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File metadata and controls

234 lines (164 loc) · 8.47 KB


CADAM stands for Cluster And Distributed Application Monitor. It's mainly a debugging/monitoring tool for distributed applications but can be used for just monitoring a cluster.
It uses the event_collector module from the Event Tracker application and basically implements a general event_viewer behaviour that is used by other modules that process the collected events.
The benefit of using the event_collector is that reporting an event adds almost no overhead to a application when it is not being monitored (see et:report_event/5). This way you can leave debug or info reports in a production system without slowing it down and run CADAM to monitor it when needed.

Currently the only fully workable module is the metrics module (cadam_metrics). This module collects metrics data from the nodes in a cluster (eg. memory usage, cpu load or any other metrics data that your application exposes) and shows it real time on charts in a web interface using SmoothieCharts.
There's also a logger module (cadam_logger) but at this point all it does is it logs the events into a text file.



Needs Erlang R13B03 or higher. Needs pam and ssl development packages to build Yaws. Since the backend sends data to the web GUI via a websocket you will need a WebSocket capable browser (eg. Chrome or Firefox 4.0). You can also access the collected metrics data via an API in which case there's obviously no browser requirement.

Clone or Download and Unpack

git clone git:// cadam


after downloading 
tar -xvzf cadam.tar.gz



Edit conf/cadam.config

You only need to edit this if the cluster you are monitoring is using a different version of the Erlang VM then CADAM is running on or the Event Tracker application (which is part of a standard Erlang install) is not available on the cluster nodes. In this case see comments in the config file.

Edit conf/cadam_cli.conf

If you are running CADAM from the command line (not from the Erlang shell) then edit this to set up the node name and the cookie.


From the Erlang shell

erl -name t -setcookie metis -pa ebin -boot start_sasl -config conf/cadam
Erlang R14B03 (erts-5.8.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]  
Eshell V5.8.4  (abort with ^G)

Start CADAM app

(> cadam:start().

=INFO REPORT==== 8-Jul-2011::19:21:02 ===  
Yaws: Listening to for <1> virtual servers:  
 - http://localhost:9000 under priv/www  
Started webserver on port 9000  
Access web gui at: http://localhost:9000/gui  

Connect to a node on the cluster you want to monitor

(> cadam:connect(  
(> nodes().  

Start metrics collection

(> cadam:start_module(cadam_metrics).  
Started metrics generators on all connected nodes  

List of metrics that are being collected

(> cadam_metrics:get_all_metrics().

Queues of collected values for a metric (explained later)

(> cadam_metrics:get_queues({'',queue_length}).  

Stop metrics module

(> cadam:stop_module(cadam_metrics).  

Stop CADAM app

(> cadam:stop().  

From the command line

>./cadam_cli help
Usage: cadam_cli {start|stop|ping|help|nodes|start-module|stop-module|viewer|connect}

>./cadam_cli start

>./cadam_cli connect

>./cadam_cli nodes
Nodes connected to the CADAM node:

>./cadam_cli start-module cadam_metrics
Starting module: cadam_metrics ... {ok,<6595.98.0>}


The Web GUI can be accessed at:


This can be used when the metrics module is running.
The GUI is pretty simple. It show the list of metrics on the left side and there are chart containers on the right side. Drag a metric from the list and drop it onto an empty container. This will subscribe to a feed of the metric's collected values and show it in a chart updated real time.


Metric values are collected and stored in linked queues. A queue collects values for a certain time interval then averages the collected values, stores this average and also sends it to processes that subscribed to this queue.
The metric module currently has 3 queues for each collected metric with time intervals of 2 sec, 1 min, 5 min. The 2 sec queue sends its average to the 1 min queue at timeout and the 1 min queue sends its average to the 5 min queue. Therefore a process subscribing to the 1 min queue (queue number 2) will receive {QueuePid, tsqueue, Average} messages every 1 minute.


can be used to see the list of collected values (head of the list is the most current one).

cadam_metrics:subscribe_to_queue(MetricID, QueueNum, Pid).

will subscribe the Pid process to a queue.

cadam_metrics:unsubscribe_from_queue(MetricID, QueueNum, Pid).

will unsubscribe the Pid process from a queue.

Creating your own metrics

Include cadam_macros.hrl located in the cadam/include/ directory in your module.

Use the ?APP_METRICS(Name, Value) macro to report a metric value to CADAM.




         ?APP_METRICS(temperature, random:uniform(1000))

Monitoring a Riak cluster

A Riak release does not include the Event Tracker application therefore the needed modules have to be loaded into the Riak Erlang VM. This is done by setting the netload_et option to true in conf/cadam.config. This will work if you installed Riak from source and compiled CADAM with the same Erlang version.

If you are using R14 something to run CADAM and installed a prepackaged Riak (eg. from the Ubuntu repo) you might have to do the following trick.
In addition to the above the CADAM node and the Riak nodes need to use the same Event Tracker beam files. This means that if you are using R14B03 to run CADAM those beams won't load into an older VM (eg. Riak installed from an older Ubuntu repo. that was compiled with R13B03). To handle this you can take the beam files of an Erlang R13B03 installation (they are under erlang/lib/et-x.y.z/ebin, copy them to cadam/priv/et_beams and set et_beam_path to "priv/et_beams" in conf/cadam.config. The included beams were compiled on 64bit R13B03. Ideally you would also compile cadam/src/cadam_metrics_generators.erl on the older Erlang VM and put it into the same dir. since this module also gets loaded in the Riak Erlang VM, however I did not have to do this when running CADAM on R14B03 and using Riak from the Ubuntu repo.

CADAM by default will monitor memory usage and process count on all nodes. I'm sure there are some more interesting metrics that could be monitored on a Riak cluster I just did not get to figure that out yet. Also the Riak source could be modified to expose some metrics data.