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Reserved words

ZhuPing edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 12 revisions
  • _null_key_: Used for json path does not exist
          "$(body).superKey": {
            "Equals": "_null_key_"
  • _null_value_: Used for json path exists, but value is null
          "$(body).superKey": {
            "Equals": "_null_value_"
  • _ignore_assertion_: Used when want to ignore specific assertion for a case
          "$(body).superKey": {
            "Equals": "_ignore_assertion_"
  • __keys_count_: Used to count the keys (direct child keys) for a map or array
          "$(body).superKey._keys_count_": {
            "Equals": 5
          "$(body)._keys_count_": {
            "Equals": 12
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