needed
  • Fully customizable items
  • Reload shop items using ingame commands, no restart needed
  • Unlimited amount of items supported inside each shop.
  • Different pages of items are automatically added
  • Create discounts and or sell multipliers using permissions
  • Add unsafe enchantments to items


We have 4 crates in our town. They are arguably expensive but rewarding. We don't want players to open a different crate every single day. We wanted them to be valuable and risky. Of course, as always, you can change it if you want more or make current ones fairly easier to open.

  • In game editors, quick, eeasy & intuitive way to create your crates, keys and rewards
  • You can give players a physical create as regular inventory items
  • You can also put your crates in the world just like we did in our town
  • All of our crates can be opened by paying for them. We didn't want to reward them with keys but of course if you want to give them a key for some crate at any point, you can do it.
  • Previews, animations, holograms, pushbacks and more.

Farm assist

In survival game modes, players depend on farms to make a good living and therefore it occupies a great part of their whole game experience. Although we have a little hard economy, we help our players to make their farming experience better and faster so they can keep on doing something else.

Automatically replanting the crops makes their lives much more easier but this ability is not unlocked at the start. They need to complete a quest to unlock it. After they have the ability, they can easily toggle it.


Although P2W (pay to win) method seems to be profitable for the server owners, in reality it is not. If you don't have any players to pay you, you can not earn anything. So, to keep every single player in the game as many hours as possible requires a balanced game. So, we didn't want to make our donation pers so powerful that any regular player can't overcome. Therefore, most of the donation perks are harmless cosmetics that makes players cooler.


In our previous experiences, having complex claim system is not really welcome for many players. Although they have a lot to offer in the long term, it is not worth losing players. That is why with our new update, we decided to keep our claim system as basic and known as possible.

  • No database or world backups required.
  • Extremely efficient CPU / RAM usage.
  • Land claims are easy to manage.
  • New players get automatic claims around their first chests.
  • Players who ask for help in chat get an instant link to a demonstration video.
  • Resizing claims and creating new claims is done with ONLY the mouse, no slash commands.
  • When a player appears to be building something nice outside his claim, he's warned and shown his claim boundaries.
  • Claim boundaries are easy to see, and don't require any client-side mod installation.
  • Extremely easy-to-remember, single-parameter slash commands for giving other players permissions.
  • Claim subdivision and granular permissions are available to organize towns and cities.
  • No building or breaking.
  • No stealing from ANY containers.
  • No sleeping in beds.
  • No button/lever usage.
  • No adjusting redstone repeaters.
  • No pushing blocks in with pistons.
  • No pulling blocks out with pistons.
  • No TNT damage.
  • No creeper damage.
  • No damage from TNT cannons.
  • No explosive damage from other plugins, like Extra Hard Mode or Magic Spells.
  • No enderman block changes.
  • All doors may be automatically locked (optional, see config file).
  • No killing or luring animals away.
  • No stealing water (e.g. buckets).
  • No trampling crops, by players, animals, or monsters.
  • No building overtop, all claims reach to the max build height.
  • No placing or breaking paintings / item frames.
  • Fluids will not flow into a claim from outside.
  • No placing blocks via TNT/Sand/Gravel cannon.
  • No placing portals without build permission (even by walking through a portal).


We offer multiple ways to make money. Having a job is one of them.

  • Daily quests
  • Signs command support
  • Signs top list support
  • GUI for job info or joining them
  • Create your own custom jobs and choose what they get paid for and how much.
  • Default jobs: Hunter-Farmer-Enchanter-Explorer-Woodcutter-Miner-Builder-Digger-Crafter-Fisherman-Weaponsmith-Brewer
  • Levelling mechanic where higher level jobs will give higher incomes. Income earned = experience gained.
  • Equation determining maximum experience, experience gained and income gained is customizable.
  • Execute commands on predetermine leveling up
  • Leave your job and return to it by suffering level loss during this action
  • Fully customizable skill levels in the game to mark leveling milestones.
  • Payment output in action bar
  • Option to limit income for certain time intervals
  • Chat integration to display current job name and titles.
  • Several protections against exploiting
  • Auto-save to protect against server crashes.
  • In-game job editor

Mobs with levels

Having simple zombies, skeletons, creepers or spiders is not really fun anymore because all of the players are very used to it. That is why we have mobs with levels. Each level makes a mob harder to kill. That spices up the overall survival experiences of players in Wild.

Tools have levels

On top of the classic enchantment system, your tool has its own skill tree which enhances its abilities even more. This is enabled for every player from the start.

Bows with special effects

  • Silver Bow (40% additional damage)
  • Explosive Bow (area-of-effect damage)
  • Shocking Bow (temporarily shocks hit enemies)
  • Corrosive Bow (area-of-effect poison)
  • Hunter Bow (75% additional damage to friendly mobs)
  • Marked Bow (temporarily marks players; attack a marked player to make the mark explode, dealing additional damage)
  • Lightning Bow'lt (summons a lightning bolt)
  • Void Bow (teleports you to the arrow when it lands)
  • Ice Bow (ice explosion, area-of-effect slow)
  • Fire Bow (fire burst, area-of-effect burn)
  • Trippple Bow (fires 3 arrows instead of one)
  • Composite Bow (fires a magical arrow that follows a linear trajectory)
  • Gravity Bow (attracts the target to your location)
  • Cupidon's Bow (heals the target for 3 hearts)
  • Linear Bow (shoots linear arrows)
  • Railgun Bow (shoots an exploding arrow; only works in minecart)
  • Snow Bow (rapidly shoots a few snowballs)
  • Wither Bow (shoots exploding Wither skulls)
  • Autobow (shoots an arrow flurry)
  • Chicken Bow (rapidly shoots eggs)
  • Blaze Bow (casts a damaging firebolt)
  • Shadow Bow (fires a damaging shadow projectile)
  • Pulsar Bow (temporarily summons a player-attracting black hole)
  • Meteor Bow (summons a damaging fire meteor)
  • Spartan Bow (summons arrows from the sky)
  • Earthquake Bow (summons a shockwave)
  • Laser Bow (pierces through your targets)


In every game, there are ruthless murderers. To counter being completely a toxic player, we offer a system that can unites players to overcome the rule of the ruthless.

Buy permanent scaling, or time immunity to bounties Buy your own bounty with interest Tax the money used to set bounties Tax deaths by bounties View other players' bounties and who set them outside the GUI Receive a player head when your bounty has been fulfilled


In previous releases of ULTIMATE SURVIVAL, we had tons of kits for nearly every play style yet this led players to spend less time in Wild since they can provide every tool they need to battle in the town. That is why with the new update, we aim to only provide some tools and weapons if they really and really need it. We removed many of the old kits and made current ones' prices much more expensive to counter it.

Player warps

It is known that servers with active trading are really fun to play at. With player warps system, players can create their own physical shop centers and collect some fee to teleport there if they see fit. With this, we make trading the best money earning way for players. Old Whale Hunter in our town is responsible for handling these warps.


Even though making a good living is hard, there are adventurers, risk takers everywhere and therefore we had to provide a platform for that. We have a roullette setup in our town for players to be able to gamble their money together in a fun way.

Powerful anti cheat

Blocked hacks:

  • BHop Speed
  • Blink
  • Boat Fly
  • Boat Speed
  • Climb / Spider
  • Elytra Fly
  • Fly
  • Jetpack
  • KillAura if it uses increased Reach
  • NoFall
  • OnGround Speed
  • Reach
  • Step
  • Timer
  • Vanilla Speed
  • WaterWalk / Jesus

Note that this list is not complete. Some checks can catch hacks they weren't even designed for, and some hacks can have many different names in different hack clients, so even if a hack is not on this list, there's a chance it's blocked anyways, especially if it's similar to the ones listed.

Spawner shops

Having animal or mob farms are quite known ways to make money. We also wanted to keep in control by making these shops rather expensive.

Easy reporting

Even though we have a strong anti cheat system, problems among players usually never stops in any form. It is always good to keep an eye on what are the things they are complaining about. That is why we have an easy reporting system for players.

  • Teleport to current and older (during the report) location of the reporter and the reported players.
  • Punish if it's an abusive report with a cooldown of configured time (the report is marked as false when this punishment is used).
  • See advanced data like gamemode, health, effects, and more of the reported player.
  • Mark the report status as: Waiting, In progress, Important or Done.
  • Archive the report (removed from the main menu but kept in the database).
  • Delete the report definitively.
  • Write and see comments of the staff on the report.
  • See messages history of participants of the report posted before the report.

Multiple version support

In survival gamemode, where players can basically are free to do almost anything in Wild world, it is hard for all the plugins keep up with version difference. To minimize the possible errors, we don't plan to support older clients like 1.8.8. But, of course, if you want to take the risk, you can easily add extra support for ancient versions as well.

There are a lot, I mean a lot more to see and discover! No premium plugin needed! Just buy, plug and play! The feature list is getting even bigger thanks to our updates! If you have any questions about anything that has to do with Ultimate Survival, please don't hesitate to contact us no matter the language you speak!

How to Buy & Use Your Licence Key

Due to security issues and to prevent piracy, we collect users IP addresses. That is how we will know who did the piracy and with that information, we are able to defend our rights in the court.

  1. Buy the setup from BuiltByBit
  2. Join our Discord server: Discord Server
  3. Your licence key will be generated and sent to you in 6 hours via BuiltByBit DM.
  4. Copy and paste your licence key into "licence-info.yml". Licence Info
  5. Enjoy your game!

How can I change my registered IP address?

Just go to our Discord server and then submit "/licence updateip " whenever you want. That's that easy!


Do you need help? Have more questions? You are always welcome to contact us!

