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Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. [source]

I am a high schooler doing Advent of Code as a fun exercise in programming, not a professional programmer attempting to get a high score.

I am trying to do each day in a different programming language, and make each solution as idiomatic as I can for each language.

Solution Overview

Click the language name for details on how to run the solutions. Click "Pt 1" for part 1 or "Pt 2" for part 2.

Day Solutions Language Comments
1 Pt 1, Pt 2 Javascript This is a very inefficient solution, but it still only takes ~0.519s. I heard of Advent of Code the day I started this challenge, so I handled input by directly formatting it as an array. I still need to go back and make it parse the input directly.
2 Pt 1, Pt 2 C On my system, this solution takes 0.011s. It's amazing how much my standards drop when I start using Javascript.
3 Pts 1 & 2 Ruby This was me experimenting with OOP, but I don't think I executed it that well. I have not used Ruby in a while. My solution could use several improvements.
4 Pt 1, Pt 2 Python This took me two hours because I had a typo in two characters.
5 (original) Pt 1, Pt 2 Javascript I tried to do this one from challenge open. I placed 8460 in part 1 and 8816 in part 2. I recorded me solving it, and looking back, I spent most of the time not understanding the directions. I think I will continue solving the problems when I am wide awake, rather than trying to make a rush at midnight.
5 (optimized) Pts 1 & 2 Go After realizing how bad my original solution was, I improved it in Go. Coming from Javascript, I was originally annoyed by Go not letting me leave variables unused, but I realize now that it actually prevented some errors I likely would have made in a less strict language. I also thought Go's implementation of strings would be more annoying, but I figured it out and it wasn't that bad. Go is also impressively fast. Overall, I am impressed with Go.
6 Pt 1, Pt 2 PHP This is my first time using PHP. I thought I would hate it more, but it's alright for short programs. Using $ for variables isn't great, but isn't that bad. Being on a unix system might have improved my experience.

This project has been paused. Due to exams and projects, I do not have the time to be working on this at the moment. Oh well.

Out of all my solutions, I am most happy with Day 2, and Day 5 (optimized).

My friend Kevin is also doing Advent of Code, all in Javascript. You can check out his solutions here