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1Password Connect SDK C#

Access your 1Password items in your dotnet applications through your self-hosted 1Password Connect server.

Get started

The 1Password Connect SDK C# provides your dotnet applications access to the 1Password Connect API hosted on your infrastructure and leverages the power of 1Password Secrets Automation.

This library can be used by dotnet applications to access and manage items in 1Password vaults.

💾 Installation

You can install the SDK using NUGET.

dotnet add pacakge 1Password.Connect.Sdk

If you want to integrate with HttpClientFactory and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

dotnet add pacakge 1Password.Connect.Extensions.DependencyInjection

✨ Get Started

Refer to for code examples on how to start using this library.

🌐 Integration with ASP.NET Core (KeyVault)

Refer to for examples

💙 Community & Support

🔐 Security

1Password requests you practice responsible disclosure if you discover a vulnerability. Please submit discoveries via BugCrowd.

For information about security practices, please visit our Security homepage.