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Laravel Actor

A brand option to have auto generated specific action fields in model. Using this package helps you universalize fields along your team.


In order to add the capability to your laravel application, you should require it via composer.

composer require tedon/laravel-actor

Publish configuration file

By publishing configuration file, it is possible to edit predefined custom shortcut macros.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tedon\LaravelActor\Providers\ActorServiceProvider" --tag="actor-config"


Basic Usage

You can use actor as a macro in migrations. Verb form of action is passed as the first argument.

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

In the provided example, $table->actor('test'); will create fields tester_id and tester_type

Shortcut Macros

You can use some macros as shortcuts. by default, creator and editor macros is defined.

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

In the provided example, fields creator_id, creator_type, editor_id and editor_type is created for users table.

Define Custom Shortcut Macros

use the provided config file to add or remove custom shortcut macros.

return [
    'custom-macros' => [

In the provided example, the create macro is remove and the approve macro is added to the code;

Model Traits

There is a trait provided in the package: Actorable. The actorable function is defined to handle auto-set feature.

use \Tedon\LaravelActor\Traits\Actorable;

class User
    use Actorable;
    public function actorable(): array
        return [
            'actions' => [

In the example above, edit-related fields is set on model update automatically. Currently, The create action is also available to be auto-set.

Retrieve Actor Data

Though you can access to fields directly by field name, there are some functions to access actor data.

Available Methods:

The following methods is added by using Actorable trait on the model. It is totally clear that the macros in migration should be used before to generate related columns.

Get Actor ID:

Retrieve actor id of given action.

getActorId(string $action): int|string;

//  example output: 13

Get Actor Type:

Retrieve actor type of given action.

getActorType(string $action): ?string;

//  example output: "\App\Models\User"

Get Acted At:

Retrieve the time when given action is acted at.

getActedAt(string $action): ?Carbon;

//  example output: "2023-04-30 15:30:04"

Get Actor:

Retrieve the actor model.

getActor(string $action): ?Model;

Get Act:

Returns an array containing all above data.

getAct(string $action): array;

//  example output: [
//    'editor_id' => 13,
//    'editor_type' => "\App\Models\User",
//    'edited_at' => "2023-04-30 15:30:04",
//  ]

Set Actor Data

The action field can be set with methods below.

Touch Action

This method is provided to set all action fields at the same time with the authenticated user.

touchAction(string $action, bool $isForce = false): void;

Clear Action

This method is provided to clear all action fields at the same time.

cleanAction(string $action): void;

Check and filter Actor Data

These accessories are used for checking and filtering action data

Check If Is Acted By

This method is used for checking if the model is acted by specific user on a specific action

isActedBy(string $action, ?Authenticatable $user): bool;

returns true if the model is acted on the action by the given user.

Acted By Scope

There is a scope provided for filtering the actorable model data to get record with the given actor on the given action.

    ->actedBy('create', $user)

The expression above scopes actorable model query with the given action and given authenticatable user.


The Laravel Actor package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.