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265 lines (156 loc) · 6.27 KB


👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍

When contributing to this repository, first discuss the change you wish to make via github issue. note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

Table of Contents

What should I know before I get started ?

We are building open ecosystem for building visualization to find insight in data

Design Decisions

We have a semi-layered architecture, which contains from next layers: Access, Manager,Engine ,Apps (Client) and infrastructure components like Util


Encapsulate volatility over interaction with third-party systems, like databases, third-party api, etc.


Encapsulate volatility in one of the buisness's critical alghorithms , for example such tasks might be:

  • suggest best visualization for selected data
  • render selected visualization
  • match data consumer with data provicer


Encapsulate volatility in business use cases, so it's a container for various use cases, should allow easy to add and modify approach for use cases.

Allows calling use cases from outside only over message bus

To operate with each use case, managers operates with UseCase interface

For more info look at util-use-case docs


Contains end user application, like a web portal server. In other words it's a Client to our API


Encapsulate cross-cutting functionality like pub/sub, security, logging, diagnostic etc It's designed be used with any layer in a project.

Project Structure

We follow a monorepo approach

Overview of folders

app/ - contains our applications, which we run in docker image

packages/ - contains our various npm packages to be used in project packages/util-* - folders with our Utils packages packages/access-* - packages/manager-* - ... package/test-helper-* - testing helper

e2e/ - end-to-end test suite dev-ops/ - dev-ops scripts and accepts tools/ - project tools



Project Tools

In our monorepo we have multiple sub-projects, however we have a root level scripts to work with all packages together

For example in root of the project you can run next commands

  • yarn code - to run formatting check and code quality checks over all packages in a project
  • yarn format - to format all code to follow common formatting rules
  • yarn test - to run test in all packages where tests are defined
  • yarn reset - clean up and reinstall dependencies for all packages


Unit Tests

It's a must have to provive unite tests on Util layer, in some special cases they may contain integration test as well.

For more info look at Testing Docs

Integration Testing

We prefer integration testing on next layers: Access, Engine and Manager, however unit testing are welcome, but discuss it with team before starting implementation

For more info look at Testing Docs

E2E Tests

We prefer integration testing for UI instead of unit tests

For more info look at E2E Docs

How can I contribute ?

Reporting Bugs

To create a bug, follow next template:

**Steps to reproduce:**

1. Step 1
1. Step 2
1. Step 3

**Expected:** Define an expected result here

**Actual:** Define actual result here

Add label bug

Suggesting Enhancements


Define a problem here


Define a generic solution here

**Technical Solution:**

Define a techincal solution

add label enchancment

Your First Code Contribution

To contribute code to the project, first what you should have it's an issue with brief description of what your are doing, it could be an enchantment, or a bug

Branch Naming Convention

Branch name should follow next pattern {username}/gh-{IssueNumber}


User walle have an issue #18 to provide docs, so branch should have a name walle/gh-18

Commit Message Convention

Commit message should follow next pattern:

gh-{IssueNumber} <IssueTitle>
- {CommitMessageFirst}
- {CommitMessageSecond}


User walle is working on issue #18 with title Dev Prep: Provide initial documentation for the project and decided to commit changes, so message would look like

gh-18 Dev Prep: Provide initial documentation for the project
- add brach and commit message naming convention
- do something else
- and something else

In case you are done with issue, add a comment close #{IssueNumber}


gh-18 Dev Prep: Provide initial documentation for the project
- blah blah
- blah blah
- close #18

Pull Request Process

Before pushing code to the repository, go to root of the project and run yarn code Make sure that you don't have any errors as in formatting as in eslint rules

  • if you have formatting issue, just run yarn format
  • if you have eslint issues, then go back to package with issues and run yarn lint --fix, fix any other issues manually

When you have done with a task and ready for review, just push your branch and create PR over dev branch

Work in Progress

In case you are not done and still want to share your work to get early feedback, then push your branch and create PR with WIP prefix, for example WIP:Nesterone/gh-18. Remove WIP when you are ready for final review

Merge in Target branch

Before merging code in a target branch, you should pass all code review checks and status checks for PR

Current rule: is one review approval


Issue with adding dependencies

You may get a next error when trying to add new dependency:

An unexpected error occurred: "expected workspace package to exist for "@babel/traverse""

To fix it, got to root of the project and run

  1. rm yarn.lock
  2. yarn reset

Commit updated yarn's lock file