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Provides "identity management" in the admin - for example the storage of usernames and passwords.

It provides a user interface where you can create new users for the admin system. There is also an option to send these new users an e-mail with their password.

Password Complexity Rules

By default Zotonic only enforces that your password is not blank. However, if you, your clients or your business require the enforcement of Password Complexity Rules Zotonic provides it.

Configuring Password Rules

After logging into the administration interface of your site, go to the Config section and click Make a new config setting. In the dialog box, enter mod_admin_identity for Module, password_regex for Key and your password rule regular expression for Value.

After saving, your password complexity rule will now be enforced on all future password changes.

Advice on Building a Password Regular Expression

A typical password_regex should start with ^.* and end with .*$. This allows everything by default and allows you to assert typical password rules like:

  • must be at least 8 characters long (?=.{8,})
  • must have at least one number (?=.*[0-9])
  • must have at least one lower-case letter (?=.*[a-z])
  • must have at least one upper-case letter (?=.*[A-Z])
  • must have at least one special character (?=.*[@#$%^&+=])

Putting those rules all together gives the following password_regex:


To understand the mechanics behind this regular expression see Password validation with regular expressions.

Migrating from an older password hashing scheme

When you migrate a legacy system to Zotonic, you might not want your users to re-enter their password before they can log in again.

By implementing the identity_password_match notification, you can have your legacy passwords stored in a custom hashed format, and notify the system that it needs to re-hash the password to the Zotonic-native format. The notification has the following fields:

-record(identity_password_match, {rsc_id, password, hash}).

Your migration script might have set the username_pw identity with a marker tuple which contains a password in MD5 format:

m_identity:set_by_type(AccountId, username_pw, Email, {hash, md5, MD5Password}, Context),

Now, in Zotonic when you want users to log on using this MD5 stored password, you implement identity_password_match and do the md5 check like this:

observe_identity_password_match(#identity_password_match{password=Password, hash={hash, md5, Hash}}, _Context) ->
  case binary_to_list(erlang:md5(Password)) =:= z_utils:hex_decode(Hash) of
      true ->
          {ok, rehash};
      false ->
          {error, password}
observe_identity_password_match(#identity_password_match{}, _Context) ->
  undefined. %% fall through

This checks the password against the old MD5 format. The {ok, rehash} return value indicates that the user’s password hash will be updated by Zotonic, and as such, this method is only called once per user, as the next time the password is stored using Zotonic’s internal hashing scheme.