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Zscaler Posture Control (ZPC) - Vulnerable Cloudformation Template

Maintained by Zsclaer-BD-SA Team

This is "Vulnerable by Design" Cloudformation repository.

Table of Contents


This repository was built to enable DevSecOps design and implement a sustainable misconfiguration prevention strategy. It can be used to test a policy-as-code framework, inline-linters, pre-commit hooks or other code scanning methods.


aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name zpcstack --template-body file://zscfn.yaml --region us-east-1 --parameters ParameterKey=Password,ParameterValue=MyPassword10 --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Expect provisioning to take at least 5 minutes.

Multiple stacks can be deployed simultaniously by changing the --stack-name and adding an Environment parameter:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name zpcstack2 --template-body file://zscfn.yaml --region us-east-1 --parameters ParameterKey=Password,ParameterValue=MyPassword10 ParameterKey=Environment,ParameterValue=dev2 --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Important notes

Before you proceed please take a note of these warning:

⚠️ These examples creates intentionally vulnerable AWS resources into your account.

DO NOT deploy this template examples in a production environment or alongside any sensitive AWS resources. All passwords in this repo are used as an example and should not be used in production


  • aws cli


Contribution is welcomed!

We would love to hear about more ideas on how to find vulnerable infrastructure-as-code design patterns.


Zscaler-BD-SA Team builds and maintains this repository to encourage the adoption of policy-as-code.

If you need direct support you can contact us at

Existing vulnerabilities (Auto-Generated)

check_id file resource check_name guideline
0 ZS-AWS-00023 /zscfn.yaml AWS::KMS::Key.LogsKey Ensure rotation for customer created CMKs is enabled
1 ZS-AWS-00028 /zscfn.yaml AWS::EC2::Volume.WebHostStorage Ensure that encryption is enabled for EBS volumes
2 ZS-AWS-00054 /zscfn.yaml AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.WebNodeSG Ensure that Security Groups does not have unrestricted public access
3 ZS-AWS-00044 /zscfn.yaml AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.WebNodeSG Ensure that Security Groups does not have unrestricted HTTP access
4 ZS-AWS-00020 /zscfn.yaml AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup.WebNodeSG nsure that Security Groups does not have unrestricted SSH access
5 ZS-AWS-00034 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.LogsBucket Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
6 ZS-AWS-00034 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.OperationsBucket Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
7 ZS-AWS-00034 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.DataBucket Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
8 ZS-AWS-00034 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.DataScienceBucket Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
9 ZS-AWS-00034 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.FinancialsBucket Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
10 ZS-AWS-00034 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.FlowBucket Ensure that lifecycle configuration is applied to S3 buckets
11 ZS-AWS-00018 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.LogsBucket Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
12 ZS-AWS-00018 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.OperationsBucket Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
13 ZS-AWS-00018 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.DataBucket Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
14 ZS-AWS-00018 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.FinancialsBucket Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
15 ZS-AWS-00018 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.FlowBucket Ensure that S3 buckets have access logging enabled
16 ZS-AWS-00025 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.FlowBucket Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
17 ZS-AWS-00025 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.DataBucket Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
18 ZS-AWS-00025 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.DataScienceBucket Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
19 ZS-AWS-00025 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.DataScienceBucket Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
20 ZS-AWS-00025 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.FlowBucket Ensure default server side encryption is enabled for S3 buckets
21 ZS-AWS-00030 /zscfn.yaml AWS::EC2::Instance.EC2Instance Ensure that EC2 has detailed monitoring enabled
21 ZS-AWS-00030 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.DBAppInstance Ensure that EC2 has detailed monitoring enabled
22 ZS-AWS-00001 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.EC2Instance Ensure that IAM instance roles used to provision access to AWS resources
23 ZS-AWS-00001 /zscfn.yaml AWS::S3::Bucket.DBAppInstance Ensure that IAM instance roles used to provision access to AWS resources
24 ZS-AWS-00032 /zscfn.yaml AWS::RDS::DBInstance.DefaultDB Ensure that backup retention is enabled for RDS Instances


This is "Vulnerable by Design" CloudFormation repository.







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