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Intermediate revision to survey module. Better questions, fixes for e…
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mworrell committed Feb 18, 2011
1 parent 6d821f2 commit d8a0252
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Showing 35 changed files with 602 additions and 115 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions modules/mod_survey/dispatch/survey
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{survey, ["survey", id], resource_page, [ {template, "survey.tpl"} ]},
{survey, ["survey", id, slug], resource_page, [ {template, "survey.tpl"} ]}
{survey_results, ["survey", "results", id], resource_page, [ {template, "survey_results.tpl"} ]},
{survey_results, ["survey", "results", id, slug], resource_page, [ {template, "survey_results.tpl"} ]},

{survey, ["survey", id], resource_page, [ {template, "survey.tpl"} ]},
{survey, ["survey", id, slug], resource_page, [ {template, "survey.tpl"} ]}
140 changes: 138 additions & 2 deletions modules/mod_survey/mod_survey.erl
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,10 @@


Expand All @@ -43,8 +46,26 @@ init(Context) ->
%% @doc Handle drag/drop events from the survey admin
event({sort, Items, {dragdrop, {survey, [{id,Id}]}, _Delegate, "survey"}}, Context) ->
event_sort(Id, Items, Context);

event({submit, {survey_submit, [{id,SurveyId}]}, FormId, _FormId}, Context) ->
survey_submit:submit(SurveyId, FormId, Context).
survey_submit:submit(SurveyId, FormId, Context);

event({postback, {survey_start, [{id, SurveyId}]}, _, _}, Context) ->
render_next_page(SurveyId, 1, [], Context);

event({submit, {survey_next, Args}, _, _}, Context) ->
{id, SurveyId} = proplists:lookup(id, Args),
{page_nr, PageNr} = proplists:lookup(page_nr, Args),
{answers, Answers} = proplists:lookup(answers, Args),
render_next_page(SurveyId, PageNr+1, Answers, Context);

event({postback, {survey_back, Args}, _, _}, Context) ->
{id, SurveyId} = proplists:lookup(id, Args),
{page_nr, PageNr} = proplists:lookup(page_nr, Args),
{answers, Answers} = proplists:lookup(answers, Args),
render_next_page(SurveyId, PageNr-1, Answers, Context).

%% support functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,6 +160,121 @@ new_question(Type) ->

%% @doc Fetch the next page from the survey, update the page view
render_next_page(Id, 0, Answers, Context) ->
z_render:update("survey-question", #render{template="_survey_start.tpl", vars=[{id,Id},{answers,Answers}]}, Context);
render_next_page(Id, PageNr, Answers, Context) ->
As = z_context:get_q_all_noz(Context),
Answers1 = lists:foldl(fun({Arg,_Val}, Acc) -> proplists:delete(Arg, Acc) end, Answers, As),
Answers2 = Answers1 ++ As,
case m_rsc:p(Id, survey, Context) of
{survey, QuestionIds, Questions} ->
Qs = [ proplists:get_value(QId, Questions) || QId <- QuestionIds ],
Qs1 = [ Q || Q <- Qs, Q /= undefined ],

case fetch_page(PageNr, Qs1) of
{L,NewPageNr} when is_list(L) ->
% A new list of questions, PageNr might be another than expected
Vars = [ {id, Id},
{page_nr, NewPageNr},
{questions, [ question_to_props(Q) || Q <- L ]},
{pages, count_pages(Qs1)},
{answers, Answers2}],
z_render:update("survey-question", #render{template="_survey_question_page.tpl", vars=Vars}, Context);
last ->
% That was the last page. Show a thank you and save the result.
case do_submit(Id, QuestionIds, Questions, Answers2, Context) of
ok ->
z_render:update("survey-question", #render{template="_survey_end.tpl", vars=[{id,Id}]}, Context);
{error, _Reason} ->
z_render:update("survey-question", #render{template="_survey_error.tpl", vars=[{id,Id}]}, Context)
_NoSurvey ->
% No survey defined, show an error page.
z_render:update("survey-question", #render{template="_survey_empty.tpl", vars=[{id,Id}]}, Context)

%% @doc Count the number of pages in the survey
count_pages([]) ->
count_pages(L) ->
count_pages(L, 1).

count_pages([], N) ->
count_pages([#survey_question{type=pagebreak}|L], N) ->
L1 = lists:dropwhile(fun(#survey_question{type=pagebreak}) -> true; (_) -> false end, L),
count_pages(L1, N+1);
count_pages([_|L], N) ->
count_pages(L, N).

%% @doc Fetch the Nth page. Could return another page due to jumps in the pagebreaks.
fetch_page(_Nr, []) ->
fetch_page(Nr, L) ->
fetch_page(1, Nr, L).

fetch_page(_, _, []) ->
fetch_page(N, Nr, L) when N >= Nr ->
L1 = lists:takewhile(fun(#survey_question{type=pagebreak}) -> false; (_) -> true end, L),
{L1, N};
fetch_page(N, Nr, [#survey_question{type=pagebreak}|L]) when N < Nr ->
L1 = lists:dropwhile(fun(#survey_question{type=pagebreak}) -> true; (_) -> false end, L),
fetch_page(N+1, Nr, L1);
fetch_page(N, Nr, [_|L]) ->
fetch_page(N, Nr, L).

%% @doc Map a question to template friendly properties
question_to_props(Q) ->
{type, Q#survey_question.type},
{question, Q#survey_question.question},
{text, Q#survey_question.text},
{html, Q#survey_question.html},
{is_required, Q#survey_question.is_required}

%% @doc Collect all answers per question, save to the database.
do_submit(SurveyId, QuestionIds, Questions, Answers, Context) ->
{FoundAnswers, Missing} = collect_answers(QuestionIds, Questions, Answers),
case Missing of
[] ->
m_survey:insert_survey_submission(SurveyId, FoundAnswers, Context),
_ ->
{error, notfound}

%% @doc Collect all answers, report any missing answers.
%% @type collect_answers(proplist(), Context) -> {AnswerList, MissingIdsList}
collect_answers(QIds, Qs, Answers) ->
collect_answers(QIds, Qs, Answers, [], []).

collect_answers([], _Qs, _Answers, FoundAnswers, Missing) ->
{FoundAnswers, Missing};
collect_answers([QId|QIds], Qs, Answers, FoundAnswers, Missing) ->
Q = proplists:get_value(QId, Qs),
Module = module_name(Q),
case Module:answer(Q, Answers) of
{ok, none} -> collect_answers(QIds, Qs, Answers, FoundAnswers, Missing);
{ok, AnswerList} -> collect_answers(QIds, Qs, Answers, [{QId, AnswerList}|FoundAnswers], Missing);
{error, missing} -> collect_answers(QIds, Qs, Answers, FoundAnswers, [QId|Missing])

module_name(#survey_question{type=Type}) ->

datamodel() ->
{categories, [
Expand Down
83 changes: 62 additions & 21 deletions modules/mod_survey/models/m_survey.erl
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,12 @@ m_find_value(Id, #m{value=questions}, Context) ->
question_to_value(QuestionIds, Questions, []);
undefined ->
m_find_value(results, #m{value=undefined} = M, _Context) ->
m_find_value(Id, #m{value=results}, Context) ->
prepare_results(Id, Context).

%% @doc Transform a m_config value to a list, used for template loops
%% @spec m_to_list(Source, Context)
Expand All @@ -61,45 +66,79 @@ m_value(#m{value=undefined}, _Context) ->

%% @doc Transform a list of survey questions to template friendly proplists
%% @doc Transform a list of survey questions to admin template friendly proplists
question_to_value([], _, Acc) ->
question_to_value([Id|Ids], Qs, Acc) ->
Q = proplists:get_value(Id, Qs),
question_to_value(Ids, Qs, [question_to_value1(Id, Q)|Acc]).

question_to_value1(Id, #survey_question{type=Type, name=Name, html=Html}) ->
{Id, [{id, Id}, {type, Type}, {name, Name}, {html, Html}]};
question_to_value1(Id, undefined) ->
{Id, [{id, Id}, {type, undefined}]}.
question_to_value1(Id, Q) ->
{Id, [{id, Id} | mod_survey:question_to_props(Q)]}.

%% @doc Save a survey, connect to the current visitor and user (if any)
%% @doc Save a survey, connect to the current user (if any)
insert_survey_submission(SurveyId, Answers, Context) ->
UserId = z_acl:user(Context),
%% Delete previous answers of this user, if any
case UserId of
undefined -> nop;
_Other -> z_db:q("delete from survey_answer where survey_id = $1 and user_id = $2", [SurveyId, UserId], Context)
undefined ->
PersistentId = z_context:persistent_id(Context),
z_db:q("delete from survey_answer where survey_id = $1 and persistent = $2", [SurveyId, PersistentId], Context);
_Other ->
z_db:q("delete from survey_answer where survey_id = $1 and user_id = $2", [SurveyId, UserId], Context),
PersistentId = undefined
insert_questions(SurveyId, UserId, Answers, Context).
insert_questions(SurveyId, UserId, PersistentId, Answers, Context).

insert_questions(_SurveyId, _UserId, [], _Context) ->
insert_questions(_SurveyId, _UserId, _PersistentId, [], _Context) ->
insert_questions(SurveyId, UserId, [{QuestionId, Answers}|Rest], Context) ->
insert_answers(SurveyId, UserId, QuestionId, Answers, Context),
insert_questions(SurveyId, UserId, Rest, Context).
insert_questions(SurveyId, UserId, PersistentId, [{QuestionId, Answers}|Rest], Context) ->
insert_answers(SurveyId, UserId, PersistentId, QuestionId, Answers, Context),
insert_questions(SurveyId, UserId, PersistentId, Rest, Context).

insert_answers(_SurveyId, _UserId, _QuestionId, [], _Context) ->
insert_answers(_SurveyId, _UserId, _PersistentId, _QuestionId, [], _Context) ->
insert_answers(SurveyId, UserId, QuestionId, [{Name, Answer}|As], Context) ->
insert_answers(SurveyId, UserId, PersistentId, QuestionId, [{Name, Answer}|As], Context) ->
Args = case Answer of
{text, Text} -> [SurveyId, UserId, QuestionId, Name, undefined, Text];
Value -> [SurveyId, UserId, QuestionId, Name, z_convert:to_list(Value), undefined]
{text, Text} -> [SurveyId, UserId, PersistentId, QuestionId, Name, undefined, Text];
Value -> [SurveyId, UserId, PersistentId, QuestionId, Name, z_convert:to_list(Value), undefined]
z_db:q("insert into survey_answer (survey_id, user_id, question, name, value, text) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)", Args, Context),
insert_answers(SurveyId, UserId, QuestionId, As, Context).
z_db:q("insert into survey_answer (survey_id, user_id, persistent, question, name, value, text)
values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)",
insert_answers(SurveyId, UserId, PersistentId, QuestionId, As, Context).

prepare_results(SurveyId, Context) ->
case m_rsc:p(SurveyId, survey, Context) of
{survey, QuestionIds, Questions} ->
Stats = survey_stats(SurveyId, Context),
prepare_result(proplists:get_value(QId, Questions),
proplists:get_value(z_convert:to_binary(QId), Stats))
|| QId <- QuestionIds
undefined ->

prepare_result(Question, Stats) ->
prep_chart(Question, Stats),

prep_chart(_Q, undefined) ->
prep_chart(Q, Stats) ->
M = mod_survey:module_name(Q),
M:prep_chart(Q, Stats).

%% @doc Fetch the aggregate answers of a survey, omitting the open text answers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,6 +176,7 @@ install(Context) ->
#column_def{name=id, type="serial", is_nullable=false},
#column_def{name=survey_id, type="integer", is_nullable=false},
#column_def{name=user_id, type="integer", is_nullable=true},
#column_def{name=persistent, type="character varying", length=32, is_nullable=true},
#column_def{name=question, type="character varying", length=32, is_nullable=false},
#column_def{name=name, type="character varying", length=32, is_nullable=false},
#column_def{name=value, type="character varying", length=80, is_nullable=true},
Expand All @@ -153,11 +193,12 @@ install(Context) ->
z_db:equery("alter table survey_answer add
constraint fk_survey_answer_user_id foreign key (user_id) references rsc(id)
on update cascade on delete cascade", Context),

%% For aggregating answers to survey questions (group by name)
z_db:equery("create index survey_answer_survey_name_key on survey_answer(survey_id, name)", Context),
z_db:equery("create index survey_answer_survey_question_key on survey_answer(survey_id, question)", Context),
z_db:equery("create index survey_answer_survey_user_key on survey_answer(survey_id, user_id)", Context),
z_db:equery("create index survey_answer_survey_persistent_key on survey_answer(survey_id, persistent)", Context),


24 changes: 21 additions & 3 deletions modules/mod_survey/questions/survey_q_likert.erl
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@


new() ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,8 +56,24 @@ render(Q) ->

answer(#survey_question{name=Name}, Context) ->
case z_context:get_q(Name, Context) of
answer(#survey_question{name=Name}, Answers) ->
case proplists:get_value(Name, Answers) of
[C] when C >= $1, C =< $5 -> {ok, [{Name, C - $0}]};
undefined -> {error, missing}

prep_chart(_Q, []) ->
prep_chart(_Q, [{_, Vals}]) ->
Labels = [<<"1">>,<<"2">>,<<"3">>,<<"4">>,<<"5">>],
LabelsDisplay = [<<"Strongly agree">>,<<"Agree">>,<<"Neutral">>,<<"Disagree">>,<<"Strongly disagree">>],

Values = [ proplists:get_value(C, Vals, 0) || C <- Labels ],
Sum = case lists:sum(Values) of 0 -> 1; N -> N end,
Perc = [ round(V*100/Sum) || V <- Values ],
{values, lists:zip(LabelsDisplay, Values)},
{type, "pie"},
{data, lists:zip(LabelsDisplay, Perc)}
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions modules/mod_survey/questions/survey_q_longanswer.erl
Expand Up @@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ render(Q) ->

answer(Q, Context) ->
answer(Q, Answers) ->
Name =,
case z_context:get_q(Name, Context) of
case proplists:get_value(Name, Answers) of
undefined -> {error, missing};
Value -> case z_string:trim(Value) of
[] -> {error, missing};
Expand Down

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