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Change Log

09/08/14 Version 1.6.5 - Two Node Mode - If the first line of the input only has two columns, twonode mode is set automatically - The default edge length is now set to 1.5 instead of the old 3, which should make for more compact graphs by default - Added edge label capability for GDF and DOT output! (Not GraphSON yet) label.edge=$fields[2] - Can duplicate edges if they have multiple labels: (only for GDF!) label.duplicate=1; In DOT it will chose the FIRST label used for the edge! 07/08/13 Version 1.6.4 - GraphSON support - Adding GraphSON data format support for tools like Helios.js -j : on the command line or graphson = 1 : in property file - Fixing event node size regex check 04/30/13 Version 1.6.3 - Minor edits - Removal of additional scripts - This version is the first one not to bundle the sample data, perl scripts, and log analysis scripts anymore Find them on github at: and - Fixed issue with color names - Added xlabels by default. This way, labels are displayed outside of the node itself, not inside anymore. You can turn this off by using xlabels = 0 in the configuration file. - Fixing output bug where target printed twice 10/16/11 Version 1.6.2 - GDF support - Removed finally. Sorry, but I don't think anyone is using LGL anymore anyways. Get it from CVS if you need it. - Adding GDF data format support for tools like Gephi. -k : on the command line or gdf = 1 : in property file 12/02/10 Version 1.6.1 - Paul Halliday patch - Adding new shape: Mrecord - Adding new meta information. You can now input 5 columns where the last two or three (depending on whether you are in two or three column mode) are meta data that you can use in the configuration file. 03/22/10 Version 1.6.0 - Adding edge sizes (size.edge=) Default edge size is one. No scaling is done! Sizes are absolute! - Fixing a bug with the "not a color" message. Should only show if some color was actually set - label.(source|event|target)=0 now turns off labels for real. - Added a DEBUG variable - New command line functions: -q : Quiet mode. Suppress all output. Attention! You should use -w to write output to a file! -i file : Read input from a file, instead of from STDIN -w file : Write output to a file, instead of to STDOUT - Adding get_severity() function for configuration files. (By request from Paul Halliday) color.source=get_severity($fields[2]) color.source=get_severity($fields[0],20) Second, optional argument, is for the maximum number of steps. The highest severity is red, the lowest is green, the ones inbetween shades.

07/30/08 Version - DAVIX special release - Deleted experimental scripts: - - - Removing debug statements from afterglow code - Fixing various little issues in afterglow (see source for more information) - Allowing hex numbers as colors (new graphviz feature)

09/08/07 Version 1.5.9 - Adding property to add a URL element to nodes. See for an example. - Adding label property to change labels on nodes. This overwrites the old label.(source|event|destination) to use not only boolean values. If you are using [0|1] it turns labels on or off. Otherwise it uses the expression as the label - New is also that you can define "label" which defines the label for all the nodes

06/10/07 Version 1.5.8 - Nodes can have a size now: (size.[source|target|event]=) Size is accumulative! So if a node shows up multiple times, the values are summed up!! This is unlike any other property in AfterGlow where values are replaced. - The maximum node size can be defined as well, either with a property: (maxnodesize=) or via the command line: -m= The size is scaled to a max of 'maxsize'. Note that if you are only setting the maxsize and no special sizes for nodes Afterglow will blow the nodes up to optimal size so the labels will fit. There is a limit also, if you want the source nodes to be a max of say 1, you cannot have the target nodes be scaled to fit the labels. They will have a max size of 1 and if you don't use any expression, they will be of size 1. This can be a bit annoying ;) Be cautious with sizes. The number you provide in the assignment is not the actual size that the node will get, but this number will get scaled! - One of the problems with assignments is that they might get overwritten with later nodes For example, you have these entries: A,B A,C and your properties are: color="blue" if ($fileds[1] eq "B") color="red" you would really expect the color for A to be blue as you specified that explicitly. However, as the other entry comes later, the color will end up being red. AfterGlow takes care of this. It will determine that the second color assignment is a catch-all, identified by the fact that there is no "if" statement. If this happens, it will re-use the more specific condition specified earlier. I hope I am making sense and the code really does what you would expect ;) - Define whether AfterGlow should sum node sizes or not. (sum.[source|target|event]=[0|1];) by default summarization is enabled. - Added capability to define thresholds per node type in properties file (threshold.[source|event|target]=;) - Added capability to change the node shape: shape.[source|event|target]= (box|polygon|circle|ellipse|invtriangle|octagon|pentagon|diamond|point|triangle|plaintext) - Fixed an issue where, if you use -t to only process two columns and you can use the third in the property file for size or color. The third column was not carried through, however. This is fixed! - The color assignment heuristic changed a bit. Along the same lines that the size assignment works. Catch-alls are not taking presedence anymore. You might want to take this into account when defining colors. The catch-all will only be used, if there was never a more specific color assignment that was evaluated for this node. For example: color="gray50" if ($fields[2] !~ /(CON|FIN|CLO)/) color="white" This is used with a three-column dataset, but only two are displayed (-t). If the first condition ever evaluated to true for a node, the last one will not hit, although the data might have a node that evaluates to false in the first assignment and then the latter one would grip. As a catch-all it does get superior treatment. This is really what you would intuitively assume. - Just another note on color. Watch out, if you are definig colors not based on the fields in the data, but some other conditions that might change per record, you will get the wrong results as AfterGlow uses a cache for colorswhich keys off the concatenation of all the field values. Just a note! Anyone having problems with this? I might have to change the heuristic for caching then. Let me know.

02/08/07 Version 1.5.7 - With this release I am not bundling the scripts in the database directory anymore. Get them from CVS if you need them. - Adding label to the graph (-a command line option) - Color nodes which are source AND target differently (color.sourcetarget=...) - Added Text::CSV to parse input data (Thanks Neil)

07/03/06 Version 1.5.6 - Fan out filtering introduced - Introducing subnet() function - Introducing field() function - Code optimization for speedup! - Configuration option to define variables (variable=) - Removed regex() operator (duplicate of match()) - Fixed a few bugs for clustering

03/09/06 Version 1.4 - Fixing omit-threshold bug. Only draw edges if BOTH nodes have a higher threshold, not just one of them. - Introducing cluster capability. This will cluster multiple nodes into one; cluster=expression cluster.{source,event,target}=expression - Introduction of functions to work with colors and clusters: any_regex() regex() match() regex_replace()

03/05/06 Version 1.3 - Adding capability to define colors independent of the node (color=...) - Introducing label.{source,event,target}=[0|1] to disable labels


graph visualization tool






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